201 Colors That Start with H (Names, Hex, RGB, & CMYK)

Are you looking for colors that start with H? Thanks to words like hot, heavy, high, homeopathic, or hint, there are plenty of colors beginning with the letter H.

So, regardless of color family, we’ve compiled a comprehensive visual list of colors starting with the letter H to assist you with your next project.

In today’s article you will discover over 200 colors that start with H, including their names, Hex, RGB and CMYK codes. Let’s discover them!

List of Colors That Start with H


H₂O is a light shade of blue with green undertones, resembling the water’s color. Even though water is made up of oxygen and hydrogen, it is not colorless. Even pure water is not colorless but has a slight blue tint to it. Water’s blueness is caused by water molecules absorbing the red end of the visible light spectrum. [1]

This is also the shortest name for colors beginning with the letter H.

Hex #BFE1E6
RGB 191, 225, 230
CMYK 17, 2, 0, 10


Habanero is a medium shade of orange with warm red undertones, derived from the spicy pepper of the same name. This spicy chili is indigenous to Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula.

Hex #F98513
RGB 249, 133, 19
CMYK 0, 47, 92, 2


Haiti is a dark shade of blue with purple undertones, named after the Caribbean country of Haiti. This shade is very similar to the deep waters around the island.

Hex #2C2A35
RGB 44, 42, 53
CMYK 17, 21, 0, 79


Halloween is a medium shade of orange with deep red undertones, reminiscent of the holiday of the same name. Orange is associated with this nighttime holiday because it is the color of fire and the fall season.

Hex #FE653C
RGB 254, 101, 60
CMYK 0, 60, 76, 0


Halo is a muted, light shade of beige with mustard-yellow undertones, resembling the glow of a halo. This cheerful citrus yellow looks great in any dining room because of its warmth.

Hex #E2C392
RGB 226, 195, 146
CMYK 0, 14, 35, 11


Handmade is a medium shade of brown with cool gray undertones, named after the natural hues of handmade pottery. This name is associated with handmade things that usually use natural fibers that have a similar tone.

Hex #7F735F
RGB 127, 115, 95
CMYK 0, 9, 25, 50


Havana is a dark shade of brown with red undertones, named after the famous capital city of Cuba. It is one of the few dark shades beginning with the letter H that convey energy and warmth thanks to its red undertones.

Hex #3B2B2C
RGB 59, 43, 44
CMYK 0, 27, 25, 77


Haystacks is a medium shade of yellow with warm orange undertones, resembling the color of dried hay. This is the color of the hay after it is harvested and dried in the sun.

Hex #CFAC47
RGB 207, 172, 71
CMYK 0, 17, 66, 19


Hazel is one of the brown colors beginning with the letter H. This is is a medium shade of brown with orange undertones, named after the color of hazelnuts.

Hex #AE7250
RGB 174, 114, 80
CMYK 0, 34, 54, 32


Hazelnut is a medium shade of brown with cool red undertones, named after the color of the nut. It is similar to the color of hazelnut shells, which are frequently used as a heating source as well as a source of polyphenols that aid in health care. [2]

Farmers use them to retain moisture in the soil and to control weeds.

Hex #A8715A
RGB 168, 113, 90
CMYK 0, 33, 46, 34


Hazelwood is a light shade of beige with yellow undertones, resembling the color of hazelwood.

Hex #FFF3D5
RGB 255, 243, 213
CMYK 0, 5, 16, 0


Heartbeat is a dark shade of red with cool blue undertones, named after the sound of a beating heart. The association between red and heartbeat on medical devices stems from red light’s ability to increase pulse and heart rate. So yes, the color red causes the heart to beat faster. [3]

Hex #AA0000
RGB 170, 0, 0
CMYK 0, 100, 100, 33


Heartless is a dark shade of purple with red undertones. However, purple is emotional rather than heartless.

Hex #623B70
RGB 98, 59, 112
CMYK 13, 47, 0, 56


Heartwarming is a medium shade of red with orange undertones. The term refers to something that makes people happy.

Hex #BF1818
RGB 191, 24, 24
CMYK 0, 87, 87, 25


Helium is a light shade of gray with blue undertones, named after the chemical element, the second most abundant element after hydrogen. [4]

Hex #EAE5D8
RGB 234, 229, 216
CMYK 0, 2, 8, 8


Hemp is a medium shade of brown with gray undertones inspired by the natural color of hemp fibers. This plant of the Cannabaceae family is grown for its bast fiber or edible seeds.

Hex #987D73
RGB 152, 125, 115
CMYK 0, 18, 24, 40


Herbal is a medium shade of green with blue undertones, named after the natural color of herbs used in cooking.

Hex #29AB87
RGB 41, 171, 135
CMYK 76, 0, 21, 33


Herbalist is a light shade of green with yellow undertones, inspired by a herbal medicine practitioner who uses plants for healing.

