February Birthstone Color and Meaning

Were you born in February? Here’s all about your birthstone: history, symbolism, and what the February birthstone color means to you.

February’s birthstone is a great way to connect with your birth month. These are gemstones that are connected with the birth months.

They radiate strong vibrations and have different properties. Moreover, their beneficial energy can influence your personality.

In this article, we will discuss the February birthstone, how its vibrations influence your personality, and what the February birthstone color represents.

February Birthstone

The birthstone for those born in February is amethyst – a pretty purple quartz variety that has captivated mankind with its beauty since 2000 BC.

According to the Mohs scale, amethyst has a hardness of 7. That means it’s a pretty hard gemstone that a fingernail, knife, or screw can’t scratch. It has the same hardness as citrine but is slightly stronger than tanzanite.

The purple-amethyst color is caused by traces of iron and manganese in its composition. There are several types of amethyst, and the most popular are purple, cape, ametrine, pink, mossy, and prasiolite. But only purple, cape, and ametrine are the purple varieties.

Under heat treatment, amethyst changes color. Thus, from 788°F (420°C), the violet becomes lighter as the temperature rises; from 824°F (440°C), it begins to take on a yellowish hue, and at 1112°F (600°C), it can even reach a milky hue. [1]

The term amethyst comes from the ancient Greek word “a-methustos,” which means “not intoxicated.” Therefore, it was believed that the stone protects the wearer from drunkenness.

February birthstone meaning
Amethyst is the February birthstone

This connection is derived from Greek mythology. Amethyst was a young girl who incurred Dionysus’ wrath after becoming intoxicated with red wine. Amethyst begged the goddess Diana for help, and she transformed the girl into a white stone.

Dionysus wept when he discovered the truth, and as his tears fell into his glass, the wine spilled over the white stone, turning it purple.

As a result, the purple gemstone was thought to be an antidote to the negative effects of drunkenness.

Drinking vessels and jewelry were frequently made of amethyst in ancient Greece to prevent drunkenness and promote moderation.

As a result of this association, even the Persians used it at ceremonies to prevent them from getting drunk.

Although amethyst is linked to preventing drunkenness, no scientific correlation supports this ability. It’s more of a Greek myth.

The February birthstone instead protects the wearer from emotional and spiritual intoxication.

However, amethyst is a beautiful purple gemstone cherished for millennia.

The Romans believed it had protective powers, while the Egyptians regarded it as a healing stone and associated it with spiritual transformation.

While the Greeks believed amethyst to be a remedy against drunkenness, they associated this gem with clear-headedness and quick wit. It was a symbol of moderation.

In the Middle Ages, the February birthstone was used to sharpen the intellect. It was also believed to ward off bad dreams.

In the Renaissance period, Europeans believed it had properties to soothe the excessive passion of lovers.

Because it is purple, amethyst was associated with royalty and majesty. Empress Catherine the Great (Catherine II of Russia) loved this gorgeous gem. Even the Duchess of Windsor wore amethyst necklaces at the Versailles gala in 1953.

Royal members have admired the amethyst’s deep purple hue since the days of Alexander the Great. It is said to have mystical powers and brings strength and intelligence to the wearer. 

Some Native American tribes believed that amethyst could protect against negative energy and promote emotional balance. It also symbolized spiritual enlightenment.

In Christian tradition, the amethyst represents the apostle Matthew, who was chosen to replace Judas Iscariot. Furthermore, it is sometimes used as a symbol of purity and chastity.

Wearing an amethyst as your February birthstone can enhance your personal power and inner strength.

The amethyst is offered as a gift for the sixth wedding anniversary.

Although Russia was the largest source of amethyst gems until the 19th century, large deposits were later discovered in Brazil. Thus, today Brazil and Zambia are two of the world’s most important sources of amethyst.

February Personality

Those born through February 18 are Aquarius, while those born after February 19 are Pisces.

Aquarians are known to be free-spirited and eccentric, with a non-conformist attitude. On the other hand, Pisces are compassionate, empathetic, and deeply emotional.

