68 Shades of Peach Color with Names, Hex, RGB, & CMYK

Looking for shades of peach? Discover a list of over 60 peach colors with names, Hex, RGB, and CMYK color codes, ranging from stunning pale yellow-orange hues to lovely peachy pinks.

There are many shades of peach since this color can range from pale yellowish-orange to orange-pink or pinkish-orange.

Today’s article will discuss peach shades with names, hex, RGB, and CMYK color codes. 

What Color is Peach?

what color is peach

Peach is a soft, light shade that combines pink and orange tones, resembling the flesh of the peach fruit. Thus, the color peach can be described as a light orange-pink. 

Like any color, peach can vary in lightness and saturation, sometimes appearing as a warm, pale yellowish-orange or at other times being more of a vibrant orange-pink or pinkish-orange, almost salmon-like hue.

Peach vs. Coral vs. Salmon

Peach is a light yellowish-orange color with a hint of pink, reminiscent of the fruit named after. Coral is a vibrant pinkish-orange color that leans more toward deep orange. It is brighter than salmon and redder than peach. Salmon, named after the fish, is typically a lighter, more muted orange-pink, with a slight pink undertone.

Peach Color Meaning

The color peach is associated with youthfulness, sweetness, warmth, friendliness, and playfulness.

Peach combines the happiness and joy of yellow with the enthusiasm and optimism of orange. Some peach shades also borrow the sweetness, innocence, and kindness of pink.

While peach shades closer to orange symbolize cheerfulness, optimism, and enthusiasm, those leaning toward pink are more nurturing and uplifting.

As a mixture of yellowish-orange and pink, peach is a happy color, promoting feelings of warmth, joy, inner peace, and friendship.

Shades of Peach


Peach is a warm, pale orange created by mixing white, yellow, and a splash of orange. It’s a charming and delicate color that embodies the softness and sweetness of ripe peaches. The peach hex code is #FFE5B4.

Peach is an optimistic color that symbolizes youthfulness, warmth, friendship, and joy.

Hex #FFE5B4
RGB 255, 229, 180
CMYK 0, 10, 30, 0

Coral Peach

Coral Peach is a light peachy pink color that combines the softness of peach with the lively and energetic tones of coral. It is a warm and cheerful shade with a mix of orange and pink undertones, resembling the color of ripe peach with a splash of coral.

Coral Peach
RGB 251, 213, 171
CMYK 0, 15, 32, 2

Peach Pink

Peach pink is a light pink with peachy orange undertones. The color is somewhat pastel, with elements of both pink’s soft and calming attributes and peach’s vibrant, fruity, and warm undertones. It is a warm and delicate color often used in fashion.

Peach Pink
Hex #FF9A8A
RGB 255, 154, 138
CMYK 0, 40, 46, 0

Dark Peach Pink

Dark peach pink is a deep, muted reddish-orange with pink undertones. It can also be described as a medium to dark peach that leans toward the pink side. This color combines the gentle and inviting qualities of peach with the playfulness and kindness of pink, evoking feelings of warmth and sweetness.

So, it’s less pastel and more intense compared to the traditional peach or peach-pink.

Dark Peach Pink
Hex #D98586
RGB 217, 133, 134
CMYK 0, 38, 38, 15

Dark Peach

Dark peach is a deep pinkish-orange that can be described as a dark peach. Since its orangish-red tone is characteristic of ripe peach, it’s more intense and can be referred to as a dark peach shade.

Dark Peach
Hex #DE7E5D
RGB 222, 126, 93
CMYK 0 43 58 13

Peach Orange

Peach orange is a vibrant orange-pink created by mixing red, yellow, and pink. It’s like a vibrant and lively fusion of peach and orange tones, resulting in a similar color to coral.

This color symbolizes happiness and positivity by combining peach and orange’s joyful and uplifting qualities. In addition, its reddish-orange tone conveys feelings of energy and warmth.

This combination of peach and orange makes this color a cheerful choice for adding a pop of color to any space.

Peach Orange
Hex #FF775E
RGB 255, 119, 94
CMYK 0, 53, 63, 0

Pastel Peach

Pastel Peach is a soft shade of peach-pink, resembling the hue of the inside flesh of a ripe peach. It has a light and soothing appearance, combining the warmth of peach with the kindness of pink.