Hex #969E86
RGB 150, 158, 134
CMYK 5, 0, 15, 38


Herbivore is a light green with yellow undertones. It was named after an animal that eats plants.

Hex #88EE77
RGB 136, 238, 119
CMYK 43, 0, 50, 7


Heron is a blue-gray with purple undertones, named after the tricolored heron, a coastal bird species only found in freshwater wetlands or lakes.

Hex #62617E
RGB 98, 97, 126
CMYK 22, 23, 0, 51


Hibernation is a medium-dark purple shade with cool undertones.

Hex #6F5166
RGB 111, 81, 102
CMYK 0, 27, 8, 56


Hibiscus is a bright, pinkish-magenta shade with purple undertones. The color name refers to a tropical flower used for centuries for decorative and medicinal purposes.

Hex #B6316C
RGB 182, 49, 108
CMYK 0, 73, 41, 29


Hickory is a muted, light shade of brown with red undertones. The color is named after the wood of the hickory tree, commonly used for furniture and flooring.

Hex #B7A28E
RGB 183, 162, 142
CMYK 0, 11, 22, 28


Highland is a medium-dark green shade with warm undertones. The vast expanses of the Scottish Highlands inspired this color.

Hex #7A9461
RGB 122, 148, 97
CMYK 18, 0, 34, 42


Highlander is a dark green shade with cool undertones. The color name references the Scottish people who live in the highlands. The Highlanders were said to be of Celtic origin and spoke a Celtic language from Scotland’s rugged northern hills and mountains. [5]

Hex #3A533D
RGB 58, 83, 61
CMYK 30, 0, 27, 67


Highlands is a medium green with a hint of blue undertones. Its refreshing color resembles the lush greenery found in mountainous regions.

Hex #449084
RGB 68, 144, 132
CMYK 53, 0, 8, 44


Himalaya is a dark, earthy brown with a yellow undertone that calls to mind the rocky terrain in the Himalayan mountains.

Hex #736330
RGB 115, 99, 48
CMYK 0, 14, 58, 55


Hinterland is a medium olive green with a hint of gray undertones. It is a versatile color that can be associated with a region that is located inland from the coast.

Hex #616C51
RGB 97, 108, 81
CMYK 10, 0, 25, 58


Hippy is a light yellow color with a greenish tint. Tempered with a slight black value to create the greenish-yellow popular during the hippie movement of the 1960s.

Hex #EAE583
RGB 234, 229, 131
CMYK 0, 2, 44, 8


Hive is a light yellow with a slight greenish tinge. It’s a vibrant color that brings to mind the color of a honeycomb.

Hex #FFFF77
RGB 255, 255, 119
CMYK 0, 0, 53, 0


Hobgoblin is a rich teal with blue undertones. It is a mysterious and intriguing color often associated with supernatural beings. This vibrant color is ideal for creating a relaxed atmosphere.

Hex #01AD8F
RGB 1, 173, 143
CMYK 99, 0, 17, 32


Hollandaise is a bright yellow with maximum saturation. It is a lively and energetic color often associated with the famous sauce of the same name, which is made of egg yolk, melted butter, and lemon juice.

Hex #FFEE44
RGB 255, 238, 68
CMYK 0, 7, 73, 0


Homegrown is a medium green with yellow undertones. It is a color that brings to mind the fresh produce grown in a garden.

Hex #63884A
RGB 99, 136, 74
CMYK 27, 0, 46, 47


Homeworld is a bright blue with a slight hint of green undertones. It reminds us of the color of a real-time strategy video game’s logo.

Hex #2299DD
RGB 34, 153, 221
CMYK 85, 31, 0, 13


Honey is a medium golden brown with warm undertones. It is a color reminiscent of honey’s sweet taste. However, honey’s color is determined by the pollen gathered by a hive. Therefore, it can range from nearly colorless to dark brown.

Hex #BA9238
RGB 186, 146, 56
CMYK 0, 22, 70, 27


Honeycomb is a bright yellow with orange undertones. It is a lively and cheerful color reminiscent of the hexagonal cells in a beehive.

However, because each emerging bee leaves a cocoon, the comb turns yellow, tan, brown, and dark brown.

Hex #DDAA11
RGB 221, 170, 17
CMYK 0, 23, 92, 13


Honeydew is a light, pale green with a hint of yellow undertones. It is a refreshing and soothing color often associated with the fruit of the same name.

Hex #F0FFF0
RGB 240, 255, 240
CMYK 6, 0, 6, 0


Honeysuckle is a medium yellow with strong green undertones. It is a cheerful and lively color that is reminiscent of the sweet-smelling flowers of the honeysuckle plant.

These long-lasting flowers have yellow, pink, peach, red, and creamy white blooms.