Aquarius prefers a more busy environment, while Pisces prefers a more tranquil atmosphere. Aquarius is a carefree and restless sign. Pisces are known for their kindness and intelligence and their whimsical nature.

Read next: Aquarius Color Palette and Meaning

Although Aquarians are more artistic and creative, Pisces are more spontaneous and unusual. However, those born in February are full of compassion and creativity.

They are peace-loving people known for their empathy. In addition, they are known for their calmness and capacity for self-control. Thus, they rarely lose their temper, having the ability to suppress their anger emotions.

Moreover, they are interested in the spiritual side of life. In addition, the birthstone for February can enhance their spiritual awakening.

Although sensitive, they are emotionally strong. They are entirely in sync with their feelings and hopes.

Read next: Pisces Color Palette and Meaning

February borns are also very ambitious, and their strong will helps them overcome any obstacle.

Uranus urges them to be progressive, while Neptune encourages them to explore their imagination. But on the other hand, those individuals may frequently become lost in their thoughts.

Sometimes they tend to become detached, isolated, and even depressed. This is probably their greatest weakness.

With a seductive nature, February borns love to help those around them and are drawn to acts of charity. Unfortunately, for this reason, they sometimes tend to neglect their needs.

They also crave attention and love. They really love to be the center of attention.

What’s more, they have a changeable temperament. One minute they can be quiet and shy; the next, they become confident and idealistic.

Those born in February tend to seem mysterious and vague, just like the purple color of amethyst – their birthstone.

Wearing their February birthstone, these natives can keep negative emotions at bay. At the same time, amethyst can enhance their creativity.

February Birthstone Color Meaning

February birthstone color meaning
Purple is the color of February

The February birthstone color is purple – the color of mystery, spirituality, and royalty. However, amethyst can come in many shades, such as deep purple, pale lilac, or mauve.

Purple, the color of February, symbolizes spiritual growth, creativity, imagination, and mystery. In addition, it encourages self-awareness, deepening our innermost understanding of our thoughts.

Associated with the crown chakra, this February birthstone color encourages a strong connection with the supreme Self.

Moreover, it enhances creativity and brings a sense of the mystical.

For centuries, this color has been adored by kings and monarchs. It was associated with royalty and majesty because producing the purple pigment was so expensive that only the wealthy could afford it.

As the most regal color, it is a symbol of ambition. So the symbolism of this color is quite strong.

The purple birthstone color represents power, luxury, and wealth. Furthermore, it symbolizes ambition, intelligence, creativity, and self-awareness.

You can grow spiritually and improve your imagination by wearing the February color, which is a mix of red and blue. This mix combines the red’s energy and power with the blue’s calmness and authority. In the end, this color inspires self-reflection and self-knowledge.

In addition, it can be associated with extravagance, grandeur, pride, or magic.

But as mentioned above, you can opt for pale lilac or mauve amethyst gems.

The pale lilac amethyst symbolizes kindness, serenity, and compassion. It is the color of helpfulness, which relaxes, inspires, and increases empathy.

On the other hand, a mauve amethyst can be associated with youth, femininity, purity, and devotion.

Whichever February birthstone color you choose, it will help you discover your inner self, bringing enlightenment. It can also provide you a sense of calm and enhance your creativity.

Ways to Boost the February Birthstone Color Energies

If you were born in February, wearing amethyst can represent power, spiritual awareness, wisdom, inspiration, imagination, and mystery.

Furthermore, having the birthstone February nearby can bring enlightenment, connecting you with the divine. 

Whether you wear amethyst in the form of bracelets, earrings, or rings, February’s birthstone can enhance your intuition and spiritual awareness. What’s more, it can promote emotional balance.

Amethyst is said to promote relaxation and mental clarity. Additionally, healers used it to treat insomnia and headaches. 

Wearing amethyst can also help you with anxiety, stress, and negative energies. In addition, it is said to sharpen your mind.

So it’s excellent for February-borns to keep this variety of quartz around.

Other Birthstone Colors

Learn more about the birthstone colors and their meanings. Here is a summary of the other months.

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