10 Best Healing Colors to Help You Feel Better

Are you looking for healing colors? We’ve created a thorough guide that includes some of the most effective colors for healing!

Chromotherapy is the science of using different colors to change or maintain the body’s vibrations to a frequency that represents health and harmony. These color rays may or may not be visible to the naked eye.

They can be applied to the body physically (via light exposure) or mentally (through suggestion, meditation, or visualization).

Healing colors have been used without realizing it since ancient times to improve mood or relax. As a result, healing colors were the first type of therapy used by humans.

The sun’s rays kept people warm when they walked barefoot on the ground. The color of the fauna and flora contributed to a positive mood. Finally, the sound of the waves helped them sleep. The sound of rain also helped them sleep better.

So, despite their lack of knowledge, early people had the wisdom to live by nature’s laws. That is why color is fundamental to any healing system.

In today’s article, we’ll look at healing colors and how their meaning is linked to color symbolism and significance.

However, different people may react differently to the same color.

Disclaimer: This article is solely for informational purposes. It is not intended to prescribe medical solutions or to take the place of your healthcare provider.

10 Healing Colors That Will Make You Stand Out

The application of color to the body has various therapeutic and healing effects. The chakra colors have been used to sort the best healing colors.



Red is a healing color that conveys vitality and passion. Red is an exciting, energizing, and physically stimulating color. Furthermore, red is associated with strong emotions such as passion, love, and lust.

Red is associated with the root chakra, also known as the base chakra or red chakra. The red chakra is located at the base of your spine and is the source of energy for survival. Furthermore, the red chakra governs your health and well-being.

Because motion is impossible without heat, red, the element of fire, is one of the most important healing colors.

The color red, known as a liver energizer, is frequently used in color therapy because it can increase blood circulation while also stimulating the cerebrospinal fluid and sympathetic nervous system. Furthermore, the heat produced by the red rays vitalizes and energizes the body.

The color red stimulates and excites the nerves as well as the circulatory system. Unfortunately, it also causes an increase in blood pressure and the release of adrenaline. Because of this, using red as a healing color is not advised if you have hypertension or tachycardia.

As a result, red is beneficial for various blood disorders and anemia types.

Furthermore, red stimulates the sensory nerves and has the potential to heal deficiencies in smell, sight, hearing, or taste.

On the other hand, red is an excellent healer of the muscular system and the left cerebral brain hemisphere. In addition, the heat of red rays is an excellent anti-irritant for contracted muscles.

Psychologists associated red with health, fire, anger, temper, and danger. 

It has the power to stimulate, excite, and irritate. That is why it may provide you with a sense of power. It can also be associated with rage and anger. 

Red is a great morale booster because it is warm, safe, and bold. Furthermore, it is regarded as a valuable tool for self-assertion.

Red is one of the best healing colors for treating diseases such as:

  • Anemia
  • Bronchitis
  • Blood disorders
  • Asthma of the Bronchial Tract
  • Cold (if there is no fever)
  • Constipation
  • Melancholia

Red should be avoided in the following situations:

  • Excited temperaments
  • Hypertension
  • Inflammatory disorders
  • Neuritis (inflammation of the nerve)

When used excessively, red can make you feel exhausted or feverish. Because of this, it should be paired with blue.



Orange represents health, warmth, courage, and joy. This healing color is known for being cheerful, warm, and innovative.

It’s interesting to note that orange and yellow share some characteristics: they’re both cheerful, uplifting, and extroverted.

Orange is a healing color associated with feelings of warmth. Furthermore, orange promotes happiness and a positive attitude. It also improves digestion and the metabolic system.

The sacral chakra, also known as the orange chakra, is associated with orange. The orange chakra governs our physical health and well-being, ensuring that our bodies are functional and active.

Orange has long been used in color healing therapy because it contains both red and yellow and thus provides the benefits of both colors.

Orange is beneficial to digestion and the metabolic system. It’s also a great apettite booster. In addition, orange, a color halfway between red and yellow, stimulates the thyroid gland and acts as a respiratory stimulant.

Furthermore, orange has an antispasmodic effect and may help you manage muscle spasms or cramps.

Compared to red, orange can stimulate and raise the pulse rate without increasing blood pressure.

Orange is a great color for healing from a psychological standpoint because it combines physical energy with mental qualities. It is also the color associated with ideas and mental concepts.

Orange can heal and strengthen the etheric body. Moreover, it promotes general well-being and cheerfulness.

The color orange is used to treat a variety of diseases, including:

  • Colds
  • Thyroid glands that are not working properly
  • Rheumatism
  • Constipation
  • Asthma
  • Mental fatigue
  • Infections



The maximum reflectivity of all colors is achieved by yellow. It is a fantastic mind-stimulating color that focuses on creativity, optimism, and ego.

Yellow, the color of the sun, is bright, vibrant, and outgoing.

The color yellow is associated with the solar plexus chakra, also known as the yellow chakra. This chakra is associated with self-confidence and is where your power manifests.

From a psychological standpoint, yellow is used to treat melancholy.

It also generates energy for the muscles. This is because the positive currents in yellow rays help the brain. As a result, yellow can help with some nervous disorders.

