Looking for shades of pink? In today’s article, we have put together a visual list of pink shades, complete with names, HEX, RGB, and CMYK codes.
Pink, as a playful and nurturing color, transports us back to our childhood.
Pink is associated with feelings of love, innocence, romance, and passion. In contrast, intense pinks create a sense of urgency.
Shades of Pink
Pink is one of the most contentious colors in history. Although pink has been used to represent luxury and social class by men and women since Homer’s Odyssey, it took on a feminine connotation during World War II.
Today, marketing has made it one of the most common colors. From Disney princesses to brands that want to illustrate compassion, youthfulness, and playfulness, pink is increasingly used by those communicating to a young audience.
Branding is especially important today, which is why you should carefully select the shade of pink that will represent your product.
Whether you’re designing a website or planning a home renovation, we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of pink hues. Furthermore, pink things in nature can inspire you.
In today’s article, we’ll go over 100 different shades of pink, along with their names, hex, RGB, and CMYK codes. So, if you’re looking for pink hex codes, you’ve come to the right place.
Pink Shades
Bubblegum Pink
Hex #FE83CC
RGB 254, 131, 204
CMYK 0, 48, 20, 0
Soft Pink
Hex #FDB0C0
RGB 253, 176, 192
CMYK 0, 30, 24, 1
Baker Miller Pink
Hex #FF91AF
RGB 255, 145, 175
CMYK 0, 43, 31, 0
Barbie Pink
Hex #FE46A5
RGB 254, 70, 165
CMYK 0, 72, 35, 0
Cameo Pink
RGB 239, 187, 204
CMYK 0, 20, 14, 6
Careys Pink
Hex #D29EAA
RGB 210, 158, 170
CMYK 0, 20, 16, 18
Carnation Pink
Hex #FF7FA7
RGB 255, 127, 167
CMYK 0, 50, 35, 0
Carousel Pink
Hex #F9E0ED
RGB 249, 224, 237
CMYK 0, 10, 5, 2
Cavern Pink
RGB 227, 190, 190
CMYK 0, 15, 15, 11
Charm Pink
Hex #E68FAC
RGB 230, 143, 172
CMYK 0, 34, 23, 10
Darkish Pink
Hex #DA467D
RGB 218, 70, 125
CMYK 0, 58, 36, 15
Dawn Pink
Hex #F3E9E5
RGB 243, 233, 229
CMYK 0, 4, 5, 5
Deep Pink
Hex #FF1493
RGB 255, 20, 147
CMYK 0, 92, 42, 0
Dull Pink
Hex #D5869D
RGB 213, 134, 157
CMYK 0, 31, 22, 16
Dirty Pink
Hex #CA7B80
RGB 202, 123, 128
CMYK 0, 31, 29, 21
Dusky Pink
Hex #CC7A8B
RGB 204, 122, 139
CMYK 0, 32, 25, 20
Faded Pink
RGB 222, 157, 172
CMYK 0, 25, 20, 13
Fair Pink
RGB 255, 239, 236
CMYK 0, 6, 7, 0
Flamingo Pink
RGB 252, 142, 172
CMYK 0, 43, 31, 1
Lavender Pink
RGB 251, 174, 210
CMYK 0, 30, 16, 2
