Looking for shades of black? Then you’ve arrived at the right place. We’ve created a comprehensive visual list with stunning black shades including their names.
From onyx to smoky black, there are different shades of black to choose from. So don’t worry!
Shades of Black Color
Black is a timeless color, often associated with strength, elegance, and sophistication. It’s also a color that brings mystery, right?
Even though it’s intimidating, black offers protection and strength. What’s more, it can boost your self-confidence.
That’s why, today, we’ll explore the different shades of black, including their names, HEX, RGB, and CMYK codes.
Psst. Is your favorite color black? Then consider how it might impact your life.
With so many different shades of black to choose from, it can be challenging to know which one is right for you. Here is a detailed list of black shades, whether you are looking for almost pure shades of black or dark hybrids between black and other colors.
In today’s article, we’ve put created a comprehensive visual guide to the prettiest black shades, so you can find the perfect match for your needs. So get ready to explore the many shades of black!
Black Shades
Jet Black
Jet black is a slightly softer version of true black. It’s the color of the night sky. Moreover, this color gets its name from the gemstone jet, which has been used to make jewelry and ornaments since ancient times.
Hex #343434
RGB 52, 52, 52
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 80
Raven Black
Raven black is a deep, intense black shade that is named after the glossy black feathers of a raven. However, it’s warmer than other shades of black due to its high percentage of yellow from the CMYK space.
Hex #050301
RGB 5, 3, 1
CMYK 0, 40, 80, 98
Ebony Black
Ebony black is a grayish olive green, named after the ebony tree’s wood which ranges from dark brown to black.
Hex #555D50
RGB 85, 93, 80
CMYK 9, 0, 14, 64
Abbey is a medium shade of gray with blue undertones. This color can be described as a cool, neutral gray with subtle cool undertones. It has a balanced combination of red, green, and blue values (in RGB), which results in a color that is neither too warm nor too cool.
Hex #494F55
RGB 73, 79, 85
CMYK 14, 7, 0, 67
Asphalt is a very dark shade of black, something between dark gray and pure black. The name of the shade comes from asphalt, the material used to pave roads. Its high percentage of K in CMYK provides a rich, dark appearance.
Hex #0C0404
RGB 12, 4, 4
CMYK 0, 67, 67, 95
Yacht Club Black
Yacht Club is a dark, neutral shade of black with a slight blue undertone. The slight blue undertone gives the color a cool, calm feel.
Yacht Club Black
Hex #222627
RGB 34, 38, 39
CMYK 13, 3, 0, 85
Electric Black
Electric black is a very dark shade of grey that gives a muted black look. In the RGB color space, this black has the same percentage of red, green, and blue.
Electric Black
Hex #292929
RGB 41, 41, 41
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 84
Black Pearl
Black Pearl is a very dark shade of black with blue-green undertones. Moreover, it resembles the appearance of a black pearl. These pearls are highly valued in the jewelry industry and range from deep blue or green to black.
Black Pearl
Hex #0E161A
RGB 14, 22, 26
CMYK 46, 15, 0, 90
Frost Black
Frost black is a subtle, cool, pale black shade. Its bluish undertones provide a frosty appearance. It’s an excellent choice because this shade looks grayish-black.
Frost Black
Hex #191C20
RGB 25, 28, 32
CMYK 22, 12, 0, 87
Charcoal is a dark grayish that resembles the color of charred wood. Its smoky and ashen appearance makes this color a good choice if you want something between black and dark gray. It’s not as dark as black but not as light as gray.
Hex #36454F
RGB 54, 69, 79
CMYK 32, 13, 0, 69
Raisin Black
Raisin black is a dark, rich, and warm shade of black. It is named after the color of raisins, which are dried grapes that have a dark, almost black color. Its warm and rich look comes from the slightly reddish-brown undertone.
Raisin Black
Hex #242124
RGB 36, 33, 36
CMYK 0, 8, 0, 86
Dark Jungle Green
Dark jungle green is a deep, rich, slightly blue-tinged green that resembles a jungle’s lush and dense vegetation. You can create this color by adding some black to a green base.
Dark Jungle Green
Hex #1A2421
RGB 26, 36, 33
CMYK 28, 0, 8, 86
Metal is a term used to describe a dark and metallic shade of black that resembles the appearance of metal, such as iron or steel. Furthermore, it’s a dark and highly reflective shade of black.
Hex #0E0C0A
RGB 14, 12, 10
CMYK 0, 14, 29, 95
Bright Black
Bright black is usually a dark shade of gray that has blue undertones. Its name comes from the approximate equal percentages of RGB values. Moreover, it has a muted and almost mysterious feel to it, making it perfect for creating a sense of depth and intrigue.
