250 Colors That Start with M (Names, Hex, RGB, & CMYK)

Looking for colors that start with M? You’ve come to the right place. We compiled a comprehensive list of names, Hex, RGB, and CMYK codes.

There are a bunch of colors that start with the letter M. One word colors! Furthermore, adjectives such as “Middle,” “Muddy,” and “Muted” expand the range of hues to help you choose the ideal shade for your needs.

List of Colors That Start with M


Magenta is a bold and vibrant pinkish-purple hue that commands attention, often associated with strong emotions like passion and excitement. This color is also one of the primary colors of the CMYK color space.

Hex #FF00FF
RGB 255, 0, 255
CMYK 0, 100, 0, 0


Magma is a bright and intense reddish-orange shade, similar to the color of molten lava. So, this color is named after the hot, molten rock substance that is produced during a volcanic eruption.

Hex #FF4E01
RGB 255, 78, 1
CMYK 0, 69, 100, 0


Magnesium is a light, cool gray color that resembles the appearance of the metal element of the same name.

Hex #C1C2C3
RGB 193, 194, 195
CMYK 1, 1, 0, 24


Another color that starts with M, Madras is a warm, deep brown with a red undertone, named after the colorful plaid fabric often worn in India.

Hex #473E23
RGB 71, 62, 35
CMYK 0, 13, 51, 72


Magnet is a dark grayish-purple hue reminiscent of the color of a magnetite mineral.

Hex #4D4B4F
RGB 77, 75, 79
CMYK 3, 5, 0, 69


Magnolia is a soft and delicate off-white shade with hints of yellow, resembling the color of the flower petals.

Hex #FFF9E4
RGB 255, 249, 228
CMYK 0, 2, 11, 0


Mahogany is a warm and dark brown shade with red undertones inspired by the color of the tropical hardwood tree with the same name. This tree produces a deep reddish-brown wood commonly used in furniture-making.

Hex #C04000
RGB 192, 64, 0
CMYK 0, 67, 100, 25


Magnetic is a pale grayish-green color inspired by the appearance of certain metals and minerals that exhibit magnetic properties.

Hex #B2B5AF
RGB 178, 181, 175
CMYK 2, 0, 3, 29


Maize is a bright and sunny yellow color inspired by the color of the maize crop. This type of corn is widely cultivated for its edible kernels and has a yellow color.

Hex #F4D054
RGB 244, 208, 84
CMYK 0, 15, 66, 4


Malt is a warm and creamy beige, resembling the color of malted barley used in the production of beer and whiskey.

RGB 221, 207, 188
CMYK 0, 6, 15, 13


Majesty is a deep and rich purplish-red, resembling the color of the robes and garments worn by royalty.

Hex #593761
RGB 89, 55, 97
CMYK 8, 43, 0, 62


Maharaja is a deep and rich purple color, reminiscent of the traditional clothing worn by Indian rulers of the same name.

Hex #3F354F
RGB 63, 53, 79
CMYK 20, 33, 0, 69

Magenta Affair 

This daring and seductive color is a deep and luxurious shade of purple with a pinkish undertone, evoking images of an alluring and unforgettable night out.

Magenta Affair
Hex #AA44DD
RGB 170, 68, 221
CMYK 23, 69, 0, 13

Magenta Elephant 

Magenta elephant is a bright and cheerful shade of pink with a purple undertone, named after the silly phrase “seeing pink elephants.”

Magenta Elephant
Hex #DE0170
RGB 222, 1, 112
CMYK 0, 100, 50, 13

Magenta Memoir 

This nostalgic and sentimental color is a dusty and muted pinkish-purple, reminiscent of faded memories and cherished keepsakes.

Magenta Memoir
Hex #B4559B
RGB 180, 85, 155
CMYK 0, 53, 14, 29


This glamorous and feminine color is a bright pink with a cool purple undertone, named after Paris’s sophisticated and fashionable “mademoiselles.”

Mademoiselle Pink
Hex #F504C9
RGB 245, 4, 201
CMYK 0, 98, 18, 4


Madonna is a moody and mysterious color, a deep blue with hints of purple that is reminiscent of the icon for which it is named.

Hex #3F4250
RGB 63, 66, 80
CMYK 21, 18, 0, 69


This energetic and lively color is a bright and vivid shade of fuchsia with strong pink undertones, named after the electrifying energy of a bustling city.

Hex #CF3476
RGB 207, 52, 118
CMYK 0, 75, 43, 19


This is another soft and delicate color that starts with M. Magentle is a pale and muted pinkish-purple with a slight gray undertone, resembling the gentle touch of a soft feather.

Hex #AA11AA
RGB 170, 17, 170
CMYK 0, 90, 0, 33


This refined and sophisticated color is a deep and muted shade of purple with a hint of gray, named after the suave and debonair “gentlemen” of old.

Hex #AA22BB
RGB 170, 34, 187
CMYK 9, 82, 0, 27


This vibrant color is a rich and intense shade of purple with strong blue undertones, evoking images of majestic royalty and ancient kingdoms.

RGB 191, 60, 255
CMYK 25, 76, 0, 0


Maizena is a soft and muted yellow, resembling the color of the popular brand of cornstarch of the same name.

RGB 251, 236, 94
CMYK 0, 6, 63, 2


Malibu is a bright and vibrant blue color, inspired by the color of the sea and sky around the coastal city of Malibu, California – which is known for its beaches.