Light Fuchsia Pink
Hex #F984EF
RGB 249, 132, 239
CMYK 0, 46, 4, 2
Light Deep Pink
RGB 255, 92, 205
CMYK 0, 64, 20, 0
Light Thulian Pink
Hex #E68FAC
RGB 230, 143, 172
CMYK 0, 34, 23, 10
Medium Pink
Hex #FF7DB3
RGB 255, 125, 179
CMYK 0, 51, 30, 0
Pale Grayish Pink
Hex #E7B8B8
RGB 231, 184, 184
CMYK 0, 18, 18, 9
Pale Pink
RGB 255, 207, 220
CMYK 0, 19, 14, 0
Persian Pink
Hex #F77FBE
RGB 247, 127, 190
CMYK 0, 47, 22, 3
Pink Lace
RGB 255, 221, 244
CMYK 0, 13, 4, 0
Pink Pearl
RGB 231, 172, 207
CMYK 0, 23, 9, 9
Pink Salmon
Hex #FF91A4
RGB 255, 145, 164
CMYK 0, 43, 36, 0
Pink Terrace
Hex #F5D1CA
RGB 245, 209, 202
CMYK 0, 14, 17, 4
Hex #FC86AA
RGB 252, 134, 170
CMYK 0, 46, 32, 1
Powder Pink
Hex #FFB2D0
RGB 255, 178, 208
CMYK 0, 30, 18, 0
Queen Pink
Hex #E8CCD7
RGB 232, 204, 215
CMYK 0, 11, 7, 9
Purply Pink
Hex #F075E6
RGB 240, 117, 230
CMYK 0, 48, 4, 6
Rose Pink
Hex #F7879A
RGB 247, 135, 154
CMYK 0, 44, 36, 3
Schauss Pink
Hex #FF91AF
RGB 255, 145, 175
CMYK 0, 43, 31, 0
Ruddy Pink
Hex #E18E96
RGB 225, 142, 150
CMYK 0, 33, 29, 12
Reddish Pink
Hex #FE2C54
RGB 254, 44, 84
CMYK 0, 82, 67, 0
Soft Pink
Hex #FDB0C0
RGB 253, 176, 192
CMYK 0, 30, 24, 1
Spicy Pink
RGB 255, 28, 174
CMYK 0, 89, 32, 0
Sea Pink
Hex #ED989E
RGB 237, 152, 158
CMYK 0, 33, 31, 7
Atomic Pink
RGB 251, 126, 253
CMYK 1, 50, 0, 1
Avant-Garde Pink
Hex #FF77EE
RGB 255, 119, 238
CMYK 0, 53, 7, 0
Benevolent Pink
Hex #DD1188
RGB 221, 17, 136
CMYK 0, 92, 38, 13
Big Bang Pink
Hex #FF0099
RGB 255, 0, 153
CMYK 0, 100, 40, 0
Borderline Pink
Hex #EE1166
RGB 238, 17, 102
CMYK 0, 93, 57, 7
Brink Pink
Hex #FB607F
RGB 251, 96, 127
CMYK 0, 62, 49, 2
Brutal Pink
Hex #FF00BB
RGB 255, 0, 187
CMYK 0, 100, 27, 0
Candy Pink
Hex #FF63E9
RGB 255, 99, 233
CMYK 0, 61, 9, 0
Dark Pink
Hex #CB416B
RGB 203, 65, 107
CMYK 0, 68, 47, 20
Decadial Pink
RGB 222, 202, 222
CMYK 0, 9, 0, 13
Discrete Pink
RGB 235, 219, 221
CMYK 0, 7, 6, 8
Dolce Pink
Hex #F0D9E0
RGB 240, 217, 224
CMYK 0, 10, 7, 6
Drunk-Tank Pink
Hex #DD11DD
RGB 221, 17, 221
CMYK 0, 92, 0, 13
Elastic Pink
RGB 236, 166, 202
CMYK 0, 30, 14, 7
Eosin Pink
Hex #FF5EC4
RGB 255, 94, 196
CMYK 0, 63, 23, 0
Flickr Pink
Hex #FB0081
RGB 251, 0, 129
CMYK 0, 100, 49, 2
Fluorescent Pink
Hex #FE1493
RGB 254, 20, 147
CMYK 0, 92, 42, 0
Foxy Pink
Hex #DB95AB
RGB 219, 149, 171
CMYK 0, 32, 22, 14
Glamour Pink
RGB 255, 29, 205
CMYK 0, 89, 20, 0
Grandma’s Pink Tiles
Hex #E0B8C0
RGB 224, 184, 192
CMYK 0, 18, 14, 12
Grenadine Pink
Hex #FF616B
RGB 255, 97, 107
CMYK 0, 62, 58, 0