Pastel Peach
Hex #EFA498
RGB 239, 164, 152
CMYK 0, 32, 37, 6

Phoenix Sand

This color is reminiscent of the warm, soft hue of desert sand under the glow of a Phoenix sunrise. It’s a delicate balance of pink and orange tones, much like the beautiful blend of colors that paint the sky at dawn.

Phoenix Sand (017)
Hex #F9C4B3
RGB 249, 196, 179
CMYK 0, 21, 28, 2

Peach Blush

Peach blush is a pale dusty pink with peach undertones. This color combines the sweetness of peach with the delicate and rosy tones of blush.

Peach Blush
Hex #E6CDC5
RGB 230, 205, 197
CMYK 0, 11, 14, 10

Salmon Peach

Salmon Peach showcases the vibrant tones of salmon blended with the softness of peach. This warm, lively shade of peach exhibits a beautiful, pinkish-orange tone that exudes energy and delicacy.

Salmon Peach
Hex #FDC5B5
RGB 253, 197, 181
CMYK 0, 22, 28, 1

Alexandra Peach

This color oozes the delicate charm of a peach’s blush. This soft and elegant shade of peach has a warm, rosy tone that evokes feelings of grace and sophistication.

Alexandra Peach
HEX #DB9785
RGB 219, 151, 133
CMYK 0, 31, 39, 14


Apricot is a light yellowish-orange that blends the warmth and sweetness of ripe apricots, exuding a soft and inviting hue. This shade is reminiscent of a delightful spring morning. The apricot hex code is #FBCEB1.

RGB 251, 206, 177
CMYK 0, 18, 29, 2

Blushing Peach

Blushing peach is a muted peachy pink associated with tenderness and elegance. It features a lovely pinkness, suggesting a peachy rose that leans more towards pink than orange. This color can also be described as a dusty pink.

Blushing Peach
Hex #EFA59A
RGB 239, 165, 154
CMYK 0, 31, 36, 6

Budding Peach

Budding peach is a pale, muted yellowish-orange that features soft, warm tones with a hint of light pink, resembling a peach just starting to bloom and ripen.

Budding Peach
Hex #F3D4BF
RGB 243, 212, 191
CMYK 0, 13, 21, 5

Cameo Peach

This is an amazing mixture of soft peach tones with a touch of muted pink. Its name derives from the Cameo Peach Dahlia flower. The slight blush of pink adds a touch of softness to the color, making it a soothing shade of peach.

Cameo Peach
RGB 235, 207, 201
CMYK 0, 12, 14, 8

Candlelight Peach

Candlelight peach is a blend of peachy tones with a touch of rosy pink. Reminiscent of candlelight’s soft and comforting glow, this color evokes warmth and intimacy.

Candlelight Peach
Hex #F8A39D
RGB 248, 163, 157
CMYK 0, 34, 37, 3

Canyon Peach

Canyon peach embodies the serenity and beauty of a canyon landscape, reflecting the harmony of nature’s hues. Its soft peach and earthy tones create a captivating and calming color.

Canyon Peach
RGB 238, 218, 203
CMYK 0, 8, 15, 7

Chic Peach

Chic peach is a muted shade of peach with a dash of pink. Even though it’s soft and gentle, it still has a warm, friendly vibe. Its mood is chic and polished, evoking feelings of grace and poise.

Chic Peach
Hex #F0D1C8
RGB 240, 209, 200
CMYK 0, 13, 17, 6

Cozy Peach

Cozy peach is a pale red-orange with a black splash, giving it a muted pinkish-orange appearance. As its name suggests, it’s associated with comfort and coziness.

Cozy Peach
Hex #EFD4C7
RGB 239, 212, 199
CMYK 0, 11, 17, 6

Crayola Peach

This lively and cheerful hue has a warm, light peach tone that evokes energy and creativity. Moreover, this is the peach version created by the Crayola company – which makes colored pencils. It’s actually a light orange.

Crayola Peach
RGB 255, 203, 164
CMYK 0, 20, 36, 0

Ephemeral Peach

This light pinkish-orange is about a blossom’s fleeting and delicate nature of peach. It features a soft and ethereal blend of peachy hues with a touch of pale pink. Its name suggests a kind of transience and delicacy, much like a peach flower’s brief and beautiful bloom.

Ephemeral Peach
Hex #FCE2D4
RGB 252, 226, 212
CMYK 0, 11, 16, 1

Monticello Peach

This color is fresh and lively yet has a certain rustic appeal, much like the historical and picturesque Monticello itself.