Bright Black
Hex #222024
RGB 34, 32, 36
CMYK 6, 11, 0, 86
Iridium is a dark shade of gray with subtle hints of brown undertones. Its muted and earthy look makes it perfect for something between dark gray and black.
Hex #3D3C3A
RGB 61, 60, 58
CMYK 0, 2, 5, 76
Neutral Black
Neutral black is a very dark and deep shade of black. It gets its name from the fact that it is a neutral color, which means that it is neither warm nor cool, but rather a true black.
Neutral Black
Hex #0B0B0B
RGB 11, 11, 11
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 96
Onyx is a dark and muted shade of gray with cool blue undertones. Its name comes from the semiprecious stone, Onyx, which is typically black in color and has a smooth, polished appearance. Onyx is a type of chalcedony, more precisely, microcrystalline quartz, that comes in a variety of colors, but the black variety is the most well-known. We love its sleek and sophisticated look.
Hex #353839
RGB 53, 56, 57
CMYK 7, 2, 0, 78
Smoky Black
Smoky black is a dark, moody black shade with warm brown undertones. This color resembles the color of smoke or ashes. Its brown undertones make it appear slightly softer and warmer than pure black, giving it a more organic and natural feel.
Smoky Black
Hex #100C08
RGB 16, 12, 8
CMYK 0, 25, 50, 94
Oil is a deep and rich shade of brown with cool gray undertones. This color resembles the color of the oil. Its cool undertones give the color a modern touch, while its brown base adds a natural and organic feel.
Hex #3B3131
RGB 59, 49, 49
CMYK 0, 17, 17, 77
Cool Black
Cool black is a deep and rich shade of black with cool blue undertones. Its blue undertones give it a subtle sense of depth and richness. This black shade is mysterious and enigmatic.
Cool Black
Hex #151922
RGB 21, 25, 34
CMYK 38, 26, 0, 87
This color resembles the color of soot, giving it an industrial and urban feel. It looks like a rich, dark brown shade with cool gray undertones.
Hex #160D08
RGB 22, 13, 8
CMYK 0, 41, 64, 91
Pastel Black
Pastel black is a soft and muted shade of black with warm brown undertones. This beautiful pale black provides a gentle and relaxing feel.
Pastel Black
Hex #1D1C1A
RGB 29, 28, 26
CMYK 0, 3, 10, 89
Glossy Black
Glossy black is a soft shade of black that works well when printed on glossy paper. Because of its 85 “K” value, it is softer than most blacks. In general, the darkest shades of black have a “K” value greater than 90 in the CMYK color space.
Glossy Black
Hex #252324
RGB 37, 35, 36
CMYK 0, 5, 3, 85
Different Shades of Black
Black Rock
Hex #010127
RGB 1, 1, 39
CMYK 97, 97, 0, 85
Pitch Black
Hex #27251F
RGB 39, 37, 31
CMYK 0, 5, 21, 85
Outer Space
Hex #414A4C
RGB 65, 74, 76
CMYK 14, 3, 0, 70
Hex #1A1110
RGB 26, 17, 16
CMYK 0, 35, 38, 90
Panda Black
Hex #3C4748
RGB 60, 71, 72
CMYK 17, 1, 0, 72
Hex #0C090A
RGB 12, 9, 10
CMYK 0, 25, 17, 95
Hex #534B4F
RGB 83, 75, 79
CMYK 0, 10, 5, 67
Hex #26282A
RGB 38, 40, 42
CMYK 10, 5, 0, 84
Black Box
Hex #000000
RGB 0, 0, 0
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 100
Hex #3D2B1F
RGB 61, 43, 31
CMYK 0, 30, 49, 76
Hex #060606
RGB 6, 6, 6
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 98
Black Cherry
Hex #0F282F
RGB 15, 40, 47
CMYK 68, 15, 0, 82
Black Chocolate
Hex #2C1620
RGB 44, 22, 32
CMYK 0, 50, 27, 83
Hex #000302
RGB 0, 3, 2
CMYK 100, 0, 33, 99
Black Hole
Hex #5E6354
RGB 94, 99, 84
CMYK 5, 0, 15, 61
Black Knight
Hex #010203
RGB 1, 2, 3
CMYK 67, 33, 0, 99
Black Green (RAL)
Hex #303D3A
RGB 48, 61, 58
CMYK 21, 0, 5, 76
Black Cow