Hanami Pink
Hex #F2ABE1
RGB 242, 171, 225
CMYK 0, 29, 7, 5
Hint of Pink
Hex #F1E4E1
RGB 241, 228, 225
CMYK 0, 5, 7, 5
Hot Pink
Hex #FF028D
RGB 255, 2, 141
CMYK 0, 99, 45, 0
Hottest Of Pinks
Hex #FF80FF
RGB 255, 128, 255
CMYK 0, 50, 0, 0
Howling Pink
Hex #E50752
RGB 229, 7, 82
CMYK 0, 97, 64, 10
Hyper Pink
Hex #EC006C
RGB 236, 0, 108
CMYK 0, 100, 54, 7
I Love You Pink
Hex #D97D8F
RGB 217, 125, 143
CMYK 0, 42, 34, 15
Illicit Pink
RGB 255, 92, 205
CMYK 0, 64, 20, 0
In the Pink
Hex #F4C4D0
RGB 244, 196, 208
CMYK 0, 20, 15, 4
Just Pink Enough
RGB 255, 235, 238
CMYK 0, 8, 7, 0
Kinky Pinky
Hex #EE55CC
RGB 238, 85, 204
CMYK 0, 64, 14, 7
Light Pastel Pink
RGB 255, 209, 223
CMYK 0, 18, 13, 0
Loudicious Pink
Hex #D92FB4
RGB 217, 47, 180
CMYK 0, 78, 17, 15
Mademoiselle Pink
Hex #F504C9
RGB 245, 4, 201
CMYK 0, 98, 18, 4
Manga Pink
Hex #F5B9D8
RGB 245, 185, 216
CMYK 0, 24, 12, 4
Mangala Pink
Hex #E781A6
RGB 231, 129, 166
CMYK 0, 44, 28, 9
Matt Pink
Hex #FFB6C1
RGB 255, 182, 193
CMYK 0, 29, 24, 0
Millennial Pink
Hex #F6C8C1
RGB 246, 200, 193
CMYK 0, 19, 22, 4
Mimi Pink
RGB 255, 218, 233
CMYK 0, 15, 9, 0
Muted Pink
Hex #D1768F
RGB 209, 118, 143
CMYK 0, 44, 32, 18
Neon Pink
Hex #FE019A
RGB 254, 1, 154
CMYK 0, 100, 39, 0
Nervous Neon Pink
Hex #FF6EC7
RGB 255, 110, 199
CMYK 0, 57, 22, 0
Oriental Pink
Hex #C28E88
RGB 194, 142, 136
CMYK 0, 27, 30, 24
Paradise Pink
Hex #E4445E
RGB 228, 68, 94
CMYK 0, 70, 59, 11
Partial Pink
RGB 255, 237, 248
CMYK 0, 7, 3, 0
Pastel Dusty Pink
Hex #DEA5A4
RGB 222, 165, 164
CMYK 0, 26, 26, 13
Peachy Pinky
Hex #FF775E
RGB 255, 119, 94
CMYK 0, 53, 63, 0
Pearly Pink
Hex #EE99CC
RGB 238, 153, 204
CMYK 0, 36, 14, 7
Perfect Pink
Hex #E5B3B2
RGB 229, 179, 178
CMYK 0, 22, 22, 10
Petal Pink
Hex #F2E2E0
RGB 242, 226, 224
CMYK 0, 7, 7, 5
Petite Pink
RGB 234, 202, 203
CMYK 0, 14, 13, 8
Piercing Pink
Hex #DD00EE
RGB 221, 0, 238
CMYK 7, 100, 0, 7
Pig Pink
Hex #FDD7E4
RGB 253, 215, 228
CMYK 0, 15, 10, 1
RGB 255, 192, 203
CMYK 0, 25, 20, 0
Pink Bliss
RGB 227, 171, 206
CMYK 0, 25, 9, 11
Pink Blush
Hex #F4ACB6
RGB 244, 172, 182
CMYK 0, 30, 25, 4
Pink Elephants
Hex #FF99EE
RGB 255, 153, 238
CMYK 0, 40, 7, 0
Pink Fit
Hex #F5A8B2
RGB 245, 168, 178
CMYK 0, 31, 27, 4
Pink Flamingo
Hex #FF66FF
RGB 255, 102, 255
CMYK 0, 60, 0, 0
Pink Floyd
Hex #EB9A9D
RGB 235, 154, 157
CMYK 0, 34, 33, 8
Pink Glitter
RGB 253, 223, 218
CMYK 0, 12, 14, 1
Pink Horror
Hex #90305D
RGB 144, 48, 93
CMYK 0, 67, 35, 44
Pink Ink
Hex #FF1476
RGB 255, 20, 118
CMYK 0, 92, 54, 0