Hex #66B7E1
RGB 102, 183, 225
CMYK 55, 19, 0, 12


Mallard is a dark shade of blue-green which is inspired by the distinctive green and blue coloration of the male mallard duck. Wondering why? This duck has a green head and neck and is commonly found in North America.

Hex #254855
RGB 37, 72, 85
CMYK 56, 15, 0, 67


Mamba is a dark and intense purplish-black. This color name comes from the black mamba, a very poisonous snake that lives in Africa.

Hex #766D7C
RGB 118, 109, 124
CMYK 5, 12, 0, 51


Mandarin is a bright and intense shade of orange, reminiscent of mandarin oranges. This small, sweet citrus fruit is commonly consumed in many parts of the world; it is even thought to have evolved in South China and Japan.

Hex #F37A48
RGB 243, 122, 72
CMYK 0, 50, 70, 5


Mango is a bright and warm yellow-orange, inspired by the color of ripe mango fruits, which are yellow or orange in color.

Hex #FFA62B
RGB 255, 166, 43
CMYK 0, 35, 83, 0


Mangrove is a muted green-gray. This color is named after the type of tree or shrub that grows in tropical coastal regions and which is adapted to living in saline water.

Hex #757461
RGB 117, 116, 97
CMYK 0, 1, 17, 54


Manhattan is a warm and rich tan, resembling the color of the buildings and streets of Manhattan, New York.

Hex #E2AF80
RGB 226, 175, 128
CMYK 0, 23, 43, 11


Mantis is a bright and fresh shade of green. Moreover, this color is named after the praying mantis, which is a type of insect that is known for its distinctive appearance and behavior.

Hex #74C365
RGB 116, 195, 101
CMYK 41, 0, 48, 24


Maraschino is a bright and intense shade of red, named after the maraschino cherry, which is a type of cherry that is preserved in sweet syrup and commonly used as a garnish in cocktails and desserts.

Hex #FF2600
RGB 255, 38, 0
CMYK 0, 85, 100, 0


Marigold is a bright and warm yellow. Its name is derived from the marigold flower, which is known for its bright, golden-orange color.

Hex #FCC006
RGB 252, 192, 6
CMYK 0, 24, 98, 1


Marina is a bright and cool blue inspired by the color of the sea around a marina. This color name comes from the Spanish word for “harbor” or “marina” and is often associated with the color of the ocean or sea.

Hex #4F84C4
RGB 79, 132, 196
CMYK 60, 33, 0, 23


Marine is a dark and intense blue shade, resembling the color of the deep sea. It’s darker than marina, as you can see.

Hex #042E60
RGB 4, 46, 96
CMYK 96, 52, 0, 62


Mario is a bright and intense red, inspired by the color of the iconic outfit worn by the video game character Mario.

Hex #E4000F
RGB 228, 0, 15
CMYK 0, 100, 93, 11


Maritime is a cool and muted blue-gray inspired by the color of the ocean and the sky near the horizon.

RGB 189, 207, 234
CMYK 19, 12, 0, 8


Maroon is a dark and rich red-brown, resembling the color of the wine produced in the French region of Bordeaux. But the origin of the name comes from the French word “marron,” which means chestnut. It is commonly associated with a deep, reddish-brown color.

Hex #800000
RGB 128, 0, 0
CMYK 0, 100, 100, 50


Mars is a warm and muted reddish-brown that gets its name from the color of Mars, known for its reddish appearance in the night sky.

Hex #AD6242
RGB 173, 98, 66
CMYK 0, 43, 62, 32


Marshmallow is a soft, muted white that looks like the color of the same-named soft, fluffy candy.

Hex #F0EEE4
RGB 240, 238, 228
CMYK 0, 1, 5, 6


Marsupilami is a bright shade of yellow, which is named after the famous cartoon character known for its long tail and mischievous personality. The color resembles the bright and vibrant fur of the character, often portrayed in various shades of yellow.

Hex #FDF200
RGB 253, 242, 0
CMYK 0, 4, 100, 1


Martian is a bold, earthy greenish-yellow. Its name comes from Mars, also called the “Red Planet,” because the iron oxide on its surface makes it look red.

Hex #AEA132
RGB 174, 161, 50
CMYK 0, 7, 71, 32


Martini is a sophisticated grayish brown that exudes elegance and refinement. Its name comes from the popular cocktail Martini, which is usually served in a clear glass with a clear, colorless liquid.

Hex #B7A8A3
RGB 183, 168, 163
CMYK 0, 8, 11, 28


Masala is a warm, rich shade of brown often associated with spices and Indian cuisine, specifically, the Indian spice blend Masala, which is typically a mixture of ground spices used in Indian cuisine.

Hex #57534B
RGB 87, 83, 75
CMYK 0, 5, 14, 66


Mascarpone is a creamy, pale shade of yellow that evokes images of rich, delicious desserts. What desserts? This color name comes from the Italian Mascarpone, a rich and creamy cheese used in many Italian desserts.

Hex #ECE6D4
RGB 236, 230, 212
CMYK 0, 3, 10, 7


Matterhorn is a deep, dark shade of gray named after the famous mountain in the Swiss Alps, known for its steep and rugged peak.

Hex #524B4B
RGB 82, 75, 75
CMYK 0, 9, 9, 68


Mauve is a soft, delicate shade of purple. Its name derives from the French word “mauve,” which means “mallow,” a beautiful flower that is pale purple.