Hex #E8ED69
RGB 232, 237, 105
CMYK 2, 0, 56, 7


Horizon is a medium blue-gray color with a hint of green undertones. It is a calm and serene color often associated with the horizon where the sky meets the sea.

Hex #648894
RGB 100, 136, 148
CMYK 32, 8, 0, 42


Horseradish is a light shade of beige with a slightly yellow-green undertone. It is similar to the root vegetable of the same name, which has a pale creamy color and a pungent taste and odor.

Hex #E6DFC4
RGB 230, 223, 196
CMYK 0, 3, 15, 10


Hotspot is one of the red colors starting with H.

Hotspot is a vibrant and bold red-orange shade with a medium saturation level. This color reminds us of a small area with a relatively high temperature compared to its surroundings rather than a traditional wifi hotspot.

Hex #FF4433
RGB 255, 68, 51
CMYK 0, 73, 80, 0


Hourglass is a light, warm gray color with a slight yellow-beige tint. Its name refers to the hourglass timer, often made of clear glass or a similar color.

Hex #E5E0D5
RGB 229, 224, 213
CMYK 0, 2, 7, 10


Hulk is a dark, intense shade of green with a strong yellow undertone. It is named after the Marvel comic book character, The Incredible Hulk, known for his green skin.

Hex #008000
RGB 0, 128, 0
CMYK 100, 0, 100, 50


Hummus is a medium shade of beige with a subtle pinkish-orange tint. Its name is inspired by the popular Middle Eastern dip made from chickpeas, which has a similar color. Although it was one of the first human foods, the fact that it still exists today says a lot about its flavor and nutritional value.

Hex #EECC99
RGB 238, 204, 153
CMYK 0, 14, 36, 7


Hunter is a dark shade of green with a hint of yellow. It is reminiscent of the green color commonly associated with hunting gear and camouflage. In the nineteenth century, English hunters wore the color for camouflage until olive took over.

Hex #355E3B
RGB 53, 94, 59
CMYK 44, 0, 37, 63


Hurricane is a medium gray with a slightly brownish tint. Its name alludes to the natural phenomenon of a hurricane, which can often appear grayish.

Hex #8B7E77
RGB 139, 126, 119
CMYK 0, 9, 14, 45


Hydra is a deep, rich blue-green color with a strong teal undertone. Its name is inspired by the mythical creature from Greek mythology, the Hydra, typically depicted with green or blue scales.

Hex #006995
RGB 0, 105, 149
CMYK 100, 30, 0, 42


Hydro is a medium, cool-toned green with a slight blue undertone. You can also call it a dark greenish-blue or a dark cyan.

Hex #426972
RGB 66, 105, 114
CMYK 42, 8, 0, 55

Habanero Gold

Habanero Gold is a warm, bright yellow-orange with a high saturation level. Its name refers to the habanero hot chili, named the world’s hottest chili by Guinness World Records in 1999. [6]

Habanero Gold
Hex #FED450
RGB 254, 212, 80
CMYK 0, 17, 69, 0

Haddock’s Sweater

Haddock’s sweater is a medium-dark, cool-toned blue shade with a hint of purple. Its name is inspired by the sweater Captain Haddock wore in the comic book series, The Adventures of Tintin.

Haddock’s Sweater
Hex #277ABA
RGB 39, 122, 186
CMYK 79, 34, 0, 27

Hadfield Blue

Hadfield Blue is a bright, saturated shade of blue with a slight purple undertone. It is named after astronaut Chris Hadfield, who famously took stunning photographs of Earth from space, many of which prominently featured this shade of blue.

Hadfield Blue
Hex #1177FF
RGB 17, 119, 255
CMYK 93, 53, 0, 0

Hairy Heath

Hairy Heath is a medium-dark, warm brown with a reddish undertone. Its name references the heath plant, which is often found in warm, sandy areas and can have a similar color.

Hairy Heath
Hex #633528
RGB 99, 53, 40
CMYK 0, 46, 60, 61

Halloween Punch

Halloween Punch is a bright, intense shade of red with a high saturation level that brings to mind the fruity Halloween punch recipe made with Cranberry juice blend, ginger ale, apple juice, and dry ice.

Halloween Punch
Hex #DD2211
RGB 221, 34, 17
CMYK 0, 85, 92, 13

Halt Red

Halt Red is a bright red that leans towards a bright fuchsia pink. Because red has the longest wavelength, it can be seen from a longer distance. As a result, it is frequently used for stop signs and lights.

Halt Red
Hex #FF004F
RGB 255, 0, 79
CMYK 0, 100, 69, 0

Hammam Blue

Hammam Blue is a medium, cool-toned blue-green color with a slight gray undertone. Its name references the traditional Turkish bathhouse, or hammam, often featuring blue or green tilework.

Hammam Blue
Hex #65DCD6
RGB 101, 220, 214
CMYK 54, 0, 3, 14

Hamster Fur

Hamster Fur is a medium, warm brown color with a golden undertone. Its name is inspired by a hamster’s soft, fuzzy fur, which can have a similar color.