Pink Lemonade
RGB 255, 234, 235
CMYK 0, 8, 8, 0
Pink Macaroon
RGB 234, 172, 198
CMYK 0, 26, 15, 8
Pink Orchid
Hex #DA70D6
RGB 218, 112, 214
CMYK 0, 49, 2, 15
Pink Palazzo
Hex #DF9F8F
RGB 223, 159, 143
CMYK 0, 29, 36, 13
Pink Panther
Hex #FF0090
RGB 255, 0, 144
CMYK 0, 100, 44, 0
Pink Party
Hex #FF55EE
RGB 255, 85, 238
CMYK 0, 67, 7, 0
Pink Pepper
Hex #EF586C
RGB 239, 88, 108
CMYK 0, 63, 55, 6
Pink Pleasure
RGB 255, 223, 229
CMYK 0, 13, 10, 0
Pink Poison
Hex #FF007E
RGB 255, 0, 126
CMYK 0, 100, 51, 0
Pink Prestige
Hex #EE99AA
RGB 238, 153, 170
CMYK 0, 36, 29, 7
Pink Pride
Hex #EF1DE7
RGB 239, 29, 231
CMYK 0, 88, 3, 6
Pink Punk
Hex #D983BD
RGB 217, 131, 189
CMYK 0, 40, 13, 15
Pink Supremecy
Hex #FFD9E6
RGB 255, 217, 230
CMYK 0, 15, 10, 0
Hex #FF99FF
RGB 255, 153, 255
CMYK 0, 40, 0, 0
Hex #EB84F5
RGB 235, 132, 245
CMYK 4, 46, 0, 4
Hex #DD11FF
RGB 221, 17, 255
CMYK 13, 93, 0, 0
Hex #FC86AA
RGB 252, 134, 170
CMYK 0, 47, 33, 1
Pinky Pickle
Hex #B96D8E
RGB 185, 109, 142
CMYK 0, 41, 23, 27
Pinky Swear
RGB 238, 170, 238
CMYK 0, 29, 0, 7
Pleasing Pink
Hex #F5CDD2
RGB 245, 205, 210
CMYK 0, 16, 14, 4
Plushy Pink
Hex #EAB7A8
RGB 234, 183, 168
CMYK 0, 22, 28, 8
Prehistoric Pink
Hex #C3738D
RGB 195, 115, 141
CMYK 0, 41, 28, 24
Pretty in Pink
RGB 250, 191, 228
CMYK 0, 24, 9, 2
Prickly Pink
Hex #F42C93
RGB 244, 44, 147
CMYK 0, 82, 40, 4
Promiscuous Pink
Hex #BB11EE
RGB 187, 17, 238
CMYK 21, 93, 0, 7
Retro Pink Pop
Hex #FF0073
RGB 255, 0, 115
CMYK 0, 100, 55, 0
Schiaparelli Pink
Hex #E84998
RGB 232, 73, 152
CMYK 0, 69, 34, 9
She Loves Pink
Hex #E39B96
RGB 227, 155, 150
CMYK 0, 32, 34, 11
Shocking Pink
Hex #FE02A2
RGB 254, 2, 162
CMYK 0, 99, 36, 0
Sprinkled With Pink
Hex #E7A2AE
RGB 231, 162, 174
CMYK 0, 30, 25, 9
Sultan of Pink
Hex #E89BC7
RGB 232, 155, 199
CMYK 0, 33, 14, 9
Super Pink
Hex #CE6BA4
RGB 206, 107, 164
CMYK 0, 48, 20, 19
Think Pink
Hex #E5A5C1
RGB 229, 165, 193
CMYK 0, 28, 16, 10
Twinkle Pink
RGB 251, 216, 204
CMYK 0, 14, 19, 2
Twinkly Pinkily
Hex #CF4796
RGB 207, 71, 150
CMYK 0, 66, 28, 19
Violet Pink
RGB 251, 95, 252
CMYK 0, 62, 0, 1
Warm Pink
Hex #FB5581
RGB 251, 85, 129
CMYK 0, 66, 49, 2
York Pink
Hex #D7837F
RGB 215, 131, 127
CMYK 0, 39, 41, 16
Most Popular Shades of Pink
Salmon is a light orange-pink color, resembling the flesh of the fish by the same name. It is subtle and soothing, evoking feelings of calmness and comfort. However, this is more of an umbrella term for various shades ranging from pale pink to pinkish-orange.