Monticello Peach (018)
Hex #F5A48C
RGB 245, 164, 140
CMYK 0, 33, 42, 3

Georgia Peach

Georgia peach is a peachy-coral color named after the ripe and juicy peaches in Georgia, U.S. – the official state fruit. This lovely peach red color tends toward youthfulness, liveliness, and inspiration.

Georgia is recognized for producing delicious and sweet peaches. So, it’s no surprise that it’s called the Peach State.

Peaches were brought to the US from China via Europe in the 1500s. Franciscan monks introduced peaches to St. Simons and Cumberland islands in Georgia in 1571.

Georgia Peach
Hex #F97272
RGB 249, 114, 114
CMYK 0, 54, 54, 2

Kasugai Peach

Kasugai peach is a peachy color likely named after the Kasugai Peach gummy candy, a popular Japanese-made fruity gummy. The gummy candy is known for its authentic flavor, as it’s made with real fruit juice.

Kasugai Peach
Hex #F3DFD5
RGB 243, 223, 213
CMYK 0, 8, 12, 5

Malibu Peach

Are you looking for a light peach? Malibu peach is the perfect choice. This is one of the most vibrant and tropical peach color names, named after Malibu, California, a famous beach city known for its sunsets and coastal charm.

This summery pinkish-orange color conjures up images of sun and relaxation. Its pinkish tinge provides a softer vibe, but it’s still a lively, energetic color.

Malibu Peach
Hex #FDC8B3
RGB 253, 200, 179
CMYK 0, 21, 29, 1

Marble Peach

Marble peach combines a pale peach tone with subtle creamy undertones, creating a delicate and sophisticated beige with a splash of pink.

Marble Peach
Hex #F6E7D6
RGB 246, 231, 214
CMYK 0, 6, 13, 4


Melon is a lovely peach-pink color, resembling the color of ripe melon fruit, which often features these warm, bright hues. This color is much like a bright summer day, fun and upbeat.

RGB 254, 186, 173
CMYK 0, 27, 32, 0

Mona Lisa

Mona Lisa is a rich, peachy-orange tone with a hint of rosy undertones. It features some elegance and allure, much like the enigmatic smile of Leonardo da Vinci’s iconic painting.

Mona Lisa
Hex #FF9889
RGB 255, 152, 137
CMYK 0, 40, 46, 0


Fresno is a more saturated, lively blend of pink and orange, resulting in a dark peach that practically bursts with energy and warmth.

Fresno (020)
Hex #EF7A5F
RGB 239, 122, 95
CMYK 0, 49, 60, 6

Peach Amber

This peachy-orange color exudes a touch of softness and playfulness reminiscent of ripe and juicy peaches. Also, its warm amber tones infuse a sense of richness and coziness, like the golden glow of a sunset.

Peach Amber
Hex #FB9F93
RGB 251, 159, 147
CMYK 0, 37, 41, 2

Peach Beige

Peach beige blends the gentle warmth of peach with the softness of beige, striking a perfect balance between sophistication and comfort. It’s elegant and tranquil.

Peach Beige
Hex #F5DDC5
RGB 245, 221, 197
CMYK 0, 10, 19, 4

Peach Bud

Peach bud is a light orangish-pink. With its soft and rosy tones, peach bud symbolizes youthful sweetness, reminiscent of the first bloom of a peach tree.

Peach Bud
RGB 253, 178, 171
CMYK 0, 30, 32, 1

Peach Burst

This pale, muted reddish-orange is the perfect mixture of peach and coral tones. Moreover, this lively and vibrant shade offers a burst of energy, evoking enthusiasm and excitement.

Peach Burst
Hex #F39998
RGB 243, 153, 152
CMYK 0, 37, 38, 5

Peach Cocktail

Peach cocktail exudes a delightful blend of soft peachy tones with a hint of creamy beige, creating a refreshing and inviting peach shade. It can be described as a pale nude color as well.

Peach Cocktail
RGB 247, 218, 186
CMYK 0, 12, 25, 3

Bright Peach

This color is welcoming and invigorating, capable of adding a splash of energy and optimism to any space. It’s a great choice if you want to create an atmosphere that’s energizing, uplifting, and full of life.