Yellow, on the other hand, energizes the digestive tract and is an excellent digestion stimulant.

Furthermore, yellow is said to cleanse the bloodstream and activate the lymphatic system. It’s also an effective spleen depressant.

Yellow is one of the most effective healing colors for a variety of conditions and diseases, including:

  • Depression
  • Mental exhaustion
  • Constipation
  • Digestive problems and indigestion
  • Rheumatism
  • Flatulence

Yellow is contraindicated for healing in the following situations:

  • Over-excitement
  • Acute inflammatory response
  • Diarrhea 
  • Fever



Green is the color of new beginnings and is associated with life, rebirth, growth, and renewal.

Green represents the heart chakra, also known as the green chakra. Its primary characteristics are peace, love, unity, and joy. You can receive and give unconditional love, warmth, and acceptance when you have an open and balanced green chakra.

Green is one of the most popular healing colors for heart problems. It is also thought to be beneficial to those who suffer from claustrophobia.

Also, green calms the nervous system and makes people feel more emotionally stable. It is used in color therapy to treat insomnia, exhaustion, and irritability.

Green is a healing color that is both physically and mentally cooling, soothing, and calming. It’s also a great color for stress relief because it promotes relaxation.

Green is frequently used in color therapy because it is the color of nitrogen, which aids in the formation of muscles, bones, and other tissue cells.

Green is neither acidic nor alkaline. It can be used in situations where blue is advantageous.

Healing with this color, particularly green rays, is said to relieve blood vessel tension and lower blood pressure.

As a secret, it is believed that green is the color of Vitamin B1.

Green is an aphrodisiac as well as an effective muscle and tissue builder.

Green is beneficial in emotional disturbances from a psychological standpoint. As a result, it is emotionally calming. Green is also the color of fertility, hope, youth, and energy.

It is also associated with jealousy and envy.

Green is one of the most effective colors for healing diseases and health problems such as:

  • Stress management
  • Exhaustion
  • Sleeplessness
  • Overstimulation
  • Irritability
  • Back disorders
  • Colic
  • Laryngitis

So, green is one of the best colors of healing.



Blue is a calming healing color associated with tranquility, quietness, devotion, commitment, and honesty. Blue is the color of the sky and the seas, and it evokes some of their calm and tranquillity.

Blue, the peacemaker of all colors, instills calm and logical thought on an unconscious level. It also promotes self-awareness and mental effort. In addition, blue is the color of intuition.

This healing color corresponds to the throat chakra, also known as the blue chakra or Vishuddha. The ability to communicate clearly is influenced by the blue chakra. Moreover, it’s related to self-expression.

Furthermore, it is related to your personal integrity and sense of honor. When the blue chakra is open, your inner and outer beauty shines.

Blue represents truth, calmness, relaxation, devotion, and sincerity.

Blue is a calming, healing color that can help you relax and unwind. Because it acts specifically on the blood, it has a tonic effect. That is why it is said to boost metabolism and vitality. Furthermore, it is thought to lower blood pressure and relieve throat problems.

Blue healing is beneficial for calming and soothing nervous excitement.

Blue, because it is cold and electrical, has the potential to constrict the arteries and raise blood pressure. At the same time, blue is a balancing color that helps to restore normal blood flow.

Thus, more psychologists used blue as a healing color due to its many benefits. In addition, it is beneficial for emotional distress and excessive excitement.

In terms of calming and relaxing the mind, blue is one of the best colors for healing. It is also used to encourage introverts to come out of their shells.

So, blue is one of the best healing colors for hospitals or rooms, but a light shade of blue is preferred. In addition, blue should not be used in rooms where there will be physical activity or play.

Blue is a color that is used to treat diseases and affections such as:

  • Irritability
  • Emotional stress
  • Insomnia
  • Eye-inflammation
  • Febrile diseases
  • Hysteria
  • Itching
  • Thyroid glands that are overactive

Blue is not recommended for the following situations:

  • Hypertension
  • Constriction of muscles
  • Colds



Because it is associated with the brow chakra, indigo is one of the most powerful colors for healing. This control center is concerned with cultivating a strong and independent mind. 

This chakra is also known as the indigo chakra. Furthermore, it contains everything needed to live a happy and healthy life. This color’s power resides in our minds, enabling us to see the good around us. It specifically helps us recognize that we are worthy of love.

Indigo has a much stronger sedative effect than blue. It also aids in the development of our intuition.

Indigo also helps to improve concentration and meditative ability.

Indigo is a refreshing and energizing color that is excellent for muscular tonicity. Indigo is a good respiratory depressant, according to physicians. 

It is also thought to be a parathyroid stimulant as well as a thyroid depressant.

It’s also one of the best paint colors for migraines.

Psychologists have used indigo in color therapy for the following reasons:

  • It has a psychological, emotional, and spiritual impact on vision, hearing, and smell.
  • It governs the third eye chakra and is in charge of the pineal gland.
  • It governs the subtle bodies’ psychic currents.