Hex #FA8072
RGB 250, 128, 114
CMYK 0, 49, 54, 2
Salmon Pink
Hex #FF9999
RGB 255, 153, 153
CMYK 0, 40, 40, 0
Coral is a vivid pink-orange, resembling the color of coral reefs found in the ocean. Its vibrant and warm tones give it a lively and youthful feel. The coral hex code is #FF750.
Hex #FF7F50
RGB 255, 127, 80
CMYK 0, 50, 69, 0
Coral Pink
Coral pink is a medium orangish-pink color associated with freshness and femininity. It’s vibrant, warm, and stylish.
Coral Pink
Hex #F88379
RGB 248, 131, 121
CMYK 0, 47, 51, 3
French Pink
French pink is a mid-toned pink with magenta undertones. rich shade of pink with a touch of magenta or fuchsia undertones. Even if it’s soft and slightly desaturated, this muted reddish pink is perfect for creating a refined and stylish atmosphere.
French pink
Hex #F64A8A
RGB 246, 74, 138
CMYK 0, 70, 44, 4
Bright Pink
Bright pink is a vivid magenta-pink that looks bold and eye-catching due to its high saturation and brightness. This color is full of energy and exuberance, evoking a sense of excitement and vibrancy.
Bright pink
Hex #FF007F
RGB 255, 0, 127
CMYK 0, 100, 50, 0
Ruby is a dark reddish pink. It gets its name from the well-known pinkish-red gemstone ruby. Rubies, which are mentioned in the Bible, have been among the most valuable gemstones since ancient times.
Hex #E0115F
RGB 224, 17, 95
CMYK 0, 92, 58, 12
Cherry Pink
Cherry Pink is a medium pink with a warm tone that is appreciated for its reddish hue and is one of the most beautiful bright pink colors. It can be described as a magenta-pink color.
Cherry pink
Hex #DE3163
RGB 222, 49, 99
CMYK 0, 78, 55, 13
Pacific Pink
Pacific Pink is a dark, muted dusty pink inspired by sunsets over the sea and oceans. It pairs well with light teal – its complementary, midnight blue, golden yellow and velvet violet.
Pacific Pink
Hex #DB7093
RGB 219,112,147
CMYK 0,49,33,14
Watermelon is a mid-toned reddish pink named after the inside of ripe watermelon fruit. It’s a softened and slightly desaturated shade of pink with a touch of red.
Hex #FC6C85
RGB 252, 108, 133
CMYK 0, 57, 47, 1
Pastel Pink
Pastel pink is a light pink than can be described as a yellowish-pink. It has a gentle and delicate warmth accentuated by a touch of white. Pastel pink evokes an air of sweetness, innocence, and feminity.
Pastel Pink
RGB 248, 200, 220
CMYK 0, 19, 11, 3
Light Pink
Light pink is a soft shade of pink known as the color of little girls. It is a pale and delicate hue with a touch of warmth, resembling the color of some light pink flowers like the cherry blossom.
Light Pink
Hex #FFB6C1
RGB 255, 182, 193
CMYK 0, 29, 24, 0
Piggy Pink
Piggy pink is a light shade of pink. This color was developed by the Crayola company for their crayons. The name Piggy Pink comes from pink skin.
Piggy Pink
Hex #F8C8DC
RGB 253, 221, 230
CMYK 0, 13, 9, 1
Cherry Blossom
Cherry blossom is a light shade of pink named after the beautiful flowers of cherry blossom trees, which bloom in various shades of pink during spring. Cherry Blossom pink is associated with the fleeting beauty and transient nature of cherry blossoms, making it a symbol of renewal and new beginnings.
Cherry blossom
Hex #FFB7C5
RGB 255, 183, 197
CMYK 0, 28, 23, 0
Bubblegum is a mid-toned pink named after the traditional gumball. Thus, this playful pink shade evokes a sense of youthful energy and joy.
RGB 255, 193, 204
CMYK 0, 24, 20, 0
Baby Pink
Baby pink, with the hex code #FFB7CE, is a soft and delicate shade of pink, similar to the hue associated with baby girls’ clothing and nursery decor. It’s a soothing color that evokes tenderness, innocence, and sweetness. Moreover, baby pink is brighter and warmer than bubblegum.
