15 Delicious Blue Fruits You Should Eat Today

Looking for blue fruits? They’re packed with healthy antioxidants. Here’s a list of fruits that are blue to diversify your diet.

We’ve all wondered at least once why some fruits are blue.

The blue color of fruits and vegetables comes from anthocyanins, a group of pigments, also known as natural colorants, that belong to the phenolic group. They come in several colors, such as blue, purple, red, and black. 

Anthocyanins are polyphenols that give fruits their blue hue. Moreover, they have antioxidant properties and numerous health benefits.

They are members of flavonoid class metabolites and are of several types. The blue fruit color comes from the Delpinidin pigment – one of the most common anthocyanidins, which looks reddish-blue or purple. [1]

Blue Fruits

Thus, blue things in nature are rare, much alone blue fruits. Their color is caused by these natural pigments called anthocyanins. Here’s a list of the most delicious fruits that are blue.

1. Blueberries

Wet fresh blueberries

Blueberries are blue fruits rich in nutrients beneficial for brain and heart health. What’s more, they are low in calories and high in fiber.

What color are blueberries? Blueberries are dark blue with purple undertones, thanks to the natural pigment Delpinidin. This type of anthocyanin found in blueberries can range from reddish blue to purple.

For this reason, blueberries can be perceived as either a dark blue with purple undertones or a deep purple.

Opinions, however, are divided. For example, some people think blueberries are blue fruits, while others believe they are dark purple. 

But what’s the correct answer?

Blueberries are dark blue with purple undertones or deep indigo. Their color is given by the anthocyanins malvidin, delphinidin, petunidin, arabinosides, and cyanidin. [2]

2. Blackberries


Blackberries are berries that grow on a thorny shrub in the same family as blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and currants.

Sweet and juicy, blackberries are native to Europe and ripen between June and September.

Blackberries have the highest vitamin K content of any blue fruit, which helps support bone health.

They are also a great vitamin C source, which helps strengthen the immune system. 

Eating blackberries may also help protect against heart disease. [3]

3. Blue Elderberries

Blue elderberries

Elderberries are small, dark bluish-black berries with a rich history in traditional medicine. They are so dark that it is often mistaken for black. This variety is called Sambucus nigra.

These fruits grow on shrubs that flower in early summer. Its flowers are strongly scented.

Blue elderberries are highly valued as a natural remedy and have been used in traditional medicine since ancient times. They’re primarily grown in Europe and North America.

This is one of the blackest blue fruits. Moreover, it is packed with immune-boosting compounds. They are also a good source of vitamin C and fiber.

Moreover, they grow on shrubs that bloom with fragrant white flowers in early summer. Despite being relatively unknown, they are one of the most productive plants in the garden world.

4. Concord Grapes

Branch with concord grapes
Concord grapes

Concord grapes are sweet-tart, dark blue grapes native to North America. They were first cultivated in Concord, Massachusetts, in the mid-19th century. It is one of the oldest American grape varieties.

Concord grapes are the most antioxidant-rich grape type. In addition, they are rich in fiber, vitamin C, and vitamin K. Among the phenols, they contain resveratrol, which helps improve blood circulation.

Moreover, they are well known for their rich, fruity flavor. 

That’s why these grapes are mostly used to make Concord wine, grape juice, jams, and jellies, but they can also be eaten fresh or used in baked goods and other recipes. 

Also, concord grapes can be consumed as a snack, added to a cheese platter, or used to make grape juice.

5. Black Currants

dark blue black currants
Black currants

Blackcurrants are small, tart berries that grow on shrubs. They have a bluish-black appearance and are well-known for their distinct flavor and nutritional value. They resemble elderberries in appearance.

Black currants are high in vitamin C and antioxidants and are frequently used in jams, jellies, and other sweet delights.

Additionally, black currants are used in savory foods such as stews and sauces. Also, their seeds are sometimes even used as a flavoring in alcoholic drinks such as liqueur, beer, and wine.

6. Indigo Tomatoes

Indigo tomatoes
Indigo tomatoes

You may wonder why we included tomatoes in this list. Technically, a tomato is a fruit because it produces seeds.

This blue-purple tomato, sometimes known as the blue tomato, is one of the darkest types.

Indigo tomatoes are the outcome of several years of breeding by the University of Oregon for an antioxidant-rich cultivar that began in the 1960s.

This delicious fruit is well-suited for salads and is known for its flavor and sweet taste. Its skin is a deep blue-purple, while the flesh inside is a bright, reddish-pink hue.

As a result, these fruits that are blue contain more antioxidants than traditional red tomatoes.

7. Damson Plums

Damson plums
Damson plums

Damson plums are thought to have originated in ancient Iran and have been grown for thousands of years. As a result, they have a long history, dating back to Damascus, where the plum earned its name.

They were introduced to Europe by the Romans and have been popular in the United Kingdom for ages.

The rich blue of the fruit is caused by anthocyanins, which are also found in other blue fruits.

This blue colored fruit is an excellent source of fiber, whether eaten fresh or dried. As a result, it aids in digestive problems such as constipation.

They are also used in jellies and jams. Damson jam, for example, has been popular in the United Kingdom since before World War II.

Damson plums are also used to produce alcoholic drinks such as brandy and plum wine, in addition to their culinary use.

8. Blue Honeysuckle Fruits

Fresh honeysuckle fruits or honeyberries
Blue honeysuckle fruits

Honeysuckle, also known as honeyberry, is a small, berry-like fruit typically red or orange.

However, a variety of honeysuckle is known as the blue honeysuckle, which produces blue-colored fruits. This is native to Canada, Poland, Russia, and Japan.

These blue fruits are often compared to blueberries in taste and texture.