Bright Peach
Hex #FFB084
RGB 255, 176, 132
CMYK 0, 31, 48, 0

Peach Cream

Peach cream is the perfect marriage between the softness of peach and beige’s creamy charm, creating a soothing and elegant color.

Peach Cream
RGB 234, 209, 172
CMYK 0, 11, 26, 8

Peach Daiquiri

Peach Daiquiri is a super light, fresh peachy color with a hint of pink. It’s soft and sweet but still bright and cheery.

Peach Daiquiri
Hex #F9CEC1
RGB 249, 206, 193
CMYK 0, 17, 23, 2

Peach Fuzz

Peach fuzz is a playful, light peach that’s a bit on the pink side. So, it’s a peach-pink.

Peach Fuzz
Hex #FFC7B9
RGB 255, 199, 185
CMYK 0, 22, 28, 0

Light Peach Red

As its name suggests, light peach red is a light yellowish-red with a slight rose undertone. It’s like the color of peach just beginning to ripen, with a touch of soft redness.

Light Peach Red
Hex #F9CDC4
RGB 249, 205, 196
CMYK 0, 18, 21, 2

Creamy Peach

Creamy peach is a dark peach with rosy undertones. Even if it’s a little more muted, this hue has a lot of warmth.

Creamy Peach
Hex #F4A384
RGB 244, 163, 132
CMYK 0, 33, 46, 4

Peach Nectar

This is another dark peach-pink with the warmth and brightness of a ripe peach’s sweet, juicy nectar. It also has a soft pink undertone, which gives it a playful and vibrant feel.

Peach Nectar
Hex #F5B2A1
RGB 245, 178, 161
CMYK 0, 27, 34, 4

Peach Parfait

Perfect parfait is the perfect peach. It has a pink tinge to its peach base, giving it a slightly playful and delicate quality.

This French peach color name also refers to a type of dessert made with layers of fruit, yogurt or ice cream, and sometimes granola.

Peach Parfait
Hex #F8BFA8
RGB 248, 191, 168
CMYK 0, 23, 32, 3

Peach Puff

Peach puff is a light peach shade with a hint of pink. This color is just so gentle and soothing, almost like a soft, warm breeze. It’s pretty subtle, not too bright or in-your-face.

Peach Puff
RGB 255, 218, 185
CMYK 0, 15, 27, 0

Peach Schnapps

Peach Schnapps is a peachy pink color combining the soft blush of ripe peach with a gentle kiss of pink. This color provides a soothing atmosphere, often providing a calm and comforting ambiance.

Peach Schnapps
RGB 255, 220, 214
CMYK 0, 14, 16, 0

Peach Sherbet

Peach sherbet is a wonderfully light and slightly frosty shade of peach that brings to mind a refreshing scoop of peach sherbet on a hot summer day.

Peach Sherbet
Hex #F1C7AE
RGB 241, 199, 174
CMYK 0, 18, 28, 6

Peach Yogurt

This is the color of a bowl of rich, velvety peach yogurt – sweet, smooth, and just a little bit tangy. It’s a gentle and soothing pink-orange, not too intense or overpowering, which makes it feel comforting.

Peach Yogurt
Hex #F5B59A
RGB 245, 181, 154
CMYK 0, 26, 37, 4

Peachy Keen

Peachy Keen is a vibrant, medium-toned peach. It’s bright and energetic, and has that fresh and zesty quality you’d associate with a juicy peach.

Peachy Keen
Hex #FEA27E
RGB 254, 162, 126
CMYK 0, 36, 50, 0

Petite Peach

Petite peach is soft, muted peach shade, like a ‘petite’ (French for small), perfectly ripe peach. It’s warm and inviting but in a quiet, understated way. It’s all about elegance and sweetness.

Petite Peach
Hex #F1B097
RGB 241, 176, 151
CMYK 0, 27, 37, 6

Peachy Pink

Peachy pink, with the hex code #FF9A8A, is a vibrant and cheerful blend of peach and pink that can be described as a bright, playful peach-pink. It has a lot of warmth, but the pink side adds a bit of sweetness and inner peace.

Peachy Pink
Hex #FF9A8A
RGB 255, 154, 138
CMYK 0, 40, 46, 0

Posy Peach

Posy peach is a pale beige with a slightly pink undertone. Even if it looks neutral, it still has a warm, rosy glow.