Baby Pink
RGB 255, 183, 206
CMYK 0, 28, 19, 0
Nadeshiko Pink
Nadeshiko Pink, named after the Nadeshiko plant, is a soft dusty pink associated with feminine beauty in Asian cultures. It’s also one of the most unusual pink names.
Nadeshiko Pink
Hex #F6ADC6
RGB 246, 173, 198
CMYK 0, 30, 20, 4
Mexican Pink
Mexican Pink is a vibrant pink. It has a lot of cultural meaning in Mexico, where it is seen as a symbol of the country’s charm.
Mexican Pink
Hex #E4007C
RGB 228, 0, 124
CMYK 0, 100, 46, 11
Barbie Pink
Barbie Pink is a vibrant magenta pink with a youthful tone. It is regarded as an excellent color for children’s clothing. This bold and eye-catching hue exudes a sense of fun, femininity, and playfulness. Moreover, this hue is one of the most popular color names for pink.
Barbie Pink
Hex #E0218A
RGB 224, 33, 138
CMYK 0, 85, 38, 12
Taffy is a pale pink with a high proportion of yellow, which makes it quite energetic and joyful.
Hex #FA86C4
RGB 250, 134, 196
CMYK 0, 46, 22, 2
Light Crimson
Light Crimson is an excellent choice if you want a bright pink. This pink is eye-catching due to the high amount of red in its composition.
Light Crimson
Hex #F56991
RGB 245, 105, 145
CMYK 0, 57, 41, 4
Pink Sherbet
Do you recall what color raspberry sherbet was? This color, a slightly pastel pink, is a perfect example of it.
Pink Sherbet
Hex #F78FA7
RGB 247, 143, 167
CMYK 0, 42, 32, 3
Brillant Rose
Rose Brilliant It’s a bright and vibrant pink, and its name is derived from the allure of a brilliant rose with 66 facets. Brilliant Pink is a lighter pink than Hot Pink.
Brilliant Rose
Hex #FF55A3
RGB 255, 85, 163
CMYK 0, 67, 36, 0
Brink is a bright pink color with no cyan or black in its CMYK color space. If you want a similar shade of hot pink, this color is a good choice because of its warmth.
Hex #FF6090
RGB 255, 96, 144
CMYK 0, 62, 44, 0
Light Deep Pink
Although the name doesn’t say much about this shade of pink, light deep pink is a deep shade of light pink that is less subtle than the neon pink version. It looks fantastic with navy blue shades.
Light Deep Pink
RGB 255, 92, 205
CMYK 0, 64, 20, 0
Wild Orchid
Wild Orchid is a particularly beautiful pink with blue undertones. The beauty of this dusty pink shade is associated with the color of the wild orchid, hence the name.
Wild Orchid
Orhid Hex #D470A2
RGB 212, 112, 162
CMYK 0, 47, 24, 17
Dark Pink
Dark Pink is a medium-dark shade of pink with warm overtones. Its vibrant hue is complemented by cyan.
Dark pink
Hex #E75480
RGB 231, 84, 128
CMYK 0, 64, 45, 9
Cerise Pink
Cerise pink is a bright pink with a remarkable depth. Because of the high red content in the composition, this shade embodies energy. Cerise Pink appears to be a light shade of red.
Cerise Pink
Hex #EC3B83
RGB 236, 59, 131
CMYK 0, 75, 44, 7
Schauss Pink
Schauss Pink could be the name of a researcher named Alexander Schauss, who studied the effects of color on emotions. The high yellow content of this shade’s composition in the CMYK color space contributes to its energy and optimism.
Schauss Pink
Hex #FF91AF
RGB 255, 145, 175
CMYK 0, 43, 31, 0
Spanish Pink
The soft shade of pink, Spanish pink, denotes naturalness and youthfulness. Although it contains a high proportion of red in the RGB, the amount of green and blue balances this shade.
Spanish Pink
RGB 247, 191, 190
CMYK 0, 23, 23, 3
Knockout Pink
Knockout Pink is an intense shade of pink and is used in advertising by brands that want to capture attention easily. It is a very energetic shade of pink due to its composition’s high content of magenta and yellow.
