Are you looking for various shades of blue? Well, you’ve come to the right place. We have compiled a comprehensive list of blue shades, including their names and their Hex, RGB, and CMYK codes.
The color blue is perceived between wavelengths of 450 and 496 nanometers. Due to its short wavelength, blue light scatters as a result of Rayleigh scattering. This helps to explain why the sky is blue.
Shades of Blue Color
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The color blue, which represents the sky and the ocean, is associated with freedom, imagination, wisdom, confidence, inspiration, and intuition. Blue is also associated with serenity, loyalty, trust, and responsibility.
Learn more about the blue color meanings.
Shades of blue include cyan, navy, aqua, turquoise, aquamarine, midnight blue, baby blue, sapphire blue, sky blue, and royal blue.
Tiffany, Carolina, Cobalt, and Imperial shades convey authority and wisdom. They are also quite conservative blue shades.
Turquoise blue shades are associated with tranquility and safety.
Therefore, today we are going to discover the different shades of blue, along with their names.
Pssst: It’s also one of the primary colors in the RGB and RYB color models.
Blue Shades
There is a multitude of shades of blue that you didn’t even know about. They are used in various industries and organizations, as well as national flags.
If you’re looking for blue hex codes, you’ve come to the right place. However, some shades of blue have limitations on their use.
Let’s explore the different shades of blue and their corresponding names, Hex, RGB, and CMYK codes, so you can use them in your forthcoming project.
20000 Leagues Under the Sea
Hex #191970
RGB 25, 25, 112
CMYK 78, 78, 0, 56
Admiral Blue
Hex #50647F
RGB 80, 100, 127
CMYK 37, 21, 0, 50
Ahoy! Blue
Hex #0082A1
RGB 0, 130, 161
CMYK 100, 19, 0, 37
Andromeda Blue
RGB 171, 205, 238
CMYK 28., 14., 0, 7
Baby Blue
RGB 162, 207, 254
CMYK 36, 19, 0, 0
Bird Bath Blue
RGB 205, 223, 231
CMYK 11, 3, 0, 9
Blasphemous Blue
Hex #3356AA
RGB 51, 86, 170
CMYK 70, 49, 0, 33
Blizzard Blue
Hex #A3E3ED
RGB 163, 227, 237
CMYK 31, 4, 0, 7
Hex #0000FF
RGB 0, 0, 255
CMYK 100, 100, 0, 0
Blue Bay
Hex #619AD6
RGB 97, 154, 214
CMYK 55., 28., 0, 16
Blue Bell
Hex #93B4D7
RGB 147, 180, 215
CMYK 32, 16, 0, 16
Blue Bikini
Hex #00BBEE
RGB 0, 187, 238
CMYK 100, 21, 0, 7
Blue Blood
Hex #6B7F81
RGB 107, 127, 129
CMYK 17, 2, 0, 49
Blue Bobbin
Hex #52B4CA
RGB 82, 180, 202
CMYK 59, 11, 0, 21
Blue Chip
Hex #1D5699
RGB 29, 86, 153
CMYK 81, 44, 0, 40
Blue Haze
RGB 189, 186, 206
CMYK 8, 10, 0, 19
Blue Hour
Hex #0034AB
RGB 0, 52, 171
CMYK 100, 70, 0, 33