Posy Peach
Hex #F1E4D7
RGB 241, 228, 215
CMYK 0, 5, 11, 6

Powdery Peach

Powdery peach is a pale beige with rose undertones, combining the warmth and playfulness of pink with the simplicity and comfort of beige.

It’s a little darker than posy peach.

Powdery Peach
Hex #F2E5D7
RGB 242, 229, 215
CMYK 0, 5, 11, 5

Sugared Peach

This is a lovely peach pink with more magenta than yellow in its composition. A bit of black contributes to its slightly muted quality.

Sugared Peach
RGB 252, 203, 188
CMYK 0, 20, 34, 1

Tropical Peach

Tropical peach is just another gorgeous, pale orange-pink, more intense than sugared peach. Its pinkish look makes it one of the most beautiful shades of peach.

Tropical Peach
Hex #FFC4B2
RGB 255, 196, 178
CMYK 0, 23, 30, 0

Veronese Peach

Veronese peach has a slightly dusty quality, giving it a vintage charm. It’s a bit pinkish and a bit beige but still peach.

Despite its name, Veronese peach looks like a pale variation of Chilean pink. So, if you’re looking for a dusty peachy pink, this one is for you.

Veronese Peach
Hex #ECD1C8
RGB 236, 209, 200
CMYK 0, 11, 15, 8

Tawny Peach

Tawny peach refers to a light brown with a strong orange undertone, bringing a slightly earthy, mature undertone to the youthful peach. It’s neither bright peach nor does it lean towards brown – it’s more of a nude with an orange undertone.

Tawny Peach
RGB 250, 202, 169
CMYK 0, 19, 32, 2

Winthrop Peach

Winthrop peach is a pastel shade of peach or a muted yellowish-orange. So it possesses a bit of the happiness of yellow and the enthusiasm of orange.

Winthrop Peach
Hex #FDE6D6
RGB 253, 230, 214
CMYK 0, 9, 15, 1

Deep Peach

The ‘deep’ in its name denotes the richness of this peach shade, adding a layer of sophistication and elegance. It looks a lot like tawny peach.

Deep Peach
RGB 255, 203, 164
CMYK 0, 20, 36, 0

First Peach

The mood of this color is gentle and romantic, evoking feelings of sweetness and innocence.

First Peach
Hex #F4CAC6
RGB 244, 202, 198
CMYK 0, 17, 19, 4

Mango Peach

This sun-kissed shade marries the succulence of mango with the sweetness of peach.

Mango Peach
Hex #FFCC99
RGB 255, 204, 153
CMYK 0, 20, 40, 0

Frequently Asked Questions

Is peach orange or pink?

Peach is both orange and pink, depending on the shade you choose. Thus, the color peach can vary from shades of orangish-pink and pinkish-orange to pale yellowish-orange.

Peach colors that lean more towards orange are associated with vitality, energy, and enthusiasm, while shades closer to pink evoke sweetness, harmony, and inner peace. So peachy pinks are more nurturing and calming, while the others are uplifting and stimulating.

Is peach pink?

The short answer is yes since peach can vary from pale orangish-pink to yellowish-orange. While it’s typically associated with a light pinkish-orange hue, it can lean more towards pink or orange, depending on the shade. It’s often described as a pale, somewhat yellowish, pink-orange color.

What are the different light peach colors?

As a mixture of orange and pink, there are plenty of light peach shades, including cozy peach, ephemeral peach, Kasugai peach, peach scent, peach puff, peachy lips, and peach schnapps.

What are the best shades of the peach pink color?

Some of the best shades of peach-pink include peach nectar, peachy pink, peach bug, petite peach, peach yogurt, peach sherbet, peach parfait, melon, and chic peach.

What are the dark peach colors?

The darkest peach colors include peach blossom, peachy Keen, peach burst, creamy peach, and blushing peach. 

Last Words on Shades of Peach Color

Peach is a wonderfully versatile color that comes in many shades, each with unique charm and vibe.

There are plenty of peachy colors from muted yellow-orange to pale orange-pink colors.

From vibrant and energetic hues like peachy pink and tropical peach to softer, subtler shades like posy peach and Winthrop peach, the spectrum of peach captures various emotions and atmospheres.

Peach is a color that can evoke feelings of warmth, comfort, and joy. Its shades can be lively, invigorating, delicate, serene, or sophisticated and elegant.

Whether it’s energetic or vintage, there’s a peach shade for almost every palette.

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