Hex #E0B0FF
RGB 224, 176, 255
CMYK 12, 31, 0, 0


Mauvelous is a pale, pinkish-purple reminiscent of a light summer breeze. It appears to be a more faded dusty pink.

Hex #D6B3C0
RGB 214, 179, 192
CMYK 0, 16, 10, 16


Mayonnaise is a light, creamy off-white color named after the popular condiment mayonnaise. This creamy and slightly yellowish sauce is made from oil, egg yolks, vinegar or lemon juice, and seasonings.

Hex #F6EED1
RGB 246, 238, 209
CMYK 0, 3, 15, 4


McNuke is a bright, fluorescent green that can quickly grab attention. Its name is derived from a fictional weapon in the video game “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.” It’s one of the neon green colors that start with M.

Hex #33FF11
RGB 51, 255, 17
CMYK 80, 0, 93, 0


Meat is a deep, rich reddish-brown often used in food or outdoor designs. It’s the color of raw meat, ranging from deep pink to red.

Hex #F08080
RGB 240, 128, 128
CMYK 0, 47, 47, 6


Meatloaf is a dark shade of brown with red undertones, named after the classic American dish, typically a baked mixture of ground meat and other ingredients.

Hex #663311
RGB 102, 51, 17
CMYK 0, 50, 83, 60


Medallion is a warm, golden-brown color that is often used in designs related to jewelry or royalty. It got its name after a small metal disk or emblem, often worn as a decoration or awarded as a prize.

Hex #C3A679
RGB 195, 166, 121
CMYK 0, 15, 38, 24


Mediterranea is a rich, deep teal named after the beautiful Mediterranean Sea or, more accurately, the color of its deep waters.

Hex #32575D
RGB 50, 87, 93
CMYK 46, 6, 0, 64


Medlar is a light, muted yellow-green often used in natural or organic designs. Its name comes from the fruit of the same name, which is a small, brownish-yellow fruit with a greenish tint.

Hex #D5D7BF
RGB 213, 215, 191
CMYK 1, 0, 11, 16


Megaman is a bright, bold shade of blue, named after the main character of the video game series “Mega Man,” known for its colorful and futuristic graphics. It’s probably one of the prettiest blue colors that begin with M.

RGB 60, 188, 252
CMYK 76, 25, 0, 1


Melanzane is a dark shade of purple named after the Italian word for eggplant. This deep purple vegetable is often used in Southern Italian cooking.

Hex #342931
RGB 52, 41, 49
CMYK 0, 21, 6, 80


Melon is a soft, peachy-pink with orange undertones. This color is reminiscent of a juicy, ripe melon, typically a pale orange or pink color on the inside.

Hex #FF7855
RGB 255, 120, 85
CMYK 0, 53, 67, 0


Melondrama is a bright, bold coral-pink color that is perfect for designs that are fun and playful.

Hex #EE8170
RGB 238, 129, 112
CMYK 0, 46, 53, 7


Mercurial is a light silvery-gray similar to the gray logo of the same-named distributed source control management tool.

Hex #B6B0A9
RGB 182, 176, 169
CMYK 0, 3, 7, 29


Mercury is a light shade of gray named after the planet of the same name, known for its grayish appearance. Therefore the patches of graphite, a carbon-rich substance, that cover its surface give it this gray color.

RGB 235, 235, 235
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 8


Merguez is a deep, rich red named after a spicy North African sausage prepared from crushed dried red chilies and other spices native to the Maghreb. [1] Therefore, it’s one of the spiciest colors that start with M.

Hex #650021
RGB 101, 0, 33
CMYK 0, 100, 67, 60


Meringue is a delicate, creamy yellow tint that recalls the famous Swiss delicacy made from whipped egg whites and sugar.

Hex #F3E4B3
RGB 243, 228, 179
CMYK 0, 6, 26, 5


Merino is a light shade of brown that resembles one of the finest types of wool in the world, derived from the “merinos” sheep breed that originated in Spain.

Hex #E1DBD0
RGB 225, 219, 208
CMYK 0, 3, 8, 12


Merlot is a deep, rich red with strong blue undertones, named after the well-known red wine made from a dark blue wine grape variety. In Bordeaux, France, Merlot is the most widely planted grape variety.

Hex #730039
RGB 115, 0, 57
CMYK 0, 100, 50, 55


Metal is a neutral gray that resembles stainless steel, an iron alloy that resists rusting and corrosion. The chromium content of this alloy steel ranges between 10 and 30%. [3]

RGB 186, 191, 188
CMYK 3, 0, 2, 25


Meteor is a rich, warm brown named after the little particles of comet dust that burn up before reaching the ground. So, meteors are not meteorites. [4]

Hex #BB7431
RGB 187, 116, 49
CMYK 0, 38, 74, 27


Meteorite is a dark, rich purple color named after a chunk of rock from outer space. A meteorite is usually a rock that falls to Earth from space, such as an asteroid orbiting the Sun. This color is similar to the dazzling tail of light they produce as they pass through the sky.

Hex #4A3B6A
RGB 74, 59, 106
CMYK 30, 44, 0, 58


Methadone is a bright, bold shade of red named after a powerful pain medication.

Hex #CC2233
RGB 204, 34, 51
CMYK 0, 83, 75, 20


Microchip is a medium gray with blue undertones, similar to the hue of the semiconductor legs pin-outs that make up these little electronic circuits.