Blue Lips
Hex #A6BCE2
RGB 166, 188, 226
CMYK 27, 17, 0, 11
Blue Mana
Hex #68C2F5
RGB 104, 194, 245
CMYK 58., 21, 0, 4
Blue Martini
Hex #52B4D3
RGB 82, 180, 211
CMYK 61, 15, 0, 17
Blue Moon
Hex #3686A0
RGB 54, 134, 160
CMYK 66, 16, 0, 37
Blue Overdose
Hex #0020EF
RGB 0, 32, 239
CMYK 100, 87, 0, 6
Blue Ribbon
Hex #0066FF
RGB 0, 102, 255
CMYK 100, 60, 0, 0
Blue Screen of Death
Hex #0033BB
RGB 0, 51, 187
CMYK 100, 73, 0, 27
Blue Silk
Hex #D0DCE8
RGB 208, 220, 232
CMYK 10, 5, 0, 9
Blue Triumph
Hex #4376AB
RGB 67, 118, 171
CMYK 61, 31, 0, 33
Blue Velvet
Hex #0D6183
RGB 13, 97, 131
CMYK 90, 26, 0, 49
Blue Whale
Hex #1E3442
RGB 30, 52, 66
CMYK 55., 21, 0, 74
Hex #333399
RGB 51, 51, 153
CMYK 67, 67, 0, 40
Hex #1C1CF0
RGB 28, 28, 240
CMYK 88, 88, 0, 6
Hex #1F66FF
RGB 31, 102, 255
CMYK 88, 60, 0, 0
Blues White Shoes
Hex #99BADD
RGB 153, 186, 221
CMYK 31, 16, 0, 13
Hex #3C69E7
RGB 60, 105, 231
CMYK 74, 55., 0, 9
Blustering Blue
Hex #4411FF
RGB 68, 17, 255
CMYK 73, 93, 0, 0
Bohemian Blue
Hex #0000AA
RGB 0, 0, 170
CMYK 100, 100, 0, 33
Brilliant Blue
Hex #0075B3
RGB 0, 117, 179
CMYK 100, 35, 0, 30
Busty Blue
Hex #3300CC
RGB 51, 0, 204
CMYK 75, 100, 0, 20
C64 Blue
Hex #003AFF
RGB 0, 58, 255
CMYK 100, 77, 0, 0
Capital Blue
Hex #1A4157
RGB 26, 65, 87
CMYK 70, 25, 0, 66
Caribbean Blue
Hex #1AC1DD
RGB 26, 193, 221
CMYK 88, 13, 0, 13
Cold Blue
Hex #88DDDD
RGB 136, 221, 221
CMYK 38, 0, 0, 13
Dancing Sea
Hex #1C4D8F
RGB 28, 77, 143
CMYK 80, 46, 0, 44
Dark Blue
Hex #305679
RGB 48, 86, 121
CMYK 60, 29., 0, 53
Deep Sea Base
Hex #2C2C57
RGB 44, 44, 87
CMYK 49, 49, 0, 66
Deep Sea Diver
Hex #255C61
RGB 37, 92, 97
CMYK 62, 5, 0, 62
Deep Sea Nightmare
Hex #002366
RGB 0, 35, 102
CMYK 100, 66, 0, 60
Deep Sky Blue
Hex #0D75F8
RGB 13, 117, 248
CMYK 95, 53, 0, 3
Dramatic Blue
Hex #240093
RGB 36, 0, 147
CMYK 76, 100, 0, 42
Dying Storm Blue
Hex #111166
RGB 17, 17, 102
CMYK 83, 83, 0, 60
Ephemeral Blue
RGB 203, 212, 223
CMYK 9, 5, 0, 13
Epic Blue
Hex #0066EE
RGB 0, 102, 238
CMYK 100, 57., 0, 7
Fibonacci Blue
Hex #112358
RGB 17, 35, 88
CMYK 81, 60, 0, 65
Flying Fish Blue
Hex #024ACA
RGB 2, 74, 202
CMYK 99, 63, 0, 21
French Blue
Hex #0072BB
RGB 0, 114, 187
CMYK 100, 39, 0, 27
Fresh Blue of Bel Air
Hex #069AF3
RGB 6, 154, 243
CMYK 98, 37, 0, 5
Frosted Blueberries
Hex #0055DD
RGB 0, 85, 221
CMYK 100, 62, 0, 13
Galaxy Blue
Hex #2A4B7C
RGB 42, 75, 124
CMYK 66, 40, 0, 51
Gentian Blue
Hex #312297
RGB 49, 34, 151
CMYK 68, 77, 0, 41
Hadfield Blue
Hex #1177FF
RGB 17, 119, 255
CMYK 93, 53, 0, 0
Hammam Blue
Hex #65DCD6
RGB 101, 220, 214
CMYK 54, 0, 3, 14.
Harbour Blue
Hex #417491
RGB 65, 116, 145
CMYK 55., 20, 0, 43
Hey Blue!