What’s more, they are growing in popularity as a superfood due to their high levels of antioxidants and vitamin C.

Blue honeysuckle fruits are both delicious and nutritious. It is high in dietary fiber, potassium, and iron, as well as antioxidants and vitamin C.

9. Blue Quandong Fruit

Cassowary plums and blue Quandong fruits
Cassowary plums and blue quandong fruits

The blue quandong fruit is native to Australia and is also known as the blue fig or the blue marble.

The flesh of the blue quandong fruit is typically bright orange or yellow. It has a tart, slightly biting flavor. Also, it can be eaten fresh or dried.

Blue quandong berries also have several traditional medicinal uses in indigenous Australian culture. For example, they are believed to have anti-inflammatory properties.

Blue quandong trees are also cultivated for their ornamental value, with blue-green leaves contrasting with the deep blue color with purple undertones of their fruits.

10. Blue Corn

Blue corn cobs
Blue corn cobs

Yes, from a botanical point of view, blue corn is a fruit.

Blue corn is native to the southwestern United States and Mexico. Its popularity stems from its blue color, which, like other blue fruits, is caused by anthocyanins.

Blue corn has a nutty flavor and slightly coarser texture than traditional yellow corn. Moreover, it is easier to digest.

Indigenous peoples have used it for centuries in various dishes such as tortillas, tamales, and porridge.

Blue corn has gained popularity recently due to its higher nutritional properties, including health-promoting antioxidants.

Today, this type of corn is also used in Mexican tlacoyo food.

11. Blue Ceylon Olives

Blue Ceylon Olives
Blue Ceylon olives

Blue Ceylon olives, or Elaeocarpus serratus, are indigenous to Sri Lanka. They have blue skin, but their flesh is green.

They are members of the Elaeocarpaceae family, which contains over 350 species of trees and shrubs found in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide.

Ceylon blue olives are small, round blue fruits with shiny, smooth skin. They are typically consumed raw and have a slightly tart-sweet flavor similar to blueberries.

These blue fruits have been used in traditional Sri Lankan medicine. They are thought to have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties.

Ceylon olive leaf extract has been shown to inhibit melanogenesis, which is beneficial in treating and preventing cancer.  [4]

So, Ceylon blue olives are a distinct member of the blue fruit family worth exploring for their culinary and medicinal properties.

12. Bilberries


Bilberry is another fruit that is blue, often used as a food in pies and jams as well as eaten fresh. This is native to Northern Europe, Asia, the northern United States, and Canada.

Bilberries are similar to blueberries: they are packed with nutrients (vitamin C, quercetin, and catechin) and are rich in anthocyanins. However, they are not the same.

Bilberries are smaller and darker than blueberries, with a blackish color and a blue tinge. Furthermore, they have dark red flesh, whereas blueberries have light green flesh. This indicates that they have a higher antioxidant content.

13. Blue Sausage Fruit

Blue sausage fruit
Blue sausage fruit

Blue sausage (Decaisnea fargesii) is an upright, multi-stemmed shrub native to western China, Myanmar, northeastern India, and Nepal. The shrub grows up to 20′ tall and wide.

Interestingly, this shrub is actually a relative of the Akebia vine. In the autumn, this shrub produces edible, metallic blue fruits. When raw, the fruits of this shrub are poisonous.

Blue sausage fruit have an inedible blue rind and a transparent, slightly gelatinous edible flesh with a sweet flavor and cucumber and melon notes.

This fruit is also known as dead man’s finger because it is eggplant-colored and finger-shaped, and it ripens around Halloween.

Blue sausage fruit is high in phosphorus and essential fatty acids. Moreover, it has anti-microbial properties.

14. Blue Jarrahdale Pumpkin

Blue Jarrahdale pumpkins
Blue Jarrahdale pumpkins

Jarrahdale pumpkins are native to New Zealand and named after the town of the same name. 

Despite their bluish skin, the blue Jarrahdale pumpkins have golden-orange flesh. Their flavor is similar to that of yellow melon.

This pumpkin is a cross between Cinderella and Baby Blue Hubbard squash. That’s why it resembles the latter in color.

15. Baby Blue Hubbard Squash

Baby Blue Hubbard Squash
Baby Blue Hubbard Squash

Also called New England Blue Hubbard, this squash is an excellent source of potassium and beta-carotene. It has a mild flavor, a blue skin with dark orange flesh.

The flesh texture is dense and nutty and highly regarded for its flavor. It is frequently used in cakes, either steamed or cooked.

Moreover, this squash was used to create the blue Jarrahdale variety.

Interesting Facts About Blue Foods

Are you fascinated by foods that are blue? Here are some interesting facts about them.

  • There are very few naturally blue foods. However, some of the most well-known blue foods include blueberries, blue corn, blue potatoes, and blue beans.
  • The blue color in blue foods is caused by a pigment called anthocyanin. This natural pigment can also be found in red grapes and purple cabbage.
  • Blue foods can also be beneficial to your brain’s health. Blueberries have been shown in studies to improve cognitive function and memory. [5]
  • Antioxidants found in blue foods can help protect cells from damage and reduce inflammation.
Blue fruits
8 Juicy blue fruits

Are Blue Foods Healthy?

Naturally blue foods are healthy because they are packed with anthocyanins, plant compounds with health-promoting antioxidant properties, and vitamin C.

Blueberries are a popular blue food high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They’re low in calories and high in fiber, making them an excellent snack.

Another example of healthy blue food is blue potatoes. They have high potassium, vitamin C, and fiber content and can be used in various dishes.

Blue grapes are high in the antioxidants beta-carotene and resveratrol. They shield the body from free radical-caused cell damage.

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