Knockout Pink
Hex #FF3EA5
RGB 255, 62, 165
CMYK 0, 76, 35, 0
Misty Rose
Misty Rose is a light shade of pink, similar to peach. Very soft, this pastel pink is an excellent choice if you need a pale pink.
Misty Rose
Hex #FFE4E1
RGB 255, 228, 225
CMYK 0, 11, 12, 0
Light Hot Pink
Although it appears purple, light hot pink is actually a pastel pink with cool undertones. It’s more of a pale pink, with a cool tint from the high blue content in its composition.
Light Hot Pink
RGB 255, 179, 222
CMYK 0, 30, 13, 0
French Fuchsia
French Fuchsia is a vivid shade of pink and also one of the most beautiful fuchsia colors close to pink. The brightness and energy of this shade come from the high yellow percentage.
However, the fuschia color is a mixture of red, pink, and purple.
French Fuchsia
Hex #FD3F92
RGB 253, 63, 146
CMYK 0, 75, 42, 1
Hot Pink
Hot pink is a bold and vibrant shade of pink with strong saturation. Its boldness demands attention and exudes a sense of energy and excitement.
Hot Pink
Hex #FF69B4
RGB 255, 105, 180
CMYK 0, 59, 29, 0
Puce is a dusty pink with a purple undertone. This lovely pink hue is frequently perceived as a pinkish brown. The dusty pink color code is #DE5D83.
Hex #CC8899
RGB 204, 136, 153
CMYK 0, 33, 25, 20
Rose Gold
Rose gold is a soft, muted pink color with a golden tinge that symbolizes wealth, elegance, and prosperity.
Rose Gold
Hex #B76E79
RGB 183, 110, 121
CMYK 0, 40, 34, 28
Dusty Pink
Pink dusk It’s also known as Blush, and it’s a popular makeup shade. It has gradually gained popularity in clothing as well. It’s a paler red, but it appears more muted than dark pink.
Dusty Pink
Hex #DE5D83
RGB 222, 93, 131
CMYK 0, 58, 41, 13
Nude Pink
This light pink nude color is very popular among women. Nude pink is a lovely color that is frequently used in clothing, nail care, and interior design. The nude pink color code is #F2DADF.
Nude Pink
RGB 242, 218, 223
CMYK 0, 10, 8, 5
Shades of Dark Pink
Because pink is made by combining red and white, lighter shades of pink contain more white than red, whereas darker shades contain more red.
Shades of dark pink are frequently seen as vivid purplish-red colors.
Pink Red
Hex #F5054F
RGB 245, 5, 79
CMYK 0, 94, 65, 4
Pinkish Red
Hex #F10C45
RGB 241, 12, 69
CMYK 0, 90, 67, 5
Spicy Pink
RGB 255, 28, 174
CMYK 0, 89, 32, 0
Steel Pink
Hex #CC33CC
RGB 204, 51, 204
CMYK 0, 60, 0, 20
Neon Pink
Hex #FE019A
RGB 254, 1, 154
CMYK 0, 99, 39, 0
Dark Hot Pink
Hex #D90166
RGB 217, 1, 102
CMYK 0, 85, 45, 15
Dark Pink
Hex #CB416B
RGB 203, 65, 107
CMYK 0, 54, 38, 20
Dark Pink
Hex #E75480
RGB 231, 84, 128
CMYK 0, 58, 40, 9
Darkish Pink
Hex #DA467D
RGB 218, 70, 125
CMYK 0, 58, 36, 15
Light Pink Shades
The less red a shade of pink has in its composition, the lighter, paler or more pastel it becomes.
Light pink shades show kindness and compassion. Here are some of the most popular light shades of pink.
Pale Pink
RGB 250, 218, 221
CMYK 0, 13, 11, 2
Pale Pink
RGB 255, 170, 200
CMYK 0, 33, 22, 0
Pastel Pink
RGB 255, 209, 220
CMYK 0, 18, 14, 0
Pink Lace
RGB 255, 221, 244
CMYK 0, 13, 4, 0
Pink Terrace
Hex #F5D1CA
RGB 245, 209, 202
CMYK 0, 14, 17, 4
Powder Pink
Hex #FFB2D0
RGB 255, 178, 208
CMYK 0, 30, 18, 0
Soft Pink
Hex #FDB0C0
RGB 253, 176, 192
CMYK 0, 30, 24, 1
Hot Pink Shades
If you’re looking for hot pink shades, here are a few of the best hot pink shades ranging from light to dark.