Hex #16F8FF
RGB 22, 248, 255
CMYK 91, 3, 0, 0
Hidden Sea Glass
Hex #6FD1C9
RGB 111, 209, 201
CMYK 47, 0, 4, 18
High Blue
Hex #4CA8E0
RGB 76, 168, 224
CMYK 66, 25, 0, 12
High Seas
Hex #7DABD8
RGB 125, 171, 216
CMYK 42, 21, 0, 15
Hint of Blue
Hex #CEE1F2
RGB 206, 225, 242
CMYK 15, 7, 0, 5
Homeopathic Blue
Hex #DBE7E3
RGB 219, 231, 227
CMYK 5, 0, 2, 9
Honolulu Blue
Hex #007FBF
RGB 0, 127, 191
CMYK 100, 34, 0, 25
Hyper Blue
Hex #015F97
RGB 1, 95, 151
CMYK 99, 37, 0, 41
Hyperlink Blue
Hex #0000EE
RGB 0, 0, 238
CMYK 100, 100, 0, 7
Insomniac Blue
Hex #110077
RGB 17, 0, 119
CMYK 86, 100, 0, 53
International Klein Blue
Hex #002FA6
RGB 0, 47, 166
CMYK 100, 72, 0, 35
Interstellar Blue
Hex #001155
RGB 0, 17, 85
CMYK 100, 80, 0, 67
Into the Blue
Hex #4F7BA7
RGB 79, 123, 167
CMYK 53, 26, 0, 35
Inuit Blue
Hex #D8E4E7
RGB 216, 228, 231
CMYK 6, 1, 0, 9
Light Blue
Hex #ADD8E6
RGB 173, 216, 230
CMYK 25, 6, 0, 10
Looney Blue
Hex #11FFFF
RGB 17, 255, 255
CMYK 93, 0, 0, 0
Master Sword Blue
Hex #00FFEE
RGB 0, 255, 238
CMYK 100, 0, 7, 0
Matt Blue
Hex #2C6FBB
RGB 44, 111, 187
CMYK 76, 41, 0, 27
Medieval Blue
Hex #29304E
RGB 41, 48, 78
CMYK 47, 38, 0, 69
Mediterranean Sea
Hex #1E8CAB
RGB 30, 140, 171
CMYK 82, 18, 0, 33
Mermaid Blues
Hex #004477
RGB 0, 68, 119
CMYK 100, 43, 0, 53
Misty Cold Sea
Hex #83BBC1
RGB 131, 187, 193
CMYK 32, 3, 0, 24
Montreux Blue
Hex #5879A2
RGB 88, 121, 162
CMYK 46, 25, 0, 36
Moroccan Blue
Hex #0F4E67
RGB 15, 78, 103
CMYK 85, 24, 0, 60
Munsell Blue
Hex #0093AF
RGB 0, 147, 175
CMYK 100, 16, 0, 31
Muted Blue
Hex #3B719F
RGB 59, 113, 159
CMYK 63, 29., 0, 38
Mystic Blue
Hex #48A8D0
RGB 72, 168, 208
CMYK 65, 19, 0, 18
Napoleonic Blue
Hex #2C4170
RGB 44, 65, 112
CMYK 61, 42, 0, 56.
Naval Blue
Hex #384B6B
RGB 56, 75, 107
CMYK 48, 30, 0, 58.