Indigo is recommended for the treatment of a variety of conditions and diseases, including:

  • Migraines
  • Headaches
  • Lack of smell
  • Nosebleed
  • Sinus problems



Purple represents royalty and divinity. Purple is associated with the crown chakra, also known as the violet or purple chakra. 

The purple chakra is the spiritual center of the body. Furthermore, as the source of healing energy in the human energy system, it connects you with your eternal divinity.

This chakra heals when the mind is loving, embracing, and allowing.

Purple color therapy is used to reduce or eliminate the excesses of violent insanity.

According to color therapy, purple nourishes the upper brain’s blood. It also has the ability to keep the body’s potassium and sodium levels balanced. 

Furthermore, it promotes bone growth and is said to be a lymphatic and cardiac depressant.

Purple is used as a healing color by psychologists because it reduces irritability and excess hunger. It’s also an uplifting and spiritual color.

Moreover, purple has analgesic and hypnotic properties.

Purple color therapy is beneficial in the treatment of diseases such as:

  • Nervous system disorders
  • Scalp diseases
  • Skin problems
  • Cramps
  • Mental conditions



Due to its earthy tones, brown is associated with comfort and security. Because it is the color of the earth, it is a strong and practical color. It has something to do with the earth’s strength and wealth.

Furthermore, by association with items such as chocolate, tea, and rich coffee, brown evokes a sense of luxury.

Brown is a soothing color that is used to alleviate stress and anxiety. It is also used to relieve physical and emotional stress. In addition, some therapists believe that brown is useful for treating hypertension and related conditions.

Despite its earthy connotations, brown also has negative connotations. Artists used it to convey sadness. Furthermore, “brun” means “melancholy” in French.



White is the color that represents purity and goodness.

White, like purple, is associated with the crown chakra. This is linked to purity, reflection, and truth.

White is traditionally worn by brides on their wedding day in Western cultures because it is associated with honesty, purity, and innocence.

White is a color with many healing properties in terms of health. It allows white light to pass through while also charging the energy field.

White is not a specific color but rather encompasses all colors.

White is used in color healing therapy to treat depression and anxiety. Furthermore, white light contributes to generating electrical currents that promote health.



When it comes to neutralizing negative vibes, black is considered one of the most powerful healing colors.

The color black is perceived differently depending on which aspect of life and culture it is associated with. Spiritually speaking, black is considered a physically protective color. In the world of fashion, black is associated with sophistication and elegance. Because black absorbs light, it can contribute to bad moods.

Because it has the ability to calm the energy around you, black is used in color healing therapy. 

At the same time, its healing properties aid in attaining inner peace and eliminating negative energy from less positive emotions such as anxiety.

Healing Colors for Hospitals

Red, an adrenaline booster, promotes vitality and energy and has the potential to treat anemia. Blue has a calming effect and lowers heart rates.

In addition, yellow is a mood enhancer and can be used to treat a variety of infections.

Green reduces anxiety and depression and is a great healing color for hospitalized patients.

Because of their ability to relax, calm, uplift, and improve mood, blue and yellow are the best colors for healing, particularly in hospitals and pediatric clinics. Moreover, cool tones can help relieve headaches.

Healing Colors Therapy Techniques


Diet is another healing color therapy technique. It serves as the foundation for all other techniques. Foods of the appropriate color are an excellent way to benefit from healing color therapy.


The first step toward healing is your internal effort. Painting and color can be used to awaken the beauty around you, first as a curative and then as a habit.

When you work with color, you discover your inner creativity as well as the power of your imagination. This self-discovery is an important part of the healing process.

Room Decoration

Use a room decorated in a single color to allow you to mentally concentrate on the color and use it in your breathing. This method works well for shifting electromagnetic forces from imbalance to harmony. Using healing colors in a room is one of the most effective methods.


You can also take advantage of the benefits of meditation. Pay close attention when selecting a healer because the vibrations of your physical and mental bodies can be affected. It also has an effect on your aura colors.

Color Light Therapy

Color light therapy, also known as chromotherapy, involves the use of colored lights to help our bodies and minds balanced. That’s why we have listed both color and light therapy effects for each color above.

Therapists frequently use color light to heal the body’s physical, mental, and spiritual energies.

Blue light, for example, inhibits melatonin production. That is why it is used as night lighting, as it helps us get a good night’s sleep.

We advise you not to test color lights without professional assistance because it could have serious consequences for your health.


Gems are frequently used by healers in color therapy because their colors are purer, and the rays are more concentrated. In addition, because gemstones emit the same rays as planets, they have the same influence (not forcefully).

As a result, the healing colors are associated with various gemstones. Green, for example, is associated with emeralds, while red is associated with rubies.

Solarized Water

Solarized water is water that has been directly exposed to the sun in a glass of a specific color for at least one hour. The water absorbs the vibrational energy of that color in this manner. A red glass, for example, will produce red solarized water.

Final Thoughts on Healing Colors

Color can be found in every aspect of our lives. We discovered that they improve our moods and spirits. Furthermore, colors have a strong influence on our emotions and behavior.

Colors also influence our thinking, both conscious and subconscious attitudes.

To effectively use healing colors, we must first understand the psychological impact that each color can have.

Color therapy can be used to improve your life if you understand these aspects.

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