RGB 186, 188, 192
CMYK 3, 2, 0, 25


Midnight, also known as midnight blue, is a very dark shade of blue that references the night sky’s color around the full moon. Midnight is darker than navy blue and is widely regarded as the deepest shade of blue. Its name was first used in 1915.

Hex #03012D
RGB 3, 1, 45
CMYK 93, 98, 0, 82


Midori is a medium green named after the Japanese word for green. It also resembles the melon-flavored liqueur hue of the Yuberi and Musk varieties that grow in Japan’s same-named regions.

Hex #2A603B
RGB 42, 96, 59
CMYK 56, 0, 39, 62


Milk is a light shade of white that references the color of milk. The creamy white color comes from casein, a particular protein in cow’s milk.

RGB 253, 255, 245
CMYK 1, 0, 4, 0


Mille-Feuille is a medium, warm yellow-brown color named after the French dessert, which translates to “thousand petals,” referring to the delicacy’s sumptuous pastry layering. It’s made up of three layers of French pastry dipped in vanilla cream.

Hex #EFC87D
RGB 239, 200, 125
CMYK 0, 16, 48, 6


Mimosa is a light, warm yellow color named after the Mimosa plant, known for its fluffy, yellow flowers.

Hex #F5E9D5
RGB 245, 233, 213
CMYK 0, 5, 13, 4


Mindaro is a light green with yellow undertones, specifically a light greenish chartreuse. The name of this color comes from the plumage of the Mindoro racquet-tail parrot.

RGB 218, 234, 111
CMYK 7, 0, 53, 8


Minestrone is a dark shade of red named after the Italian soup of the same name.

Hex #C72616
RGB 199, 38, 22
CMYK 0, 81, 89, 22


Ming is a medium, blue-green named after the Chinese dynasty of the same name. It can also be considered a dark shade of cyan.

Hex #407577
RGB 64, 117, 119
CMYK 46, 2, 0, 53


Mink is a medium, neutral brown that references the color of the fur of the small mammal of the same name. Their fur is quite valuable. [5]

Hex #8A7561
RGB 138, 117, 97
CMYK 0, 15, 30, 46


Mint is a light, cool shade of green named after the herb of the same name. So mint leaves are the same color. They are dried and used in teas, cocktails, and cakes in the food industry.

Hex #3EB489
RGB 62, 180, 137
CMYK 66, 0, 24, 29


Mint-o-licious is a light shade of green with blue undertones resulting from a mixture of green and cyan.

Hex #B6E9C8
RGB 182, 233, 200
CMYK 22, 0, 14, 9


Mintastic is a light, refreshing shade of green with a blue undertone. It alludes to the mint’s freshness and vibrancy.

RGB 175, 255, 213
CMYK 31, 0, 16, 0


Mintnight is a dark, cool green that references the same-named smooth beer with a light hint of mint.

RGB 124, 187, 174
CMYK 34, 0, 7, 27


Mithril is a medium, neutral gray color that is named after a fictional metal from J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth. Compared to silver, it is a valuable precious metal that is strong, light, and easy to shape. Mithril is a combination of two Sindarin words: “mith” (grey) and “ril” (glitter).

Hex #878787
RGB 135, 135, 135
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 47


This bright and playful color is a sunny yellow with hints of orange. Its name brings to mind childhood memories of macaroni art projects and cheesy pasta dishes.

Hex #E5D79A
RGB 229, 215, 154
CMYK 0, 6, 33, 10


Moccasin is a light, warm beige named after traditional Native American footwear. It’s a soft leather shoe made of deerskin or other soft leather.

RGB 251, 235, 214
CMYK 0, 6, 15, 2


Mocha is a medium-dark brown with warm undertones, resembling the shade of roasted coffee beans. It gets its name from the Arabic word “mukha,” which means “a type of coffee bean.”

Hex #9D7651
RGB 157, 118, 81
CMYK 0, 25, 48, 38


Mochaccino is a medium-dark brown with reddish undertones that was inspired by the popular coffee beverage of the same name. The name “mochaccino” is a combination of “mocha,” which refers to a type of coffee, and “cappuccino,” an espresso-based drink.

Hex #945200
RGB 148, 82, 0
CMYK 0, 45, 100, 42


Mochito is a light, bright, muted yellow-green color that looks like the color of lime juice in the Cuban drink “mojito.” The name “mojito” comes from the Spanish word “mojar,” which means “to wet,” as the cocktail is traditionally served over ice.

Hex #8EFA00
RGB 142, 250, 0
CMYK 43, 0, 100, 2


Mohalla is a medium shade of brown with yellow undertones, resembling the shade of clay. It gets its name from the Hindi word “mohalla,” which means “a neighborhood or locality.”

Hex #A79B7E
RGB 167, 155, 126
CMYK 0, 7, 25, 35


Mojito is a pale green with a slightly blue undertone, named after the Cuban cocktail made with white rum, sugar, lime juice, soda water, and mint. Unlike the mochito color above, it’s much closer to the actual color of the drink.

Hex #E4F3E0
RGB 228, 243, 224
CMYK 6, 0, 8, 5


Molasses is a dark, warm brown with red undertones, resembling the rich color of the sweet, thick syrup from boiled sugar cane juice. It gets its name from the Latin “mel,” meaning “honey.”

Hex #574A47
RGB 87, 74, 71
CMYK 0, 15, 18, 66


Mole is a very dark shade of brown, inspired by the rich sauce used in Mexican cuisine. Mole is derived from the Nahuatl word “mlli,” which means “sauce” or “concoction.”