Neon Blue
Hex #04D9FF
RGB 4, 217, 255
CMYK 98, 15, 0, 0
Nocturne Blue
Hex #37525F
RGB 55, 82, 95
CMYK 42, 14., 0, 63
Ocean Blue
Hex #009DC4
RGB 0, 157, 196
CMYK 100, 20, 0, 23
Oceanic Motion
Hex #1D5C83
RGB 29, 92, 131
CMYK 78, 30, 0, 49
Olympian Blue
Hex #1A4C8B
RGB 26, 76, 139
CMYK 81, 45, 0, 45
Olympic Blue
Hex #4F8FE6
RGB 79, 143, 230
CMYK 66, 38, 0, 10
Once in a Blue Moon
Hex #0044BB
RGB 0, 68, 187
CMYK 100, 64, 0, 27
Opulent Blue
Hex #0055EE
RGB 0, 85, 238
CMYK 100, 64, 0, 7
Out of the Blue
Hex #1199EE
RGB 17, 153, 238
CMYK 93, 36, 0, 7
Overdue Blue
Hex #4400FF
RGB 68, 0, 255
CMYK 73, 100, 0, 0
Pacific Blue
Hex #1CA9C9
RGB 28, 169, 201
CMYK 86, 16, 0, 21
Pastel Blue
RGB 162, 191, 254
CMYK 36, 25, 0, 0
Peek a Blue
Hex #C5E1E1
RGB 197, 225, 225
CMYK 12, 0, 0, 12
Princess Blue Feather
RGB 204, 238, 238
CMYK 14., 0, 0, 7
Pristine Oceanic
Hex #00CCBB
RGB 0, 204, 187
CMYK 100, 0, 8, 20
Pristine Seas
Hex #007799
RGB 0, 119, 153
CMYK 100, 22, 0, 40
Pure Blue
Hex #0203E2
RGB 2, 3, 226
CMYK 99, 99, 0, 11
Queen Blue
Hex #436B95
RGB 67, 107, 149
CMYK 55., 28., 0, 42
Queer Blue
Hex #88ACE0
RGB 136, 172, 224
CMYK 39, 23, 0, 12
Rare Blue
Hex #0044FF
RGB 0, 68, 255
CMYK 100, 73, 0, 0
Sail to the Sea
Hex #99C3F0
RGB 153, 195, 240
CMYK 36, 19, 0, 6
Savoy Blue
Hex #4B61D1
RGB 75, 97, 209
CMYK 64, 54, 0, 18
Sea Foam
Hex #87E0CF
RGB 135, 224, 207
CMYK 40, 0, 8, 12
Sea Foam Mist
RGB 203, 220, 226
CMYK 10, 3, 0, 11
Sea Glass Teal
Hex #A0E5D9
RGB 160, 229, 217
CMYK 30, 0, 5, 10
Sea Goddess
Hex #216987
RGB 33, 105, 135
CMYK 76, 22, 0, 47
Sea of Galilee
Hex #466590
RGB 70, 101, 144
CMYK 51, 30, 0, 44
Sea Paint
Hex #00507A
RGB 0, 80, 122
CMYK 100, 34, 0, 52
Sea Salt Rivers
Hex #5087BD
RGB 80, 135, 189
CMYK 58., 29., 0, 26
Sea Serpent
Hex #4BC7CF
RGB 75, 199, 207
CMYK 64, 4, 0, 19
Hex #85C2B2
RGB 133, 194, 178
CMYK 31, 0, 8, 24
Hex #204D68
RGB 32, 77, 104
CMYK 69, 26, 0, 59
Serene Sea
Hex #78A7C3
RGB 120, 167, 195
CMYK 38, 14., 0, 24
Shallow Sea
Hex #9AB8C2
RGB 154, 184, 194
CMYK 21, 5, 0, 24
Shimmering Blue
Hex #82DBCC
RGB 130, 219, 204
CMYK 41, 0, 7, 14
Silent Sea
Hex #3A4A63
RGB 58, 74, 99
CMYK 41, 25, 0, 61
Sleepless Blue
RGB 186, 219, 237
CMYK 22, 8, 0, 7
Sparky Blue
Hex #22EEFF
RGB 34, 238, 255
CMYK 87, 7, 0, 0
Stormy Oceans
Hex #70818E
RGB 112, 129, 142
CMYK 21, 9, 0, 44
Tardis Blue
Hex #003B6F
RGB 0, 59, 111
CMYK 100, 47, 0, 56.
Too Blue to be True
Hex #0088FF
RGB 0, 136, 255
CMYK 100, 47, 0, 0
True Blue
Hex #010FCC
RGB 1, 15, 204
CMYK 100, 93, 0, 20
Under the Sea
Hex #395D68
RGB 57, 93, 104
CMYK 45, 11, 0, 59
Vaporwave Blue
Hex #22DDFF
RGB 34, 221, 255
CMYK 87, 13, 0, 0
Vibrant Blue
Hex #0339F8
RGB 3, 57, 248
CMYK 99, 77, 0, 3
Vivid Blue
Hex #152EFF
RGB 21, 46, 255
CMYK 92, 82, 0, 0
Warm Blue
Hex #4B57DB
RGB 75, 87, 219
CMYK 66, 60, 0, 14.
