Everything About the Color Neon Blue

Neon blue is a vivid blue with an electrified purple tone named after blue neon lighting made from neon gas and metallic mercury. Made of equal parts cyan and magenta, this color was first recorded as a color name in English in 1926. Its hex code is #4D4DFF.

Even though it is synonymous with energy and excitement, neon blue is still a shade of blue renowned for its calmness and relaxation.

neon blue color

Neon Blue Color Codes

Code Value HTML/CSS
Hex 4D4DFF #4D4DFF
RGB 77, 77, 255 rgb(77, 77, 255)
HSL 240°, 100%, 65% hsl(240, 100%, 65%)
HSV 240°, 70%, 100%
CMYK 70, 70, 0, 0

The neon blue hex code is #4D4DFF. In the RGB color space, this hue is composed of 30.2% red, 30.2% green, and 100% blue.

In the HSL color space, it has a hue of 240°, 100% saturation, and 65% lightness. In the HSV color space, it has a hue of 240°, 70% saturation, and 100% value.

Its CMYK breakdown consists of 70% cyan, 70% magenta, 0% yellow, and 0% black.

The History of Neon Blue

The history of neon colors can be traced back to the early discoveries of luminescent gases in the late 19th century.

Sir William Ramsay and Morris Travers were among the scientists who experimented with liquidizing air in 1898.

However, this color came to life twelve years later with the invention of neon lights by Georges Claude.

Georges Claude found that when he applied an electric voltage to electrodes inside a sealed glass tube filled with rarefied gas, the tube would produce a glowing light. He first showcased neon lighting at the Paris Motor Show in 1910.

During the mid-20th century, these signs symbolized entertainment and nightlife. Neon signs adorned theaters, casinos, and diners, creating an inviting and vibrant atmosphere.

These lights were popular in Europe and the United States until World War II. However, in some Asian countries such as Japan and Korea, they were popular until the 1980s.

But this color also exists in nature, especially in jellyfish. They feature a unique, phosphorescent blue glow.

The meaning of Neon Blue

Neon blue, like any other blue, is often linked to feelings of serenity and calmness. It has a soothing quality that can help alleviate stress and anxiety. In addition, it symbolizes trust, loyalty, and honesty.

Furthermore, this color is associated with inspiration, reliability, commitment, creativity, and faithfulness. Its bright and striking appearance can also evoke feelings of excitement and freshness.

It is a bright and striking blue that resembles the intense glow of neon lights. It falls within the blue color family but is distinguished by its electrifying and bold appearance.

However, this color isn’t just about tranquility; it also has a dynamic side. This color can evoke a sense of energy and excitement, much like the thrill of a bustling city at night. No wonder this bold shade is frequently used in technology and entertainment, symbolizing innovation and the much-desired tranquility of everyday life.

In the world of fashion, this color is a bold choice. It’s a color that makes a statement.

How to Use the Color Neon Blue

Neon blue is a color that exudes energy, excitement, and a touch of nostalgia. Whether you want to make a bold fashion statement, transform your living space, or create eye-catching digital content, this hue can be a powerful tool in your creative arsenal.

In the digital realm, neon blue can enhance the user experience, especially when paired with bright orange and vibrant yellow – its complementary colors in the RYB and RGB color spaces.

You can also use it in your logo design to convey qualities such as innovation and trustworthiness. When used correctly, it can set your brand apart from the competition.

Colors That Go with Neon Blue

Neon blue pairs well with vibrant yellow and deep orange, as well as other neon colors, lime, coral, brown, purple, sky blue, or even orange-red.


Deep saffron – a vibrant orange – is its opposite color in the RYB color space used in traditional art.

Neon Blue
Hex #4D4DFF

Deep Saffron
Hex #FFA64D

When it comes to digital, neon blue’s complementary color is icterine – a bright yellow.

Hex #4D4DFF



This RGB analogous color palette includes the base color and its neighbors: Lavender indigo and Ruddy blue. It’s relaxing, cool, and a bit regal.

Hex #4D4DFF

Lavender Indigo #A64DFF

Ruddy Blue #4DA6FF

Split Complementary

If you prefer a bold and high-contrast color scheme, you can use a split complementary scheme with lime and light orange – two colors adjacent to its complementary.

Hex #4D4DFF

French Lime #A6FF4D

Deep Saffron #FFA64D

…or a split complementary in the RYB space, with sunglow and coral.

Hex #4D4DFF

Sunglow #FFD34D

Coral #FF7A4D

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