Hex #392D2B
RGB 57, 45, 43
CMYK 0, 21, 25, 78


Money is a medium-green color with yellow undertones, resembling the color of U.S. dollar bills. As a result, green has long been associated with wealth and prosperity.

Hex #7B9A6D
RGB 123, 154, 109
CMYK 20, 0, 29, 40


Monstera is a medium-green color with yellow undertones, inspired by the large, tropical leaves of the Monstera deliciosa plant. Native to Central and South America, this plant is also known as the “Swiss cheese plant” because of the holes in its leaves.

Hex #5F674B
RGB 95, 103, 75
CMYK 8, 0, 27, 60


This is one of the several gray colors that start with M and resembles the color of granite or concrete. It is so named because it is often used for monuments and other memorial constructions.

Hex #84898C
RGB 132, 137, 140
CMYK 6, 2, 0, 45


Monza is a bright red color with a slightly orange undertone, named after the city of Monza in Italy. Since the city is where the Formula One Italian Grand Prix is held, the color is often linked to speed and racing.

Hex #C7031E
RGB 199, 3, 30
CMYK 0, 98, 85, 22


Moondance is a pale beige with a yellowish undertone, reminiscent of the soft glow of the moon at night. This name comes from the title of a popular song by the musician Van Morrison.

RGB 229, 222, 204
CMYK 0, 3, 11, 10


Moonlight is a light shade of beige with a slightly pinkish tint, which is related to the moon-beige marble, comprised of metamorphic rock composed of recrystallized carbonate minerals.

Hex #F6EED5
RGB 246, 238, 213
CMYK 0, 3, 13, 4


Moonraker is one of the medium purple colors that start with M. It looks like a light lavender. The film “Moonraker,” part of the James Bond series, inspired the name.

Hex #C0B2D7
RGB 192, 178, 215
CMYK 11, 17, 0, 16


Moonscape is a medium shade of mauve with gray undertones. It receives its name from the moon’s gray surface. The gray hue you see originates from the Moon’s surface, which is made up of oxygen, silicon, magnesium, iron, calcium, and aluminum. [6]

Hex #725F69
RGB 114, 95, 105
CMYK 0, 17, 8, 55


Moonwalk is a medium shade of gray with a slightly bluish tint. It gets its name from the iconic dance move performed by Michael Jackson.

RGB 190, 190, 196
CMYK 3, 3, 0, 23


This is another M color, specifically a dark shade of green with a subtle brown undertone, named after the mythical and terrifying swamp monster from the movie of the same name.

Hex #1F5429
RGB 31, 84, 41
CMYK 63, 0, 51, 67


Moorland is a medium grayish-green with a little yellow undertone. The wide-open moorlands inspired this name.

Hex #A6AB9B
RGB 166, 171, 155
CMYK 3, 0, 9, 33


Morel has a medium shade of brown with a subtle brown undertone. It resembles the colors of the same-named edible fungus, which is appreciated for its rich, earthy flavor.

Hex #685C53
RGB 104, 92, 83
CMYK 0, 12, 20, 59


Morocco is a medium-dark shade of brown with red undertones inspired by Morocco’s architecture.

Hex #B67267
RGB 182, 114, 103
CMYK 0, 37, 43, 29


Mosque is a dark shade of green with strong blue undertones. You can call it dark teal. It gets its name from the places of worship for Muslims (followers of Islam). Moreover, it’s the color of the dome of the Prophet’s mosque, painted green in 1253 A.H.

Hex #005F5B
RGB 0, 95, 91
CMYK 100, 0, 4, 63


Moss is a deep green with a yellow undertone, named after the little, delicate plants that thrive in wet, shaded locations.

Hex #009051
RGB 0, 144, 81
CMYK 100, 0, 44, 44


Mosslands is a medium green with a slight gray undertone. It takes its name from the marshy regions where moss is commonly found.

Hex #779966
RGB 119, 153, 102
CMYK 22, 0, 33, 40


Mossy, another color that begins with M, inspired by the appearance of moss, is a medium-dark shade of green with brown overtones.

Hex #857349
RGB 133, 115, 73
CMYK 0, 14, 45, 48


Moth is a muted beige with a hint of yellow undertones, named after the same-named bug.

RGB 210, 203, 175
CMYK 0, 3, 17, 18


This is a medium yellowish-green with a hint of brown. It is named after the concept of a “motherland,” frequently used to represent a person’s country of origin or ancestral homeland.

Hex #BCB667
RGB 188, 182, 103
CMYK 0, 3, 45, 26


Muddy is a deep shade of brown with orange undertones. It gets its name from how wet clay soil becomes thick and muddy after rain or flooding.

Hex #A13905
RGB 161, 57, 5
CMYK 0, 65, 97, 37


Muesli is a medium shade of brown with yellow undertones. It is named after a popular Swiss morning cereal made with rolled oats, almonds, and dried fruit.

Hex #9E7E53
RGB 158, 126, 83
CMYK 0, 20, 47, 38


Mulberry is a dark shade of red with a purple undertone. It takes its name from the mulberry tree’s fruit, commonly used in jams and other delicious sweets.

Hex #920A4E
RGB 146, 10, 78
CMYK 0, 93, 47, 43


Another M color, Mule is a medium-dark shade of brown with gray undertones, named after the color of the animal’s coat.