Way Beyond the Blue
Hex #1188CC
RGB 17, 136, 204
CMYK 92, 33, 0, 20
Wisteria Blue
Hex #84A2D4
RGB 132, 162, 212
CMYK 38, 24, 0, 17
History of Blue
Due to its rarity in nature, blue has relatively short history when compared to the other colors. Blue flowers, for example, appear as a result of reproduction and genetic alteration.
There is no evidence of blue in prehistoric cave drawings (20.000 years ago).
The Greeks had no word for blue, whereas the Egyptians prized it through the semi-precious blue stone Lapis lazuli. They were thus the first to employ blue in apparel.
Blue dyes first appeared 6000 years ago.
The Egyptians created blue pigments by combining the semi-precious stone Lapis, limestone, and calcium and spread them around the world. As a result, the Romans and Persians began to use blue and various shades of blue.
The high cost of blue dyes is one factor slowing the adoption of blue. As a result, blue was considered a royal color.
Blue became popular, especially among royalty, around 431 AD.
The Catholic Church traditionally depicts the Virgin Mary in blue because it symbolizes purity. As a result, the color gained a good connotation.
Blue became a popular color for boys in Western countries after World War II.
Blue was the last color added in English.
Most Popular Shades of Blue Color
Today, blue is one of the most popular colors, appearing in all industries, particularly online and in clothes.
Here are the most popular shades of blue.
Turquoise is a color and a shade of blue derived from the gemstone of the same name and comes in a number of shades ranging from Celeste, a light blue turquoise shade, to darker tones.
The several shades include bright turquoise, dark turquoise, medium turquoise, and light turquoise.
RGB 178, 255, 255
CMYK 30, 0, 0, 0
Turquoise blue
Hex #00FFEF
RGB 0, 255, 239
CMYK 100, 0, 6, 0
Bright turquoise
Hex #08E8DE
RGB 8, 232, 222
CMYK 97, 0, 4, 9
Hex #40E0D0
RGB 64, 224, 208
CMYK 71, 0, 7, 12
Medium turquoise
Hex #48D1CC
RGB 72, 209, 204
CMYK 66, 0, 2, 18
Dark turquoise
Hex #00CED1
RGB 0, 206, 209
CMYK 100, 1, 0, 18
Cyan is a bright, vivid greenish-blue color that was named after the Greek word “kyanos,” meaning “dark blue enamel” or “greenish-blue.” This color, which is similar to turquoise blue, is one of the primary colors in the CMY color space.
Hex #00FFFF
RGB 0, 255, 255
CMYK 100, 0, 0, 0
Sapphire Blue
Sapphire blue is a deep blue color that resembles the rich color of a sapphire gemstone. It is a luxurious and captivating color that exudes elegance and sophistication.
Sapphire stones come in a variety of blue hues, including intense hues with many variations.
Sapphire blue, dark sapphire and medium sapphire are all blue shades of sapphire color.
Sapphire blue
Hex #0F52BA
RGB 15, 82, 186
CMYK 92, 56, 0, 27
Medium Sapphire
Hex #2D5DA1
RGB 45, 93, 161
CMYK 72, 42, 0, 37
B’dazzled blue
Hex #2E5894
RGB 46, 88, 148
CMYK 69, 41, 0, 42
Dark Sapphire
Hex #082567
RGB 8, 37, 103
CMYK 92, 64, 0, 60
B’dazzled blue is a color that first appeared in 2001, somewhere between medium and dark sapphire.
Navy Blue
Navy blue is a very dark blue, almost black. Its name comes from the dark blue (traditionally, indigo) worn by officers in the British Royal Navy since 1748. Here are some colors that go with navy.
Navy Blue
Hex #000080
RGB 0, 0, 128
CMYK 100, 100, 0, 50
Medium-Dark Navy Blue
Hex #000066
RGB 0, 0, 102
CMYK 100, 100, 0, 60
Dark Navy Blue
Hex #000052
RGB 0, 0, 82
CMYK 100, 100, 0, 68
Cool Black
Hex #072853
RGB 7, 40, 83
CMYK 92, 52, 0, 68
Midnight Blue
Midnight blue is a very dark blue, a little darker even than navy blue. Not surprisingly, it’s considered one of the darkest shades of blue.