Hot Pink
Hex #8B3A62
RGB 139, 58, 98
CMYK 0, 32, 16, 45
Dusty Hot Pink
Hex #CD6090
RGB 205, 96, 144
CMYK 0, 43, 24, 20
Hot Pink
Hex #FF028D
RGB 255, 2, 141
CMYK 0, 99, 45, 0
Hot Pink
Hex #EE6AA7
RGB 238, 106, 167
CMYK 0, 52, 28, 7
Hot Pink
Hex #FF69B4
RGB 255, 105, 180
CMYK 0, 59, 29, 0
Hot Pink
Hex #FF6EB4
RGB 255, 110, 180
CMYK 0, 57, 29, 0
History of Pink Color
Pink was officially invented by a Greek botanist in the 18th century, despite being mentioned in Homer’s Odyssey as early as 800 BC.
Pink became popular among aristocrats a century later, symbolizing luxury and high social class.
Furthermore, in 1918, a children’s trade catalog suggested that girls wear blue because it was a more delicate color and more appropriate for girls. At the same time, they advised boys to wear pink because it was stronger and more passionate, derived from red.
With the Second World War, men in the twentieth century gravitated toward darker colors. Furthermore, during the postwar period, women stayed at home with their children while men went to work. Pink, a pastel and bright color, thus acquired a feminine connotation.
Pink became associated with little girls, and it remained a popular color for the female sex until the early 1990s.
Pink later gained cultural neutrality in Western culture. But not for long, because marketing and Disney princesses have kept pink as a color that evokes femininity to this day.
Surprisingly, some languages, such as Japanese, use approximately seven different terms to describe different shades of pink.
Pink is a masculine color in Japanese culture, representing young soldiers who have died on the front lines.
Pink is known as “rosa” in German, and it represents something bright, peaceful, and sweet.
Pink Color Palette
Whether you’re looking for a hot pink color palette for a design project or you’re looking for a light pink color palette to bring a touch of pink into your home, we’ve prepared some gorgeous shades of pink.
Light Pink Color Palette
Are you looking for a light pink color palette? You’ve come to the right place. We’ve put together a light pink color palette infographic with some of the most lovely shades.
French Pink has been added in the middle of the color palette to contrast all of the other shades.
Pink Rose
Cherry Blossom Sky
What are the Pink Complementary Colors?
The pink’s complementary color is blue-green. On the modern color wheel, blue-green is located on the opposite side of pink. However, the complementary color may differ depending on the shade of pink. Thus, mauve pinks are complemented by greens, while pinks are by blue-greens.
If shades of pink are more saturated and closer to red, the complementary colors move toward blues.
What Is the Hex Code of Pink Color?
#FFC0CB is the pink hex code.
What is the RGB Value for the Color Pink?
The pink RGB values are 255, 192, 203. Pink is made up of 100% red, 75.3% green, and 79.6% blue in RGB color space.
What Is the CMYK Code of Color Pink?
The pink CYMK values are 0, 25, 20, 0. Pink is made up of 0% cyan, 25% magenta, 20% yellow, and 0% black.
What Are the Different Colors of Pink?
There are different colors of pink, and the most popular ones include baby pink, bright pink, pale pink, pastel, coral, salmon, flamingo, and hot pink.
What Is the Prettiest Shade of Pink?
The prettiest shades of pink include French pink, nude pink, baby pink, hot pink, light pink, cherry, bubblegum, millenial, dusty, and carnation.
What Is the Lightest Color of Pink?
Pastel pink is the lightest pink, a very pale shade with low saturation and high brightness. The lightest pink hex code is #FFF4F2.
What Is the Darkest Color Pink?
Dark pink is the darkest pink. It is a deep pink that is commonly perceived as purplish-red. The dark pink hex code is #AA336A.
Last Words on Shades of Pink
As you can see, there are numerous shades of pink to choose from.
There is a variety of the color pink to choose from for your future projects, whether you are looking for light shades, dark shades, pastel pink colors, or purplish red hues.
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