Hex #827B77
RGB 130, 123, 119
CMYK 0, 5, 8, 49


Murasaki is a dark shade of purple with blue undertones, named after the Japanese word for purple.

Hex #4F284B
RGB 79, 40, 75
CMYK 0, 49, 5, 69


What could be more soothing than the murmur of a river?

Murmur is a light shade of gray with a hint of green, named after a soft, low continuous sound, like the noise of a river.

Hex #D2D8D2
RGB 210, 216, 210
CMYK 3, 0, 3, 15


Mushroom is a medium shade of taupe with pink undertones, named after the color of the edible fungus. This color can be found in a variety of mushrooms, including cremini, portabello, and button.

RGB 189, 172, 163
CMYK 0, 9, 14, 26


Mustang is a rich brown with red undertones, named after the wild horse breed.

Hex #5E4A47
RGB 94, 74, 71
CMYK 0, 21, 24, 63


Mustard is a medium shade of yellow with brown undertones, named after the yellow mustard seeds used to make mustard.

Hex #CEB301
RGB 206, 179, 1
CMYK 0, 13, 100, 19


Mutabilis is a medium shade of pink with brown undertones. Its name is derived from a very unusual rose with exceptional blossoming potential and overall health.

Hex #C29594
RGB 194, 149, 148
CMYK 0, 23, 24, 24


Mykonos is a bright shade of blue with green undertones, named after the Greek island famous for its blue-roofed buildings. Today, this lovely Greek island has a rigorous color code requiring doors and windows to be painted blue, blue-green, green, or red. 

This stems from a tradition in which sailors painted their doors blue, farmers painted them green, and everyone else used red.

Hex #387ABE
RGB 56, 122, 190
CMYK 71, 36, 0, 25


Myrtle is a dark shade of green with blue undertones, named after the evergreen shrub with glossy leaves.