Midnight Blue
Hex #191970
RGB 25, 25, 112
CMYK 78, 78, 0, 56
Oxford Blue
Oxford Blue is a dark blue color with a slight undertone of purple. This deep blue is associated with the prestigious University of Oxford in England, from which its name is derived.
Oxford Blue
Hex #002147
RGB 0, 33, 71
CMYK 100, 80, 0, 60
Ultramarine is a vivid and deep blue color derived from the semi-precious stone lapis lazuli, which was ground into a fine powder to produce the pigment of this color. The pigment was highly valued and used extensively in art, especially during the Renaissance, but its production was costly and challenging.
Its name comes from the Latin word “ultramarinus,” which means “beyond the sea.” However, this color is slightly lighter than midnight blue and navy.
Ultramarine Blue
Hex #120A8F
RGB 63, 0, 255
CMYK 87, 93, 0, 44
Royal Blue
Royal blue is a deep, vivid blue with a slightly indigo tint. Its name was first used in England in the early 19th century to describe a type of blue that was used to create the uniforms of the British Royal Navy. However, it is paler than navy blue.
Moreover, this color, associated with royalty and noble families, is said to have been created by millers in England.
However, the former is referred to as the web version of royal blue, while the latter is more likely to be the original.
Royal Blue
Hex #4169E1
RGB 65, 105, 225
CMYK 71.1, 53.3, 0.0, 11.8
Traditional Royal Blue
Hex #002366
RGB 0, 35, 102
CMYK 100, 66, 0, 60
Queen Blue
Queen blue is a muted, medium royal blue tone that was first recorded in English as “queen’s blue” in 1661. This color was given its current name in 1926.
Queen blue
Hex #436B95
RGB 67, 107, 149
CMYK 55, 28, 0, 42
Imperial Blue
Imperial blue is a rich, deep blue often described as a dark and regal hue. This was an alternative name for the traditional royal blue. However, it is lighter than navy blue but darker than royal blue.
Imperial blue
Hex #002395
RGB 0, 35, 149
CMYK 100, 77, 0, 42
Baby Blue
Baby blue is a light shade of azure, more specifically, a pastel color with varying tones.
These range from beau blue, which originates from the French for “beautiful”, to little boy blue, the darkest shade of this color.
Beau blue
Hex #BCD4E6
RGB 188, 212, 230
CMYK 18, 8, 0, 10
Baby blue
Hex #89CFF0
RGB 137, 207, 240
CMYK 43, 14, 0, 6
Little Boy blue
Hex #6CA0DC
RGB 108, 160, 220
CMYK 51, 27, 0, 14
Sky Blue
Sky blue is a light and bright blue reminiscent of the color of a clear, sunny sky. This calming and serene color is associated with freedom, openness, tranquility, and optimism.
Sky Blue
Hex #87CEEB
RGB 135, 206, 235
CMYK 43, 12, 0, 8
Light Sky Blue
Hex #87CEFA
RGB 135, 206, 250
CMYK 46, 18, 0, 2
Deep Sky Blue
Hex #00BFFF
RGB 0, 191, 255
CMYK 100, 25, 0, 0
Azure is a light, sky-blue color, reminiscent of the clear blue sky on a sunny day. Its name comes from the Arabic word “lazhward,” which originally referred to lapis lazuli, a blue semi-precious stone.
RGB 240, 255, 255
CMYK 6, 0, 0, 0
Robin Egg Blue
Robin Egg Blue is a muted shade of blue-green. Its color name comes from the hue of the eggs laid by the American robin, a bird native to North America. The egg pigment responsible for this color is called biliverdin.
Since this color lies between cyan and blue on the color wheel, it can be described as a bluish-green. Tiffany & Co, the jewelry company, trademarked a lighter shade of Robin Egg Blue.
Robin Egg Blue
Hex #96DED1
RGB 150, 222, 209
CMYK 32, 0, 6, 13
Teal Blue
Teal blue is a medium to dark greenish-blue color, combining the depth of blue with the freshness of green. It’s named after the teal bird, which has a characteristic stripe of this color around its eyes.
As its name implies, teal blue leans more towards the blue side, as opposed to teal, which is a more balanced mixture of blue and green. However, it’s still a medium to dark greenish-blue, but with a slightly stronger blue composition.