Hamster Fur
Hex #A6814C
RGB 166, 129, 76
CMYK 0, 22, 54, 35

Happy Skeleton

Another color starting with the letter H, happy skeleton is a light shade of off-white with yellow undertones, resembling the color of aged bone.

Happy Skeleton
RGB 250, 238, 215
CMYK 0, 5, 14, 2

Harbor Mist

Harbor Mist is a pastel shade of blue with gray undertones. Its name comes from the soft, subdued shades seen in the water around a harbor.

Harbor Mist
Hex #88AAAA
RGB 136, 170, 170
CMYK 20, 0, 0, 33

Harbour Blue

A dark shade of blue with green undertones, harbor blue is reminiscent of the deep waters of a harbor.

Harbour Blue
Hex #417491
RGB 65, 116, 145
CMYK 55, 20, 0, 43

Hard Candy

A light shade of pink with warm undertones, hard candy is a sweet and playful color reminiscent of sugary treats.

Hard Candy
RGB 255, 187, 187
CMYK 0, 27, 27, 0

Harem Silk

Harem Silk is a medium-dark shade of blue-green. Its color undertones are mostly green, with a hint of blue. The name comes from the luxurious and silky garments worn in harems of the Middle East.

Harem Silk
Hex #006383
RGB 0, 99, 131
CMYK 100, 24, 0, 49

Harlock’s Cape

A dark shade of red with blue undertones, Harlock’s Cape is a rich, sophisticated color reminiscent of high-end fashion. The name suggests a certain elegance and mystery, perhaps inspired by the character of Captain Harlock from Japanese anime.

Harlock’s Cape
Hex #BB0000
RGB 187, 0, 0
CMYK 0, 100, 100, 27

Harvest Gold

A medium shade of yellow-orange with warm undertones, harvest gold is a color reminiscent of autumnal harvests and ripe produce. The warm, golden hue suggests abundance and prosperity.

Harvest Gold
Hex #EAB76A
RGB 234, 183, 106
CMYK 0, 22, 55, 8

Harvest Time

Harvest Time is a medium shade of orange with brown undertones. The color evokes the feeling of autumn and the changing of the seasons, as well as the bounty of the harvest. It’s also the color of leaves during harvest season.

Harvest Time
Hex #CF875F
RGB 207, 135, 95
CMYK 0, 35, 54, 19

Hatoba Pigeon

A medium shade of purple-gray with cool undertones, hatoba pigeon resembles the color of a pigeon’s feathers. The name comes from the Japanese word for “pigeon wing,” suggesting a body part of a bird.

Hatoba Pigeon
Hex #95859C
RGB 149, 133, 156
CMYK 4, 15, 0, 39

Haunted Candelabra

Another color starting with the letter H, haunted candelabra is a dark shade of purple with cool undertones. It’s reminiscent of old-fashioned candlelit rooms and spooky, gothic architecture. Again, the name suggests a sense of mystery and the supernatural.

Haunted Candelabra
Hex #57446A
RGB 87, 68, 106
CMYK 18, 36, 0, 58

Haunted Forest

A dark shade of green with cool undertones, Haunted Forest evokes the feeling of an eerie, misty woodland. The color has a sense of depth and complexity, suggesting the hidden mysteries of nature.

Haunted Forest
Hex #032E0E
RGB 3, 46, 14
CMYK 93, 0, 70, 82

Haunted Hills

This dark green suggests the rolling hills and valleys of a haunted landscape. However, the color has a sense of depth and richness.

Haunted Hills
Hex #003311
RGB 0, 51, 17
CMYK 100, 0, 67, 80

Haunted Purple

Another color beginning with H, haunted purple is a dark shade of purple with cool undertones. Again, the name suggests a sense of spookiness.

Haunted Purple
Hex #991177
RGB 153, 17, 119
CMYK 0, 89, 22, 40

Haute Couture

Haute Couture is a sophisticated and elegant color, a medium red shade with cool undertones. Moreover, it comes from French, suggesting a certain refinement and sophistication. 

This term refers to creating exclusive custom-fitted high-end fashion designs that are handcrafted from start to finish.

Haute Couture
Hex #A0252A
RGB 160, 37, 42
CMYK 0, 77, 74, 37

Hawaii Morning

Hawaii Morning is a bright blue shade close to baby blue. The color resembles the clear waters of a Hawaiian beach in the morning light. It’s one of the best blue colors beginning with H.