Hex #4C4646
RGB 76, 70, 70
CMYK 0, 8, 8, 70
Black Gray
Hex #303234
RGB 48, 50, 52
CMYK 8, 4, 0, 80
Black Magic
Hex #010B13
RGB 1, 11, 19
CMYK 95, 42, 0, 93
Black Olive
Hex #3B3C36
RGB 59, 60, 54
CMYK 2, 0, 10, 76
Black Orchid
Hex #3B3C36
RGB 59, 60, 54
CMYK 2, 0, 10, 76
Rustic Black
Hex #1B1A16
RGB 27, 26, 22
CMYK 0, 4, 19, 89
Ivory Black
Hex #231F20
RGB 35, 31, 32
CMYK 0, 11, 9, 86
Hex #020403
RGB 2, 4, 3
CMYK 50, 0, 25, 98
Hex #000000
RGB 0, 0, 0
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 100
Eerie Black
Hex #1B1B1B
RGB 27, 27, 27
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 89
Black Out
Hex #525463
RGB 82, 84, 99
CMYK 17, 15, 0, 61
Black Panther
Hex #222222
RGB 34, 34, 34
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 87
Black Pearl
Hex #424242
RGB 66, 66, 66
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 74
Aesthetic Black
Hex #1C1C1E
RGB 28, 28, 30
CMYK 7, 7, 0, 88
Black Plum
Hex #362B32
RGB 54, 43, 50
CMYK 0, 20, 7, 79
Graphite Black (RAL)
Hex #27292B
RGB 39, 41, 43
CMYK 9, 5, 0, 83
True Black
Hex #0A0B0B
RGB 10, 11, 11
CMYK 9, 0, 0, 96
Black Power
Hex #1E272C
RGB 30, 39, 44
CMYK 32, 11, 0, 83
Black Sheep
Hex #220022
RGB 34, 0, 34
CMYK 0, 100, 0, 87
Black Truffle
Hex #0F0D0D
RGB 15, 13, 13
CMYK 0, 13, 13, 94
Wind Cave
Hex #1F2024
RGB 31, 32, 36
CMYK 14, 11, 0, 86
Black Turmeric
Hex #463D3E
RGB 70, 61, 62
CMYK 0, 13, 11, 73
Hex #0C0C0C
RGB 12, 12, 12
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 95
Black Raspberry
Hex #451425
RGB 69, 20, 37
CMYK 0, 71, 46, 73
Tap Shoe
Hex #2A2B2D
RGB 42, 43, 45
CMYK 7, 4, 0, 82
Signal Black (RAL)
Hex #2B2B2C
RGB 43, 43, 44
CMYK 2, 2, 0, 83
Hex #2B3230
RGB 43, 50, 48
CMYK 14, 0, 4, 80
Hex #020F03
RGB 2, 15, 3
CMYK 87, 0, 80, 94
Black Coral
Hex #54626F
RGB 84, 98, 111
CMYK 24, 12, 0, 56
Black Red
Hex #3D2022
RGB 61, 32, 34
CMYK 0, 48, 44, 76
Dark Raisin
Hex #1A0F0F
RGB 26, 15, 15
CMYK 0, 42, 42, 90
Carbon Black
Hex #0C0A00
RGB 12, 10, 0
CMYK 0, 17, 100, 95
Retro Black
Hex #1F201F
RGB 31, 32, 31
CMYK 3, 0, 3, 87
Hex #0E0702
RGB 14, 7, 2
CMYK 0, 50, 86, 95
Graphite Black
Hex #383428
RGB 56, 52, 40
CMYK 0, 7, 29., 78
Noble Black
Hex #202124
RGB 32, 33, 36
CMYK 11, 8, 0, 86
Gray Wolf
Hex #504A4B
RGB 80, 74, 75
CMYK 0, 7, 6, 69
Hex #080806
RGB 8, 8, 6
CMYK 0, 0, 25, 97
Black Coral
Hex #54626F
RGB 84, 98, 111
CMYK 24, 12, 0, 56
Piano Black
Hex #17171A
RGB 23, 23, 26
CMYK 12, 12, 0, 90
Off Black
Hex #595652
RGB 89, 86, 82
CMYK 0, 3, 8, 65
Blue Charcoal
Hex #262B2F
RGB 38, 43, 47
CMYK 19, 9, 0, 82
Pitch Black
Hex #483C41
RGB 72, 60, 65
CMYK 0, 17, 10, 72
Alien Black
Hex #1A2228
RGB 26, 34, 40
CMYK 35, 15, 0, 84
Hex #676767
RGB 103, 103, 103
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 60
Satin Deep Black
Hex #1C1E21
RGB 28, 30, 33
CMYK 15, 9, 0, 87
Gothic Grape
Hex #120321
RGB 18, 3, 33
CMYK 45, 91, 0, 87
Smoked Black Coffee
Hex #3B2F2F
RGB 59, 47, 47
CMYK 0, 20, 20, 77
Dark Charcoal
Hex #333333
RGB 51, 51, 51
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 80
The Count’s Black
Hex #102030
RGB 16, 32, 48
CMYK 67, 33, 0, 81
Hex #2C3539
RGB 44, 53, 57
CMYK 23, 7, 0, 78
Old Burgundy
Hex #43302E
RGB 67, 48, 46
CMYK 0, 28, 31, 74
Night Shadow
Hex #1C1C1C
RGB 28, 28, 28
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 89
Velvet Black
Hex #241F20
RGB 36, 31, 32
CMYK 0, 14., 11, 86
Army Uniform
Hex #353F3E
RGB 53, 63, 62
CMYK 16, 0, 2, 75
Hex #2B1B17
RGB 43, 27, 23
CMYK 0, 37, 47, 83
History of the Color Black
Ready to learn all about the history of the color black?