Teal Blue
Hex #367588
RGB 54, 117, 136
CMYK 60, 14, 0, 47
Hex #008080
RGB 0, 128, 128
CMYK 100, 0, 0, 50
Turquoise Blue
Hex #058B8C
RGB 5, 139, 140
CMYK 96, 1, 0, 45
Blue Green
Hex #008080
RGB 0, 128, 128
CMYK 100, 0, 0, 50
Neon Blue
Neon blue is a medium-to-dark shade of blue, resembling neon lights’ glow. This color was first recorded in 1910 when Georges Claude invented neon signs. In the CMYK color space, this color is made of a relatively equal mixture of cyan and magenta.
Neon Blue
Hex #1F51FF
RGB 31, 81, 255
CMYK 88, 68, 0, 0
Carolina Blue
Carolina blue is a medium pastel blue with a greenish tint. This color is one of the official school colors of the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill. This color is also known as Tar Heels blue because the university’s athletic teams are called the “North Carolina Tar Heels.”
Carolina Blue
Hex #4B9CD3
RGB 75, 156, 211
CMYK 60, 19, 1, 4
Pastel Blue
Pastel blue is a pale blue that features a soft and gentle appearance. This color can be described as soothing and tranquil, reminiscent of clear skies.
Pastels first appeared in 1662, and a century later, they became popular among artists.
Pastel Blue
RGB 174, 198, 207
CMYK 16, 4, 0, 19
Powder Blue
Powder blue is a light pastel blue color that closely resembles the color of powdered baby blue. This color evokes the image of clear blue skies on a calm and serene day, creating a soothing and comforting atmosphere.
Powder Blue
Hex #B6D0E2
RGB 182, 208, 226
CMYK 19, 8, 0, 11
Cadet Blue
Cadet blue is a pale, muted greenish-blue color, named after the uniforms worn by military cadets in the U.S. Despite its name, this is more of a light variation of teal.
Cadet Blue
Hex #5F9EA0
RGB 95, 158, 160
CMYK 41, 1, 0, 37
Tiffany Blue
Tiffany blue is a pale greenish-blue color that looks similar to Robin’s egg blue. This blue color is associated with the luxury jewelry brand, hence the name.
In 1845, Charles Lewis Tiffany – the company’s founder – chose a shade of Robin’s egg blue for the cover of the first Blue Book catalog, which featured the company’s fine jewelry.
The color was so well received that it became strongly associated with the brand. In 1887, Tiffany & Co. chose this light blue shade for the cover of their Blue Book, giving it its official name.
Tiffany Blue
Hex #0ABAB5
RGB 10, 186, 181
CMYK 95, 0, 3, 27
Most Beautiful Shades of Blue
Luxe blue, Dynamic blue, Laguna Sydney Harbour, Hale Navy, and Mediterranean Breeze are some of the prettiest shades of blue.
Luxe Blue is a lovely hue of blue that represents the timeless style.
Dynamic blue is a blue shade that conveys bravery, brightness, and happiness. It is one of the most popular shades of blue in painting and interior design.
Laguna, by Sydney Harbour Paint Co., is a bluish-gray that provides depth and a dreamy atmosphere.
Benjamin Moore’s Hale Navy is a vibrant blue shade that is associated with royalty and modernism. It creates a relaxing and romantic mood.
This calming shade of blue, known as Mediterranean Breeze, will bring to mind the clear waters of the Mediterranean Sea. This color promotes relaxation and calmness.
These are among the most beautiful shades of blue and are utilized by many designers, particularly those working in interior design.
Mediterranean Breeze by Benjamin Moore
Hex #B7D5E0
RGB 183, 213, 224
CMYK 19, 6.2, 0, 11.4
Laguna by Sydney Harbour
Hex #97BBCA
RGB 151, 187, 202
CMYK 25, 7, 0, 21
Sky Blue Crayola
Hex #48CAE4
RGB 72, 202, 228
CMYK 68, 11, 0, 11
Pacific Blue
Hex #00B4D8
RGB 0, 180, 216
CMYK 100, 17, 0, 15
Dynamic Blue
Hex #0192C6
RGB 1, 146, 198
CMYK 99.5, 26.3, 0, 22.4
Star Command Blue
Hex #0077B6
RGB 0, 119, 182
CMYK 100, 35, 0, 29
Luxe Blue
Hex #516582
RGB 81, 101, 130
CMYK 37.7, 22.3, 0, 49
Hale Navy by Benjamin Moore
Hex #434C56
RGB 67, 76, 86
CMYK 22, 12, 0, 66
Dark Shades of Blue
If you’re looking for the darkest shades of blue, you should know that there are blues that are darker than midnight blue.