Hawaii Morning
Hex #00BBFF
RGB 0, 187, 255
CMYK 100, 27, 0, 0

Hawaiian Raspberry

A bright shade of pink with red undertones, Hawaiian Raspberry is a vibrant and playful color reminiscent of the kala raspberry species, which is endemic to Hawaii. [7]

Hawaiian Raspberry
Hex #FF0051
RGB 255, 0, 81
CMYK 0, 100, 68, 0

Hay Day

Hay Day is a medium shade of yellow with brown undertones. Its name is inspired by the golden color of hay bales often seen during the harvest season.

Hay Day
Hex #DACD81
RGB 218, 205, 129
CMYK 0, 6, 41, 15

Hazelnut Chocolate

Hazelnut Chocolate is a dark shade of brown similar to Gianduja, chocolate stretched with hazelnut butter. Developed in Turin during Napoleon’s reign (1796-1814), this is a homogenous blend of chocolate with 30% hazelnut paste. [8]

Hazelnut Chocolate
Hex #7B3F00
RGB 123, 63, 0
CMYK 0, 49, 100, 52

Hazy Moon

Hazy Moon is a light shade of beige with yellow undertones. The color resembles the hazy and dreamy feeling of a moonlit night.

Hazy Moon
Hex #F1DCA1
RGB 241, 220, 161
CMYK 0, 9, 33, 5

Heather Berry

Heather Berry is a deep pinkish-purple with a strong reddish undertone. Its name is related to the berry fruit, which shares a similar reddish-pink hue.

Heather Berry
Hex #E75480
RGB 231, 84, 128
CMYK 0, 64, 45, 9

Heavy Charcoal

Heavy Charcoal is a dark gray color with subtle brown undertones as opposed to the original charcoal color, which is a dark grayish-blue. As a result, it looks more like charcoal satin.

Heavy Charcoal
Hex #565350
RGB 86, 83, 80
CMYK 0, 3, 7, 66

Heavy Cream

This is a light beige with yellow undertones named after the texture of heavy cream, which is often used in food and cooking.

Heavy Cream
Hex #E8DDC6
RGB 232, 221, 198
CMYK 0, 5, 15, 9

Hello Fall

Hello Fall is a medium-dark shade of brown with a strong reddish-orange undertone, inspired by the arrival of fall, when the nights become longer, and many plants stop producing chlorophyll. Thus, other pigments begin to show their colors. [9]

Hello Fall
Hex #995533
RGB 153, 85, 51
CMYK 0, 44, 67, 40

Heroic Red

Heroic red is a bright red with a slight bluish undertone. The name of this color is somewhat related to the meaning of red, which is associated with energy, strength, and action.

Heroic Red
Hex #D1191C
RGB 209, 25, 28
CMYK 0, 88, 87, 18

Hidden Paradise

Hidden Paradise is a medium shade of green with yellow undertones. Its name implies a tranquil and picturesque setting, frequently linked with lush greenery.

Hidden Paradise
Hex #5E8B3D
RGB 94, 139, 61
CMYK 32, 0, 56, 45

Himalayan Salt

Himalayan salt is a medium brownish-pink color with a slight orange undertone. This is the color of pink Himalayan salt, a popular type of salt used in cooking. Known for its unique color, the rose tint of this salt is due to trace minerals in the salt, such as magnesium, potassium, and calcium. [10]

Himalayan Salt
Hex #C07765
RGB 192, 119, 101
CMYK 0, 38, 47, 25

Holland Tulip

Holland Tulip is a brilliant orange with a yellow undertone. The vibrant orange hue of tulips in bloom in the Netherlands inspires the color. Even though they come in many colors like red, pink, white, or purple, this is the most popular.

Holland Tulip
Hex #F89851
RGB 248, 152, 81
CMYK 0, 39, 67, 3

Homeopathic Blue

Another family of colors starting with H is the homeopathic one. They are linked to the human energy system’s Astral, or mental body.

Homeopathic Blue is a soft shade of blue that has cool gray undertones. The name suggests a natural and gentle approach, fitting for a soothing color.

In addition, is one of the longest names for colors starting with the letter H.

Homeopathic Blue
Hex #DBE7E3
RGB 219, 231, 227
CMYK 5, 0, 2, 9

Honey Bee

Another color that starts with H, Honey Bee is a light shade of yellow with warm orange undertones, resembling the honey’s color.

Honey Bee
RGB 252, 223, 164
CMYK 0, 12, 35, 1

Honey Bunny

Honey Bunny is a warm medium shade of beige with yellow undertones. It is named after an affectionate term and is often associated with tenderness and warmth. It’s like a nickname for someone you adore.

Honey Bunny
Hex #DBB881
RGB 219, 184, 129
CMYK 0, 16, 41, 14

Honey Teriyaki

Honey Teriyaki is a medium-dark shade of orange with warm yellow undertones. In North America and Europe, teriyaki refers to a famous sauce, but in Japan, it belongs to a cooking method.

Furthermore, it is derived from two Japanese words: Teri (shine) and Yaki (grill).

