24 Weird Color Names You’ve Never Heard Of

Looking for weird color names? Here’s a comprehensive list of color names you’ve never heard of, along with their Hex, RGB, and CMYK color codes.

Rainbow colors are easy to remember by the term ‘ROYGBIV,’ but things get complicated when it comes to weird color names.

In today’s article, we’ve rounded up the weirdest color names you’ve probably never heard of before, from pigments obtained by copper mining to paints that absorb 99.9% of the visible light spectrum.

List of Weird Color Names

There are a lot of strange color names, but most of them have a connection to the shade they represent.

The weirdest colour names include feldgrau, puce, skobeloff, veridigris, sinoper, wenge, feldspar, flotsam, gamboge, smaragdine, frangipani, or caponata.


Hex #DF00FF
RGB 223, 0, 255
CMYK 13, 100, 0, 0

Phlox is a vibrant magenta inspired by the Magenta Sprite Phlox flower species, which features pink-magenta blossoms. This species belongs to the genus of perennial plants called Phlox, native to North America.

Flowers of this genus come in different colors, such as purple, red, pink, magenta, white, or light blue.


Hex #4D5D53
RGB 77, 93, 83
CMYK 6, 0, 4, 64

Feldgrau is a grayish green named after the official German army uniforms of the early 20th century. This term translates as “field-gray.”

The Germans preferred this shade to help them camouflage themselves better.

Several countries have adopted this color or similar variations for military uniforms throughout history. These include Austria, Chile, Finland, and Sweden. [1]


Hex #CC8899
RGB 204, 136, 153
CMYK 0, 27, 20, 20

Puce is a mixture of purple and brown that looks like a dusty pink. However, you can call it brownish-purple.

The name of the color comes from the French “puce” (or “flea”), which is derived from the Latin “pulex,” meaning flea. 

According to the Oxford Dictionary, the word was first used in French in the 18th century, referring to “flea color.” [2]


Hex #E52B50
RGB 229, 43, 80
CMYK 0, 73, 58, 10

Amaranth is a reddish-rose (or reddish-pink) inspired by the color of the amaranth plant’s flower. The color first appeared in English in 1690.

Amaranth was associated with immortality. It was considered the “flower of immortality” because its flowers faded slowly.

However, amaranth comes in several colors, such as bright pink, dusty pink, magenta, purple, or cerise.


Hex #007474
RGB 0, 116, 116
CMYK 45, 0, 0, 55

Skobeloff is one of the weirdest color names, as well as one of the hardest color names to say.

Skobeloff is a moderate blue-green similar to teal color, often used as an adjective to describe a bluish-green.


Hex #43B3AE
RGB 67, 179, 174
CMYK 44, 0, 2, 30

Verdigris is a vibrant bluish-green derived from the green pigment obtained by applying acetic acid (or vinegar) to copper plates which produce copper acetate, known as “copper green.”

The term “verdigris” comes from the old French ‘verte-gres’ meaning ‘verde d’aigre’ – referring to the process of turning green by applying vinegar on copper or brass.

It is also thought to derive from the old French word ‘vert de Greece,’ meaning ‘green of Greece,’ but it is unclear what the reason behind this association is. [3]

Today, this bluish-green pigment is obtained by heating a mixture of acetic acid with copper hydroxide or carbonate. [4]

The reason why the Statue of Liberty is green is based on the application of an oxidation patina – verdigris – that protects the metal from corrosion.

However, the verdigris coating can also form naturally on copper or brass through the natural process of atmospheric oxidation.


RGB 204, 194, 186
CMYK 0, 5, 9, 20

Greige is a grayish beige – a mixture of gray and beige, hence the name. It is known as the perfect neutral because it works well in both cold and warm color schemes.

However, the greige color may be more of an umbrella term for various combinations of beige and gray.

The word’s etymology is thought to come from the French ‘grège’ meaning ‘raw (from silk).’


Hex #BB1111
RGB 187, 17, 17
CMYK 0, 91, 91, 27

This is one of the most rare color names.

Sinoper is a dark shade of red – close to maroon – named after the dark reddish-brown dark pigment whose reddish color comes from hematite – a form of iron oxide. [5]

This pigment has been used in painting since the Middle Ages.

The term comes from ‘Sinop’ – a Greek colony on the Black Sea through which pigment extracted from Cappadocia was exported.


Hex #645452
RGB 100, 84, 82
CMYK 0, 6, 7, 61

Wenge is a dark shade of brown that was named after a hardwood species native to Tanzania and Mozambique. This species is also known as African rosewood.

Prized for its durability, wenge wood is used in multiple industries, from flooring and furniture to musical instruments and ornaments.

It is also highly prized for the reddish sap of its bark (also called ‘kino’), rich in tannins.


Hex #FDD5B1
RGB 253, 213, 177
CMYK 0, 16, 30, 1

Feldspar is a salmon pink named after a group of silicate minerals formed from calcium. 

These silicates make up over 50% of the earth’s crust. [6] They are divided into K-spar (Potassium feldspar) and plagioclase (or ‘plag’). 

However, this color is linked to Potassium feldspar.


Hex #C8C4C0
RGB 200, 196, 192
CMYK 0, 2, 3, 22

Here’s another weird color name.

Flotsam is a shade of gray with lilac undertones, named by Resene – a New Zealand-based company that sells paints. You can find this paint under the name Resene Flotsam cc.