Hex #21421E
RGB 33, 66, 30
CMYK 50, 0, 55, 74

Other Colors That Start with M

Magnolia Petal
Hex #F7EEE3
RGB 247, 238, 227
CMYK 0, 4, 8, 3

Mai Tai
Hex #A56531
RGB 165, 101, 49
CMYK 0, 39, 70, 35

Maiden’s Blush
Hex #F3D3BF
RGB 243, 211, 191
CMYK 0, 13, 21, 5

Maison Verte
Hex #E5F0D9
RGB 229, 240, 217
CMYK 5, 0, 10, 6

Majestic Dune
Hex #F3BC80
RGB 243, 188, 128
CMYK 0, 23, 47, 5

Majestic Eggplant
Hex #443388
RGB 68, 51, 136
CMYK 50, 63, 0, 47

Majestic Evergreen
Hex #7D8878
RGB 125, 136, 120
CMYK 8, 0, 12, 47

Majestic Magenta
Hex #EE4488
RGB 238, 68, 136
CMYK 0, 71, 43, 7

Majestic Magic
Hex #555570
RGB 85, 85, 112
CMYK 24, 24, 0, 56

Major Brown
Hex #5B5149
RGB 91, 81, 73
CMYK 0, 11, 20, 64

Major Magenta
Hex #F246A7
RGB 242, 70, 167
CMYK 0, 71, 31, 5

Majorelle Gardens
Hex #337766
RGB 51, 119, 102
CMYK 57, 0, 14, 53

Malevolent Mauve
Hex #BB6688
RGB 187, 102, 136
CMYK 0, 45, 27, 27

Malibu Sun
Hex #FFF2D9
RGB 255, 242, 217
CMYK 0, 5, 15, 0

Man Cave
Hex #816045
RGB 129, 96, 69
CMYK 0, 26, 47, 49

Mana Tree
Hex #4F7942
RGB 79, 121, 66
CMYK 35, 0, 45, 53

Mandarin Rind
Hex #F1903D
RGB 241, 144, 61
CMYK 0, 40, 75, 5

Mango Latte
RGB 255, 187, 77
CMYK 0, 27, 70, 0

Marilyn MonRouge
Hex #C9001E
RGB 201, 0, 30
CMYK 0, 100, 85, 21

Marinara Red
Hex #FF0008
RGB 255, 0, 8
CMYK 0, 100, 97, 0

Maritime Outpost
Hex #1E4581
RGB 30, 69, 129
CMYK 77, 47, 0, 49

Marsh Fog
Hex #C6D8C7
RGB 198, 216, 199
CMYK 8, 0, 8, 15

Marshmallow Heart
Hex #F9DCE3
RGB 249, 220, 227
CMYK 0, 12, 9, 2

Martian Cerulean
Hex #57958B
RGB 87, 149, 139
CMYK 42, 0, 7, 42

Martian Colony
Hex #E5750F
RGB 229, 117, 15
CMYK 0, 49, 93, 10

Master Chief
Hex #507D2A
RGB 80, 125, 42
CMYK 36, 0, 66, 51

Master Key
Hex #DDCC88
RGB 221, 204, 136
CMYK 0, 8, 38, 13

Master Nacho
Hex #FFB81B
RGB 255, 184, 27
CMYK 0, 28, 89, 0

Matcha Mecha
Hex #9FAF6C
RGB 159, 175, 108
CMYK 9, 0, 38, 31

Mecha Metal
Hex #848393
RGB 132, 131, 147
CMYK 10, 11, 0, 42

Medieval Blue
Hex #29304E
RGB 41, 48, 78
CMYK 47, 38, 0, 69

Mediterranean Sea
Hex #1E8CAB
RGB 30, 140, 171
CMYK 82, 18, 0, 33

Medium Roast
Hex #3C2005
RGB 60, 32, 5
CMYK 0, 47, 92, 76

Mellow Apricot
Hex #F8B878
RGB 248, 184, 120
CMYK 0, 26, 52, 3

Mellow Mango
Hex #CC4400
RGB 204, 68, 0
CMYK 0, 67, 100, 20

Midnight Dreams
Hex #002233
RGB 0, 34, 51
CMYK 100, 33, 0, 80

Midnight Express
Hex #21263A
RGB 33, 38, 58
CMYK 43, 34, 0, 77

Midnight Interlude
Hex #32496F
RGB 50, 73, 111
CMYK 55, 34, 0, 56

Midnight Melancholia
Hex #002266
RGB 0, 34, 102
CMYK 100, 67, 0, 60

Midnight Pines
Hex #17240B
RGB 23, 36, 11
CMYK 36, 0, 69, 86

Midnight Serenade
Hex #41434E
RGB 65, 67, 78
CMYK 17, 14, 0, 69

Midnight Shadow
Hex #566373
RGB 86, 99, 115
CMYK 25, 14, 0, 55

Mellow Melon
Hex #EE2266
RGB 238, 34, 102
CMYK 0, 86, 57, 7

Matt Black
Hex #151515
RGB 21, 21, 21
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 92

Matt Blue
Hex #2C6FBB
RGB 44, 111, 187
CMYK 76, 41, 0, 27

Mighty Mauve
Hex #8F7F85
RGB 143, 127, 133
CMYK 0, 11, 7, 44

Mikado Yellow
Hex #FFC40C
RGB 255, 196, 12
CMYK 0, 23, 95, 0

Militant Vegan
Hex #229955
RGB 34, 153, 85
CMYK 78, 0, 44, 40

Milk Chocolate
Hex #7F4E1E
RGB 127, 78, 30
CMYK 0, 39, 76, 50

Milk Foam
Hex #F6FFE8
RGB 246, 255, 232
CMYK 4, 0, 9, 0

Milk Mustache
Hex #FAF3E6
RGB 250, 243, 230
CMYK 0, 3, 8, 2

Milk Tooth
RGB 250, 235, 215
CMYK 0, 6, 14, 2

Millennial Pink
Hex #F6C8C1
RGB 246, 200, 193
CMYK 0, 19, 22, 4

Million Grey
Hex #999999
RGB 153, 153, 153
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 40