Honey Teriyaki
Hex #EE6611
RGB 238, 102, 17
CMYK 0, 57, 93, 7

Hot Brown

Hot Brown is a medium-dark shade of brown with strong warm undertones.

Hot Brown
Hex #984218
RGB 152, 66, 24
CMYK 0, 57, 84, 40

Hot Cacao

Hot Cacao is a medium-dark shade of brown with red undertones. It is named after the healthy hot cacao recipe.

Hot Cacao
Hex #A5694F
RGB 165, 105, 79
CMYK 0, 36, 52, 35

Hot Chocolate

Hot Chocolate is a medium-dark shade of brown with warm red undertones, inspired by the popular drink made from cocoa powder, milk, and sugar.

Hot Chocolate
Hex #683B39
RGB 104, 59, 57
CMYK 0, 43, 45, 59

Hot Lava

As you can see, this is the most popular family of colors starting with H. And this is a really hot color as its name suggests.

Hot Lava is a deep shade of red with orange undertones, close to maroon, named after the fiery appearance of lava. 

But, the color of lava is determined by its temperature. It begins bright orange (1000-1150 C), then cools to bright red (800-1000 C), dark red (650-800 C), brownish red (500-650 C), and black as it solidifies. [10]

Hot Lava
Hex #AA0033
RGB 170, 0, 51
CMYK 0, 100, 70, 33

Hot Magenta

Hot Magenta is a vibrant pink with blue undertones.

Hot Magenta
Hex #FF00CC
RGB 255, 0, 204
CMYK 0, 100, 20, 0

Hot Pink

Hot Pink is a cheerful shade of pink with red undertones. Its name is inspired by the bold and eye-catching nature of the color. 

Hot Pink
Hex #FF028D
RGB 255, 2, 141
CMYK 0, 99, 45, 0

Hypnotic Green

Hypnotic Green is a bright shade of green with strong yellow undertones.

Hypnotic Green
Hex #73E608
RGB 115, 230, 8
CMYK 50, 0, 97, 10

Hint of Blue

Hint of Blue is a light shade of blue with gray undertones. It resembles the color of a clear sky.