Shades of dark blue include Medium sapphire, B’dazzled blue, Navy, Midnight, Yale, Dark sapphire and Oxford blue, the last being the darkest shade of blue.
Oxford blue is the darkest shade of blue, darker even than Midnight blue and Dark sapphire. It can be mistaken for black. The name is derived from the official color of Oxford University. The hex code for Oxford blue is #002147.
Medium sapphire and royal blue are among the most vibrant shades of blue.
Midnight blue is a dark blue or blackish-blue color between navy blue and midnight sapphire that was first used in 1915. This shade of blue got its name because it looks like a very dark blue sky around a full moon at night.
Navy blue is a dark blue that is close to black, named after the British Royal Navy officers who have worn navy blue uniforms since 1748. It was later adopted by other navies across the world.
If you’re looking for darker shades of blue than sky blue, royal blue is the best choice.
Let’s take a look at some of the top dark blue shades.
Royal blue
Hex #002366
RGB 0, 35, 102
CMYK 100, 66, 0, 60
Medium sapphire
Hex #2D5DA1
RGB 45, 93, 161
CMYK 72, 42, 0, 37
Bdazzled blue
Hex #2E5894
RGB 46, 88, 148
CMYK 69, 41, 0, 42
Navy blue
Hex #000080
RGB 0, 0, 128
CMYK 100, 100, 0, 50
Midnight blue
Hex #191970
RGB 25, 25, 112
CMYK 78, 78, 0, 56
Yale blue
Hex #00356B
RGB 0, 53, 107
CMYK 100, 50, 0, 58
Dark sapphire
Hex #082567
RGB 8, 37, 103
CMYK 92, 64, 0, 60
Oxford blue
Hex #002147
RGB 0, 33, 71
CMYK 100, 54, 0, 72
Blue Color Palettes
The most beautiful blue colour palettes are illustrated by natural landscapes, inspiring art lovers and designers from different industries. Seascapes and oceanscapes contain the most beautiful shades of blue.
From left to right, this magnificent blue color palette was inspired by a view of Cala Agulla, Mallorca (Spain) and features some of the prettiest shades of blue such as light cornflower blue (#85C4E6), cyan (#2BBFF0), carolina blue (#019AEB), non photo blue (#97D5E1), and teal blue (#4E7681).
This beautiful blue color palette was inspired by a panorama of Oia, Santorini (Greece), and includes many shades of blue such as dark cornflower blue (#0B4187), USAFA (#03559D), glaucous (#5A80D2), and french sky blue (#83BAFB), listed from left to right.
The Maldives has stunning blue shades. This lovely blue color palette combines USAFA blue (#04508E), prussian blue (#023469), blue NCS (#198CC8), and sky blue crayola in two hues (#8CE8F7 for the lighter shade and #62DAE7 for the darker shade).
Lightest Color Blue
Cyan, light blue, sky blue, and baby blue are the lightest blue colors.
Baby blue is one of the lightest blue colors. Baby blue is one of the most popular colors of blue and is associated with youth and freshness.
So, the lightest blue color code is #89CFF0, and it’s called “Baby Blue.”
Light cyan is frequently thought to be the lightest blue color. It is actually a very light, greenish-blue shade. The hex code for light cyan is #E0FFFF.
What is the RGB for Blue?
The RGB value of blue is 0, 0, 255. It’s the simplest blue, with the hex value #0000FF.
What is the CMYK code for Blue?
Blue has the CMYK values of 100, 100, 0, 0. This means that blue contains 100% cyan, 100% magenta, 0% yellow, and 0% black. It’s a mix of cyan and magenta.
Concluding on Shades of Blue Color
There are numerous blue shades that can be used for digital materials, websites, graphic design, and interior design.
If you didn’t already know, blue is one of the most common colours used in web design because it inspires reliability and safety. That means the likelihood of buying something is higher.
Now, I hope you’ve selected a few shades of blue that you enjoy.