Mimi Pink
RGB 255, 218, 233
CMYK 0, 15, 9, 0

Matt Demon
Hex #DD4433
RGB 221, 68, 51
CMYK 0, 69, 77, 13

Matt Green
Hex #39AD48
RGB 57, 173, 72
CMYK 67, 0, 58, 32

Mango Tango
Hex #FF8243
RGB 255, 130, 67
CMYK 0, 49, 74, 0

Muddy Brown
Hex #886806
RGB 136, 104, 6
CMYK 0, 24, 96, 47

Muddy Green
Hex #657432
RGB 101, 116, 50
CMYK 13, 0, 57, 55

Muddy Mauve
Hex #E4B3CC
RGB 228, 179, 204
CMYK 0, 21, 11, 11

Muddy Olive
Hex #4B5D46
RGB 75, 93, 70
CMYK 19, 0, 25, 64

Muddy Quicksand
Hex #C3988B
RGB 195, 152, 139
CMYK 0, 22, 29, 24

Muddy Rose
Hex #E2BEB4
RGB 226, 190, 180
CMYK 0, 16, 20, 11

Muddy Yellow
Hex #BFAC05
RGB 191, 172, 5
CMYK 0, 10, 97, 25

Mulled Cider
Hex #A18162
RGB 161, 129, 98
CMYK 0, 20, 39, 37

Muted Blue
Hex #3B719F
RGB 59, 113, 159
CMYK 63, 29, 0, 38

Muted Clay
Hex #D29380
RGB 210, 147, 128
CMYK 0, 30, 39, 18

Muted Green
Hex #5FA052
RGB 95, 160, 82
CMYK 41, 0, 49, 37

Mystic White
RGB 235, 235, 233
CMYK 0, 0, 1, 8

Mystical Shadow
Hex #352B30
RGB 53, 43, 48
CMYK 0, 19, 9, 79

Mystifying Magenta
Hex #C920B0
RGB 201, 32, 176
CMYK 0, 84, 12, 21

Mummy’s Tomb
Hex #828E84
RGB 130, 142, 132
CMYK 8, 0, 7, 44

Magna Cum Laude
Hex #DD0066
RGB 221, 0, 102
CMYK 0, 100, 54, 13

Makin it Rain
Hex #88BB55
RGB 136, 187, 85
CMYK 27, 0, 55, 27

Master Sword Blue
Hex #00FFEE
RGB 0, 255, 238
CMYK 100, 0, 7, 0

Mean Girls Lipstick
Hex #FF00AE
RGB 255, 0, 174
CMYK 0, 100, 32, 0

Mega Metal Mecha
RGB 223, 203, 207
CMYK 0, 9, 7, 13

Midnight in Tokyo
Hex #000088
RGB 0, 0, 136
CMYK 100, 100, 0, 47

Milk and Cookies
Hex #E9E1DF
RGB 233, 225, 223
CMYK 0, 3, 4, 9

Minted Blueberry Lemonade
Hex #B32651
RGB 179, 38, 81
CMYK 0, 79, 55, 30

Misty Cold Sea
Hex #83BBC1
RGB 131, 187, 193
CMYK 32, 3, 0, 24

Moelleux Au Chocolat
Hex #553311
RGB 85, 51, 17
CMYK 0, 40, 80, 67

Moutarde de Bénichon
Hex #BF9005
RGB 191, 144, 5
CMYK 0, 25, 97, 25

Ms. Pac-Man Kiss
Hex #FF00AA
RGB 255, 0, 170
CMYK 0, 100, 33, 0

Munch On Melon
Hex #F23E67
RGB 242, 62, 103
CMYK 0, 74, 57, 5

Munsell Blue
Hex #0093AF
RGB 0, 147, 175
CMYK 100, 16, 0, 31

Maniac Green
Hex #009000
RGB 0, 144, 0
CMYK 100, 0, 100, 44

Mocha Ice
RGB 223, 210, 202
CMYK 0, 6, 9, 13

Mocha Madness
Hex #8B6B58
RGB 139, 107, 88
CMYK 0, 23, 37, 45

Modern Monument
Hex #D6D6D1
RGB 214, 214, 209
CMYK 0, 0, 2, 16

Molten Caramel
Hex #BB7A39
RGB 187, 122, 57
CMYK 0, 35, 70, 27

Molten Core
Hex #FF5800
RGB 255, 88, 0
CMYK 0, 65, 100, 0

Mom’s Pancake
Hex #F5C553
RGB 245, 197, 83
CMYK 0, 20, 66, 4

Momo Peach
Hex #F47983
RGB 244, 121, 131
CMYK 0, 50, 46, 4

Mona Lisa
Hex #FF9889
RGB 255, 152, 137
CMYK 0, 40, 46, 0

Monet Magic
Hex #C1ACC3
RGB 193, 172, 195
CMYK 1, 12, 0, 24

Monkey Island
Hex #553B39
RGB 85, 59, 57
CMYK 0, 31, 33, 67

Monstrous Green
Hex #22CC11
RGB 34, 204, 17
CMYK 83, 0, 92, 20

Mont Blanc
Hex #9EB6D8
RGB 158, 182, 216
CMYK 27, 16, 0, 15

Montezuma Gold
Hex #EECC44
RGB 238, 204, 68
CMYK 0, 14, 71, 7

Montreux Blue
Hex #5879A2
RGB 88, 121, 162
CMYK 46, 25, 0, 36

Monument Valley
Hex #AD5C34
RGB 173, 92, 52
CMYK 0, 47, 70, 32

Moon Base
Hex #7D7D77
RGB 125, 125, 119
CMYK 0, 0, 5, 51

Moon Glow
Hex #F5F3CE
RGB 245, 243, 206
CMYK 0, 1, 16, 4

Moon Landing
Hex #A7A7A7
RGB 167, 167, 167
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 35

Moon Rock
Hex #958B84
RGB 149, 139, 132
CMYK 0, 7, 11, 42

Moon Veil
Hex #8D99B1
RGB 141, 153, 177
CMYK 20, 14, 0, 31

Moonless Mystery
Hex #1E2433
RGB 30, 36, 51
CMYK 41, 29, 0, 80

Moonless Night
Hex #2F2D30
RGB 47, 45, 48
CMYK 2, 6, 0, 81

Moonlit Forest
Hex #3E6D6A
RGB 62, 109, 106
CMYK 43, 0, 3, 57

Morning Bread
Hex #E7E6DE
RGB 231, 230, 222
CMYK 0, 0, 4, 9

Morning Mist
Hex #E5EDF1
RGB 229, 237, 241
CMYK 5, 2, 0, 5

Morning Snow
Hex #F5F4ED
RGB 245, 244, 237
CMYK 0, 0, 3, 4

Moroccan Blue
Hex #0F4E67
RGB 15, 78, 103
CMYK 85, 24, 0, 60

Morris Leaf
Hex #C2D3AF
RGB 194, 211, 175
CMYK 8, 0, 17, 17

Mother Earth
Hex #849C8D
RGB 132, 156, 141
CMYK 15, 0, 10, 39

Mother Nature
Hex #BDE1C4
RGB 189, 225, 196
CMYK 16, 0, 13, 12

Mother’s Milk
RGB 247, 237, 202
CMYK 0, 4, 18, 3

Mount Eden
Hex #E7EFE0
RGB 231, 239, 224
CMYK 3, 0, 6, 6

Mount Olympus
RGB 212, 255, 255
CMYK 17, 0, 0, 0

Mountain Dew
Hex #CFE2E0
RGB 207, 226, 224
CMYK 8, 0, 1, 11

Mountain Peak
Hex #E9E0D4
RGB 233, 224, 212
CMYK 0, 4, 9, 9

Mountain View
Hex #2E3D30
RGB 46, 61, 48
CMYK 25, 0, 21, 76

Mt. Rushmore
Hex #7F8181
RGB 127, 129, 129
CMYK 2, 0, 0, 49

Colors A-Z

Here’s a comprehensive list of colors.

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Last words on colors beginning with the letter M

See? There really are a lot of colors that start with the letter M. Whether it’s muddy, mid, muted or one-word colors, you’ve got plenty of choices.

We hope this comprehensive list of colors starting with M has helped you. Also, Hex, RGB, and CMYK codes will help you for any design project you are working on.

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