Hint of Blue
Hex #CEE1F2
RGB 206, 225, 242
CMYK 15, 7, 0, 5

Other Colors That Begin with the letter H

Heat Signature
Hex #E3000E
RGB 227, 0, 14
CMYK 0, 100, 94, 11

Heat Wave
Hex #FF7A00
RGB 255, 122, 0
CMYK 0, 52, 100, 0

Heaven Gates
Hex #C7F1FF
RGB 199, 241, 255
CMYK 22, 5, 0, 0

Heavenly Sky
Hex #6B90B3
RGB 107, 144, 179
CMYK 40, 20, 0, 30

Heavy Brown
Hex #73624A
RGB 115, 98, 74
CMYK 0, 15, 36, 55

Heavy Green
Hex #49583E
RGB 73, 88, 62
CMYK 17, 0, 30, 65

Heavy Heart
Hex #771122
RGB 119, 17, 34
CMYK 0, 86, 71, 53

Heavy Metal
Hex #46473E
RGB 70, 71, 62
CMYK 1, 0, 13, 72

Heavy Orange
Hex #EE4328
RGB 238, 67, 40
CMYK 0, 72, 83, 7

Heavy Red
Hex #9E1212
RGB 158, 18, 18
CMYK 0, 89, 89, 38

Heavy Violet
Hex #4F566C
RGB 79, 86, 108
CMYK 27, 20, 0, 58

Hedge Garden
Hex #00AA11
RGB 0, 170, 17
CMYK 100, 0, 90, 33

Hello Spring
Hex #44DD66
RGB 68, 221, 102
CMYK 69, 0, 54, 13

Hello Summer
Hex #55BBFF
RGB 85, 187, 255
CMYK 67, 27, 0, 0

Hello Winter
Hex #99FFEE
RGB 153, 255, 238
CMYK 40, 0, 7, 0

Helvetia Red
Hex #F00000
RGB 240, 0, 0
CMYK 0, 100, 100, 6

Her Fierceness
Hex #6F123C
RGB 111, 18, 60
CMYK 0, 84, 46, 56

Her Highness
Hex #432E6F
RGB 67, 46, 111
CMYK 40, 59, 0, 56

Her Majesty
Hex #F9A4A4
RGB 249, 164, 164
CMYK 0, 34, 34, 2

Her Velour
Hex #BB5F62
RGB 187, 95, 98
CMYK 0, 49, 48, 27

Herbal Vapors
RGB 221, 255, 204
CMYK 13, 0, 20, 0

Herbalist’s Garden
Hex #119900
RGB 17, 153, 0
CMYK 89, 0, 100, 40

Herring Silver
Hex #C6C8CF
RGB 198, 200, 207
CMYK 4, 3, 0, 19

Hey Blue!
Hex #16F8FF
RGB 22, 248, 255
CMYK 91, 3, 0, 0

High Blue
Hex #4CA8E0
RGB 76, 168, 224
CMYK 66, 25, 0, 12

High Dive
Hex #59B9CC
RGB 89, 185, 204
CMYK 56, 9, 0, 20

High Grass
Hex #BBDD00
RGB 187, 221, 0
CMYK 15, 0, 100, 13

High Seas
Hex #7DABD8
RGB 125, 171, 216
CMYK 42, 21, 0, 15

High Sierra
RGB 206, 222, 226
CMYK 9, 2, 0, 11

High Tide
Hex #85A6C8
RGB 133, 166, 200
CMYK 33, 17, 0, 22

High Voltage
Hex #EEFF11
RGB 238, 255, 17
CMYK 7, 0, 93, 0

Hindu Lotus
Hex #EE4D83
RGB 238, 77, 131
CMYK 0, 68, 45, 7

Hippie Trail
Hex #C6AA2B
RGB 198, 170, 43
CMYK 0, 14, 78, 22

Hipster Hippo
RGB 191, 179, 171
CMYK 0, 6, 10, 25

Hipster Salmon
Hex #FD7C6E
RGB 253, 124, 110
CMYK 0, 51, 57, 1

Hokkaido Lavender
Hex #7736D9
RGB 119, 54, 217
CMYK 45, 75, 0, 15

Hollow Knight
Hex #330055
RGB 51, 0, 85
CMYK 40, 100, 0, 67

Holy Cannoli
Hex #DB783E
RGB 219, 120, 62
CMYK 0, 45, 72, 14

Holy Crow
Hex #332F2C
RGB 51, 47, 44
CMYK 0, 8, 14, 80

Holy Ghost
Hex #EFE9E6
RGB 239, 233, 230
CMYK 0, 3, 4, 6

Holy Grail
Hex #E8D720
RGB 232, 215, 32
CMYK 0, 7, 86, 9

Home Brew
Hex #897B66
RGB 137, 123, 102
CMYK 0, 10, 26, 46

Homeopathic Green
Hex #E1EBD8
RGB 225, 235, 216
CMYK 4, 0, 8, 8

Homeopathic Lavender
Hex #E5E0EC
RGB 229, 224, 236
CMYK 3, 5, 0, 7

Homeopathic Lilac
Hex #E1E0EB
RGB 225, 224, 235
CMYK 4, 5, 0, 8

Homeopathic Lime
Hex #E9F6E2
RGB 233, 246, 226
CMYK 5, 0, 8, 4

Homeopathic Mint
Hex #E5EAD8
RGB 229, 234, 216
CMYK 2, 0, 8, 8

Homeopathic Orange
Hex #F2E6E1
RGB 242, 230, 225
CMYK 0, 5, 7, 5

Homeopathic Red
RGB 236, 219, 224
CMYK 0, 7, 5, 7

Homeopathic Rose
RGB 232, 219, 221
CMYK 0, 6, 5, 9

Homeopathic Yellow
Hex #EDE7D7
RGB 237, 231, 215
CMYK 0, 3, 9, 7

Honey Crisp
Hex #E9C160
RGB 233, 193, 96
CMYK 0, 17, 59, 9

Honey Do
RGB 237, 237, 199
CMYK 0, 0, 16, 7

Honey Glow
Hex #E8B447
RGB 232, 180, 71
CMYK 0, 22, 69, 9

Honey Gold
Hex #E1B67C
RGB 225, 182, 124
CMYK 0, 19, 45, 12

Honeydew Sand
RGB 238, 206, 141
CMYK 0, 13, 41, 7

Honied White
RGB 252, 239, 209
CMYK 0, 5, 17, 1

Honolulu Blue
Hex #007FBF