According to the dictionary, this term refers to various parts or articles that float at sea or wash ashore. [7] 

However, “flotsam” is a term that refers to debris accidentally lost from a ship and floating on the water. The opposite is “jetsam,” which refers to deliberately discarded floating debris.


Hex #E49B0F
RGB 228, 155, 15
CMYK 0, 29, 84, 11

Gamboge is a yellowish-brown named after pigment extracted from a tree species that grow in Cambodia. It has been used to dye clothes and to create a yellow varnish for staining wood.

In addition, Buddhist monks dye their robes with this pigment because it’s similar to the color of saffron.


Hex #4A9976
RGB 74, 153, 118
CMYK 52, 0, 23, 4

Smaragdine is a deep green associated with emeralds.

Its name comes from the Latin word “smaragdus,” which means “emerald.” This Latin word originates from the Greek word “smaragdos,” meaning the same.

Thus, the name for this color originates from its similarity to the vivid green color of emeralds.


Hex #FFD7A0
RGB 255, 215, 160
CMYK 0, 16, 37, 0

Frangipani is a light, warm, and pastel yellow-orange reminiscent of the flowers from which it gets its name.

The Frangipani flower, also known as Plumeria, is a tropical plant known for its vibrant and sweet-smelling flowers, which come in many colors, such as white, yellow, red, pink, lilac, or cream.

However, the most popular species is Plumeria rubra, which features tricolor flower clusters with white, yellow, and peach petals.


Hex #822A10
RGB 130, 42, 16
CMYK 0, 68, 88, 49

Caponata is a rich, deep reddish-brown with purple undertones named after a traditional Sicilian dish of the same name.

Caponata, the dish, is an eggplant (aubergine) based dish usually featuring celery, sweetened vinegar, and a variety of other ingredients in a sweet and sour sauce.


RGB 172, 225, 175
CMYK 24, 0, 22, 12

Celadon is a pale, grayish blue-green that gets its name from the glaze of the same name used in ceramics, particularly in East Asia, where the color is prized.

This glaze was developed in China in the 10th century, giving its name to a type of ceramic.


Hex #000100
RGB 0, 1, 0
CMYK 100,0,100,100

If you’re looking for a black that absorbs 99.9% of light, then vantablack is for you.

Vantablack is a branded black pigment coating that has the ability to absorb 99.96% of all visible light.

Developed in 2014 by Surrey Nanosystems, this pigment holds the record for absorbing nearly all visible light.

The vantablack pigment was created to cover the openings of satellite cameras affected by sunlight.

Interestingly, this pigment is made from tiny atom-sized carbon tubes, about 3500 times thinner than a hair’s width. [8]

Growth of this pigment can take up to two days. For this reason, a kilo of vantablack paint (35 oz) can cost over $4500.


RGB 255, 221, 170
CMYK 0, 13, 33, 0

Sarcoline is a peachy yellow-beige whose name is inspired by the Greek for ‘flesh-colored.’ This color is trendy in the beauty products industry.


Hex #6082B6
RGB 96, 130, 182
CMYK 47, 29, 0, 29

Glaucous is a grayish-blue that appeared mentioned as a color in English in the 1600s.

The term comes from the Latin ‘glaucus,’ derived from the ancient Greek ‘glaukós’ meaning ‘blue-gray.’ [9]

This color’s name is related to the adjective of the same word used to describe the powdery blue-green or pale gray coating of plants or fruits that can be rubbed off.


Hex #FF3800
RGB 255, 56, 0
CMYK 0, 78, 100, 0

Coquelicot is a reddish-orange, named after a French name for wild corn poppy. It’s one of the most challenging color names to say. This is undoubtedly one of the rarest color names.


Hex #BD5620
RGB 189,86,32
CMYK 0, 54, 83, 26

Titian is a shade of brownish-orange, used as an adjective to describe the red hair.

This weird color name comes from the Italian Renaissance painter Tiziano Vecellio – nicknamed Titian – who promoted this color in all his paintings, especially for women’s hair.


Hex #7B1818
RGB 123, 24, 24
CMYK 0, 80, 80, 52

Falu is a dark shade of red that resembles maroon. The name of this color comes from the name of the Swedish town of Falun in Dalarna county, the largest copper producer in the 17th century.

Thus, the color comes from the reddish appearance of the Falun mine soils. Thus, the first Falu pigment appeared with the exploitation of copper in the mine.

This color was extremely popular for painting rural houses in Sweden, as brick houses were quite expensive at that time.

Today, this pigment is often used in Scandinavian countries (Sweeden, Finland, Norway) for painting barns and wooden houses.


RGB 255, 255, 238
CMYK 0, 0, 7, 0

Eburnean is a yellow-tinged white named after the Latin ‘eburnus,’ meaning ‘ivory.’ Thus, this off-white color describes a yellowish-white or ivory shade.


Hex #0D9494
RGB 13, 148, 148
CMYK 91, 0, 0, 42

Here’s another weird color name.

Atrovirens is a deep blue-green color – similar to teal, named after the conifer species Thuja plicata Atrovirens, native to the United States. 

Its name comes from Latin, meaning ‘dark-colored foliage.’

Last Words on Uncommon Color Names

There are plenty of rare color names to choose from. Do you know any other uncommon color names? Leave them in the comments, and we will update this guide.

Want more? Discover 500 unique color names, or explore a comprehensive list of colors with over 1000 shades.

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