Believe it or not, black is actually the absence of color. That’s right, it’s the ultimate non-color.
Crazy, right? This means that when you see black, you’re actually seeing the absence of light.
But don’t let that fool you – black has a rich and fascinating history.
Despite not technically being a color, black has played a significant role in history.
In ancient Egypt, black was used to represent rebirth and the afterlife, while in medieval Europe, it was often worn by royalty and symbolized power and wealth.
Black also played a significant role in the world of art. During the Renaissance, artists began using a technique called chiaroscuro, which involved using light and dark shades to create depth and texture in their paintings.
This technique heavily relied on the use of black, and it became a staple of the art world.
But the influence of black extends beyond art and history. Black is often associated with power, protection, and sophistication. Think about how chic a black suit or dress can make you look and feel.
For centuries, black also has been associated with mourning and grief. If you were wearing black, it was a sign that you had lost someone important to you. But in the 20th century, black took on a new role. It became a symbol of rebellion and counterculture. Think about it – the leather jackets and ripped jeans worn by rockstars and punks were always black, weren’t they?
But black is more than just a color of mourning or rebellion. It’s the color of strength, power, luxury, and sophistication. Think about how sleek and sophisticated a black sports car looks or how powerful a black suit makes you feel in a business meeting. There’s something undeniably confident about wearing black.
And let’s not forget the practical side of black. It’s slimming, it’s versatile, and it goes with everything. Seriously, you could wear head-to-toe black every day for a year and never repeat an outfit (not that I’m recommending that, of course).
And here’s a fun fact – did you know that the blackest black in the world was created in 2014? It’s called Vantablack, and it’s so black that it absorbs 99.96% of light. It’s like looking into a void!
Wondering why? Vantablack is a carbon nanotube coating rather than a color pigment or paint. Thus, it has the property of absorbing practically all incident light.
From mourning to rebellion to power and sophistication, black has had quite the journey. But at the end of the day, whether you’re wearing a black suit or just black leggings to yoga, one thing is for sure – black is always in style.
Thus, black is a color (or lack thereof) that will always have a special place in our hearts.
Black Color Palettes
Depending on how it is used, black can be used as primary to convey elegance and strength or simply as a supporting color in different color palettes. The beauty of black is that it can be combined with any color to create a stunning and luxurious effect.
Black and White Color Palettes
The black and white combination is simply timeless, representing sophistication and elegance. However, this combo is more than a fashionable color palette. The yin and yang symbol is a perfect example of this. So enjoy this classic combo by combining the darkness of black with the purity of white.
Black and Gold Color Palettes
If you want to add some glamour to your life, the black and gold combo is the perfect color palette for you. On the other hand, if you want something bold and luxurious, pick a black and gold color palette.
Red and Black Color Palettes
Red and black color palettes, even if it may seem an unlikely combination, they work pretty well together. Moreover, they complement each other.
Red and black are powerful colors because red symbolizes energy and passion. In contrast, black is a symbol of sophistication and power.
What colors make black?
Curious about what colors make black? In the subtractive color system (CMY or RYB), combining the primary colors results in black.
Black in the CMYK color model is created by combining cyan, magenta, and yellow.
In the RYB color model, black is created by combining equal parts red, yellow, and blue.
What are the prettiest shades of black?
Some of the most beautiful black colors are onyx, jet, smoky black, and outer space.
What are the different shades of black color?
The most popular shades of blue include onyx, vantablack, ebony, raven, charcoal, obsidian, jet black, and licorice.
What is the hex code of black color?
The hex code of black, also known as true black or purest black, is #000000. This is the darkest possible color that can be displayed on a digital display.
What is the RGB code of black color?
The RGB code for black color is 0, 0, 0. This means that no red, green, or blue light is present. Thus, it results in the absence of light, perceived by the human eye as black.
What is the CMYK code of black color?
The CMYK code for black color is 0, 0, 0, 100. In the CMYK color model, used for print, black is represented by the “K” value. This value indicates the usage of the maximum amount of black ink, with no cyan, magenta, or yellow ink added.