RGB 0, 127, 191
CMYK 100, 34, 0, 25

Hornet Sting
Hex #FF0033
RGB 255, 0, 51
CMYK 0, 100, 80, 0

Horror Snob
Hex #D34D4D
RGB 211, 77, 77
CMYK 0, 64, 64, 17

Hot Beach
Hex #FFF6D9
RGB 255, 246, 217
CMYK 0, 4, 15, 0

Hot Butter
Hex #E69D00
RGB 230, 157, 0
CMYK 0, 32, 100, 10

Hot Caramel
Hex #CC6E3B
RGB 204, 110, 59
CMYK 0, 46, 71, 20

Hot Chilli
Hex #B7513A
RGB 183, 81, 58
CMYK 0, 56, 68, 28

Hot Cuba
Hex #BB0033
RGB 187, 0, 51
CMYK 0, 100, 73, 27

Hot Curry
Hex #815B28
RGB 129, 91, 40
CMYK 0, 29, 69, 49

Hot Flamingo
Hex #B35966
RGB 179, 89, 102
CMYK 0, 50, 43, 30

Hot Fudge
Hex #5E2912
RGB 94, 41, 18
CMYK 0, 56, 81, 63

Hot Jazz
Hex #BC3033
RGB 188, 48, 51
CMYK 0, 74, 73, 26

Hot Lips
Hex #C9312B
RGB 201, 49, 43
CMYK 0, 76, 79, 21

Hot Sand
Hex #CCAA00
RGB 204, 170, 0
CMYK 0, 17, 100, 20

Hot Sauce
Hex #AB4F41
RGB 171, 79, 65
CMYK 0, 54, 62, 33

Hot Shot
Hex #EC4F28
RGB 236, 79, 40
CMYK 0, 67, 83, 7

Hotter Butter
Hex #E68A00
RGB 230, 138, 0
CMYK 0, 40, 100, 10

Howling Pink
Hex #E50752
RGB 229, 7, 82
CMYK 0, 97, 64, 10

Humble Blush
Hex #E3CDC2
RGB 227, 205, 194
CMYK 0, 10, 15, 11

Humble Hippo
Hex #AAAA99
RGB 170, 170, 153
CMYK 0, 0, 10, 33

Hyper Blue
Hex #015F97
RGB 1, 95, 151
CMYK 99, 37, 0, 41

Hyper Pink
Hex #EC006C
RGB 236, 0, 108
CMYK 0, 100, 54, 7

Hyperlink Blue
Hex #0000EE
RGB 0, 0, 238
CMYK 100, 100, 0, 7

Hyperpop Green
Hex #17F9A6
RGB 23, 249, 166
CMYK 91, 0, 33, 2

Hypnotic Red
Hex #CF0D14
RGB 207, 13, 20
CMYK 0, 94, 90, 19

Harvest at Dusk
Hex #CB862C
RGB 203, 134, 44
CMYK 0, 34, 78, 20

Heart of Ice
RGB 247, 252, 255
CMYK 3, 1, 0, 0

Hidden Sea Glass
Hex #6FD1C9
RGB 111, 209, 201
CMYK 47, 0, 4, 18

Highway to Hell
Hex #CD1102
RGB 205, 17, 2
CMYK 0, 92, 99, 20

Hint of Green
RGB 223, 234, 222
CMYK 5, 0, 5, 8

Hint of Mint
Hex #DFF1D6
RGB 223, 241, 214
CMYK 7, 0, 11, 5

Hint of Orange
Hex #F8E6D9
RGB 248, 230, 217
CMYK 0, 7, 13, 3

Hint of Pink
Hex #F1E4E1
RGB 241, 228, 225
CMYK 0, 5, 7, 5

Hint of Red
Hex #F6DFE0
RGB 246, 223, 224
CMYK 0, 9, 9, 4

Hint of Yellow
RGB 250, 241, 205
CMYK 0, 4, 18, 2

Hold Your Horses
Hex #705446
RGB 112, 84, 70
CMYK 0, 25, 37, 56

Hole In One
Hex #4AAE97
RGB 74, 174, 151
CMYK 57, 0, 13, 32

Honey and Thyme
Hex #AAAA00
RGB 170, 170, 0
CMYK 0, 0, 100, 33

Hong Kong Mist
Hex #948E90
RGB 148, 142, 144
CMYK 0, 4, 3, 42

Hong Kong Taxi
Hex #A8102A
RGB 168, 16, 42
CMYK 0, 90, 75, 34

Hot Flamin Chilli
Hex #DD180E
RGB 221, 24, 14
CMYK 0, 89, 94, 13

Hotter Than Hell
Hex #FF4455
RGB 255, 68, 85
CMYK 0, 73, 67, 0

Hottest Of Pinks
Hex #FF80FF
RGB 255, 128, 255
CMYK 0, 50, 0, 0

Hyper Light Drifter
RGB 237, 219, 218
CMYK 0, 8, 8, 7

Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Hex #11AA44
RGB 17, 170, 68
CMYK 90, 0, 60, 33

Head in the Clouds
Hex #D1DDE1
RGB 209, 221, 225
CMYK 7, 2, 0, 12

Here Comes the Sun
Hex #FCDF63
RGB 252, 223, 99
CMYK 0, 12, 61, 1

Hello Darkness My Old Friend
Hex #802280
RGB 128, 34, 128
CMYK 0, 73, 0, 50

Colors A-Z

Here’s a comprehensive list of colors with more than 1000 hues.

Want more? Discover other colors that start with:

Last Words on Colors That Start with H

The most popular colors starting with the letter H are Haiti, Havana, Hazel, Herbal, Hibiscus, Hunter, Honey, Hulk, Hummus.

From the warm colors of “Hot Pink” and “Honey” to the cool and calming shades of “Herbal” and “Homeworld,” there are plenty of options for any project.

No matter what spectrum you’re looking at, we hope you found a wide variety of colors that start with H.

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